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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Cultivating reversal of water should fix that.
  2. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    And that triggered an interesting image in my mind πŸ˜‚
  3. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    Limiting enough, in my experience. Few are willing to dedicate so much time and effort on practice and studies, at least if I use my teachers school as a reference point.
  4. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    Interesting that an experienced practitioner with qualified teachers choose to formulate that.
  5. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    Yes, and there are several names for spaces in that general area.
  6. Mopai Neigong

    Ahhh, there is some history to those questions and responses. For levitation, seek a teacher that at least claims one of his teachers could levitate. That implies James McNeil, Nine little heaven. For immortality, Nei Dan is considered a road to that. Finding a teacher who is willing to teach beyond the rudimentries is a/the challenge.
  7. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    This is why these nei dan threads are so confusing. "Below the heart, above the kidneys" = way below the navel? I don't think that is the most optimal interpretation, but some lineages do seem to continue to have their focus there instead of allowing it to change. I wonder if that text was written for the lineage that makes that interpretation. Xiu Zhen Tu gives a clue.
  8. Mopai Neigong

    Keep posting, and someone from SOMAD will contact you sooner and later. For the + and -, use the search function for Mo Pai and you will find looong discussions about just that. More Pie Guy is still alive and kicking, although he tends to be kicked out 😁. Damo Mitchell is popular, as is Jerry Alan Johnson. And then there are the super secret styles, but they tend to be "invitation only".
  9. Does Daoists lean where the money is

    If you were a rich lay member of a religious group, would you give of your money so there could be a temple built among the poor, or in your vincinity so you can go there to worship, and have your peers going there knowing you supported it? If you were a cleric, would you prefer a rich patron so your life would be more secure, or poor patrons and a life which is insecure and less comfortable? I would prefer comfort.
  10. Golden Flower | Beginner Journey

    You will find some interpretations of this stuff in Damo Mitchell's book White moon on the mountain peak. You will also find that there is some disagreement between traditions on how these classics should be interpreted.
  11. Looking for wisdom on semen retention

    I was, and will continue with that joke until someone shows that quantum theory is relevant within this specific context. When that happens, I will incorporate it in my belief structure. I have ample space for that, between "shit I can explain", "shit I have a theory for", and "mysterious shit". If it was relevant, as in changing states of substances and transporting the result where no physiological transport routes can be found, there should be no stagnation and no turbidity, since the post heaven jing manifested as semen would return to its primordial state and not become "leakage" in the traditional meaning. Wasn't that implied above, or am I just mean spirited? (I am just mean, right πŸ‘Ή)
  12. Looking for wisdom on semen retention

    You forgot to turn on the quantum process, that's why you got the negative results.
  13. Blue aura people

    Debunkers used to say that the pattern follows the paths where water evaporate the most. Unfortunately, that was years ago I read that so I have no source for that statement. My teacher bought a Kirlian camera way back, and experimented with it. He also experimented with thermal cameras, and got similar images as the ones you posted above. (Not saying it is the same though, just for clearance) He had a short clip of when he ran cold qi through his index finger, and it turned blue on the cam while the rest of the hand was yellow and red.
  14. That might be because you are likeable, while there are plenty of (for example) white hetero males that are not. And that goes a long way.
  15. @dachungzi I am glad that this discussion have shattered your illusions about spiritual training and the people that practice it.
  16. Few spiritual teachers are able to discard their cultural biases to 100%. If you are seeking that in a living teacher, or in a tradition as a whole, you are going to have a long search. Hope you find what you seek!
  17. It's not. Because he fits the description you made?
  18. Sounds a bit like in Nei Dan litterature, when you merge Nature and Life (Xing and Ming) with the help of the yellow matchmaker. Wang Mu Foundations of internal alchemy might be helpful as a start, although most of these books tend to obscure the subject.
  19. Of the teachers I have had, the one that is most well known (american, daoist) once said that he would not teach non-hetero the deeper aspects of his lineage because their energetic system (I do not remember the exact term, just insert something in the line of dysfunctional). So, is that because: As an american he had a Christian upbringing, because his daoist teacher said so, or because daoism as a whole have issues with HBTQ? Personally, I do not know. But anyone belonging to an outgroup have greater probability to have problems with any ingroup. Learning the technology without identifying with a group that might reject you is always an option, or find a teacher that is less biased.
  20. Jing transfer?

    Most? I thought that was a relatively small part, if by this you refer to non-ejaculatory sexual practices. And some say (if you refer to the process above), that pulling up sexualised jing to ones brain might induce problems in the long run. But again, one persons powerful practice is another persons bloody stupid practice. 😁
  21. Yes. Teachers like to eat. If you just want to test stuff, youtube might be an adequate source of information. Many "free sources" also have programs you have to pay for, especially now in covid times when teachers normal cash flow is diminished. If you get in to it, you might find out that the paywall is the difference between an adequate teacher and someone who teaches a multilayered system stuffed with options and possibilities. The down side is that, if you continue, you are likely to spend money on stuff you then decide not to use. I know I have. But I had fun doing it, so it doesn't matter 😊. It might take time to find the system that really "clicks" for you, try to have fun while searching for it.
  22. Jing transfer?

    Got a favourite method for that?
  23. Jing transfer?

    Yep. That should be it. Usually in chains, sort of "A" that is "5" that is "Β₯". I hope you will find it useful. You can also search for the "Idiot's guide to Taoist alchemy, qigong...." There you will have more of his thoughts and interpretations on the subject.
  24. Martial Cultivation

    The tools are paramount. The more efficient the tools are, and the degree of which you master the tools, the likelier it is that you will accomplish your goal. Of the three main internal martial arts, it is said that Xing Yi is easiest to build the foundation in, and if you focus on the five fists, the least amount of material to learn. The internal work you learn there will form a foundation no matter what you decide to do after that. All methods have pro's and con's. And all practitioners have preferences. In the end, you might find that picking one and go all in is the simplest and most direct route. I dumped taiji years ago, because I found the ratio between amount of material to learn and the result to not be in my favour, compared to what I do now. That doesn’t imply less practice time though. 😁
  25. Jing transfer?

    You can always search for his posts and make up your mind yourself. Or check out the Grotto section, where those who fear ejaculation tend to gather.