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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Restore yuan qi

    Sure! I had a period in the 90-ties when I practiced by his books. I was young and had no teacher available. Result: I messed up my system a bit, then I found a teacher and started with a proper practice. And you?
  2. Restore yuan qi

    You just invalidated a major division of Daoist schools.
  3. Restore yuan qi

    Zheng Yi works with purifying the post natal energetics, and await the Xing method to kick in for the pre natal to be completed. That sort of disqualifies that kind of methods from a Ming method discussion.
  4. Restore yuan qi

    I can only analyze my own method, layer by layer. I'm afraid that since I do not understand Voids method, I would judge that from my own biased perspective that would fail to see the strengths of the method you have choosen.
  5. Restore yuan qi

    And that fact have initiated heated discussions on the subject in the past.
  6. Restore yuan qi

    In my tradition, we would not mix terms in that way. But no, Ming and Xing methods differs (but are interdependent).
  7. questions about alchemy

    Terminology differs between qigong and neidan, so you cannot ask a person doing qigong. Terminology differs between lineages, for example I do not use any of the terms you used in your post. That, and the fact that you use so many terms in the post, makes it difficult to respond to. Maybe Void can explain it, since you are using his method?
  8. Restore yuan qi

    That would depend on the method. If I recall right: In Xing before Ming methods, you have to develop your Xing enough, and then the replenishing is instantaneous. In some Ming first methods, you progress through first post heaven methods and then you can work with pre heaven energetics. But it is a diverse world, so there might be a method where you can go directly on the yuan jing and yuan qi. WuLiu Pai claimed that their methods was bang on the ball, but you have to be russian to take advantage of that super secret method. Conclusion: Depending on method: In an instant; it will take the time it takes; or never because you need a lineage teacher for learning the right method.
  9. Then you should contact Drew Hempel aka @voidisyinyangwho has created that specific method by mixing stuff from different cultures in a very creative way. I do not think anyone else is qualified to aid you in that specific method.
  10. Which book? As in: There are huge differences between different schools, so you have to give more information about the practice you are interested in.
  11. If you want to start with this, you might want to pursue a path more compatible with that? There are excellent methods related to shamanistic traditions that includes trance dance and shaking movements to develop energy and spirit. There used to be a poster here who developed his unique approach to this practice, and since we live in an "anything goes" world, that might be an option. If there are no local teachers, the next question would be: How are your finances? Would you be limited to free material, or can you join an online school? If the later is an option, Damo Mitchell's Lotus Neigong is really popular these days. If finances is an issue, Adrian Chan-Wyles Qianfeng Daoism UK does claim that they doesn't charge for teaching, instead I believe that he reserve the right to pick whom to teach (that's a guess though). This is the Taoist Yoga lineage...
  12. Yepp, one just did. 😁 Find a teacher, preferably live but some advocate online schools as well. If that teacher also teaches nei dan, that would ease things in the long run. Or not, since nei dan is a rather confusing area of study. Forums are not schools, and if you roam this site you will see that we contradict each other quite a lot, meaning that getting instructions here would be rather confusing. But, if you want to: 1) Regulate your breath. 2) Regulate your body. 3) Regulate your mind. That should do it. So, back to plan A? Any acceptable teachers in your 'hood?
  13. Yes. If you want to build a foundation for nei dan, getting some formal instruction in a qigong system might be a good start. That would be an excellent way of clearing the vessels, which paves the way for more advanced work.
  14. There are two issues here: 1) Every attempt to tell where it is, is just an aproximation, just like one of the posts above say. 2) There are two distinct spaces in that general area which are called "the lower dantian". Some traditions recognize this, other don't, and then we can argue if there is a relevant point in having this distinction.
  15. If you post the two locations, it would open up for a discussion.
  16. Internal alchemy for everyone

    I'm going to put the review here for simplicity. On the positive side, it was cheap (15$) because I bought it as a pdf from the publisher, and since I will not print it out it is also environmental friendly. So, what is the method? Basically, if you take Taoist Yoga (or the chapters from JAJ that covers the same material), and you cut out some of it that you don't see the point with, then you have this book. So is it Qianfeng Pai? Honestly, I am not sure. Reading through the introduction gives no hint to any affiliation to any lineage, so this might be a book by a self-initiate with an academic background (which is described in the introduction). Should you buy this book? Sorry, my tea water just boiled up, and I have to pour water on my green tea (sencha style) with some heather flower honey in it. I'll be back in a jiffy... ... ... ...
  17. Internal alchemy for everyone

    Just bought the pdf from Three Pines. A review will appear in my ppd relatively soon.
  18. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    Jerry Alan Johnson writes about the three ascensions, LDT to MDT, MDT to UDT, UDT to exit above the head. At every stage, there is a process of development.
  19. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    Got any examples of what you disagree with? Just to have a starting point for a discussion: I guess that you are less than impressed by the entire ejaculation debate 😁. And if we leave that, the most basic division is between the Zheng-Yi and Zhong-Lu traditions, although there are other schools as well. Zheng-Yi would be closer to your interest in the Yellow Court Classic. There are manuals available from that tradition, that would lead to the material from Jerry Alan Johnson and Mantak Chia. I can't say that I have seen any material in the Zhong-Lu tradition that, in a manual form, goes through the entire process outlined in Wang Mu Foundations of internal alchemy.
  20. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    The birth of the foetus should refer to when it pops out through the head. But I also relate awakening to a shift in consciousness, and that is implied in the stage before the birth, although awakening is a term that seems to mean different things, or relate to different levels of consciousness shifts. LDT-awakening, wasn't that rideforever who used that term?
  21. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    Isn't the building up the Ming aspect of Nei Dan?
  22. Taoist Sorcery/Wizardry

    Jerry Alan Johnson Daoist internal alchemy: Neigong & Weigong training. The secret teaching of esoteric daoist magic.
  23. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    That would depend on the power. Full Jedi? Or the ability to con money from people?