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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Immortals?

    Both options are hinted at in nei dan litterature.
  2. Immortals?

    The character xian is traditionally translated as immortal, because the context often is about living for ever. Pregadio states that transcendent is a relevant option to choose from as well.
  3. Am I who you think I am?

    At least you have a body.
  4. Hi

    I would recommend any book written in your own language, to start with.
  5. Am I who you think I am?

    Anyone with a teacher/mentor?
  6. Am I who you think I am?

    I would guess that a practitioner who aims for nondual awareness tries to experience "reality" as simultaneously transcendent and immanent, and while in the process of understanding this it is useful to practice one without the other. And using other persons view of ones reactions instead of only introspection can be useful, and it also gives one the option of handling ones reaction to others view, which is useful if one can handle it. And, for sure, in some occasions it is a sign of not having boundaries and being a sucker for punishment. Pick one, both are valid options.
  7. The necessity of thought.

    No hammers allowed.
  8. The necessity of thought.

    That might be true on an overt behavioural level, but unless a person is really accomplished in internal arts, it is not likely to be true on a physiological level.
  9. The necessity of thought.

    While this is really efficient in a lot of situation, it becomes a problem if you are in a stressful, multitasking environment. Or, for that matters, if you have traumatic experiences. Your mind decides for action before you have enough information to make an informed decision. That activates your nervous system, but the slower decision process still have the option to surpress the action. The result is a bodymind prepared for action, without getting any signals that the action has been carried out. (Experiments like the ones quoted has also been done with shorter time spans, ie, faster decisions.)
  10. Too Much Information

    In the beginning, I believe you have to have both knowledge and a belief system in order to focus your cultivation and to have a frame in which to put your experiences. Yes, later on, when working with that which cannot be put in words, words and ideas can certainly become a problem. And in both these instances, certain dogmatic ideas might be really boxing us in, if they are too ingrained in our minds.
  11. Another Forum like this

    Original dao The rum soaked fist Wong Kiew Kit's two sites. Yang Jwing Mings site Healing Tao Bullshido Kung Fu Magazine Reddit
  12. Was Lao Zi A Real Historic Human Being?

    That was a backstory, but who got the Rose?
  13. Healing by music

    Some have teachers. Some like books. Some sell (?) apps.
  14. Was Lao Zi A Real Historic Human Being?

    Is there a backstory for this?
  15. Was Lao Zi A Real Historic Human Being?

    The color gan, purple, is one of the symbols of the perfectly reverted Elixir.
  16. Is life long celibacy even possible ???

    Everybody wants fireballs, but all they get is blueballs.
  17. Stronger chi flow when sleepy

    Is it so? Or are the senses more focused outwards, on doing, when you are fully awake?
  18. Practice with Music - spontaneous / ZiFaGong

    I talked to Gabrielle, and she said that for you she recommend the entire Twisted Sister album Stay hungry. It will fulfill all your needs.
  19. Practice with Music - spontaneous / ZiFaGong

    What you are after is Gabrielle Roth's 5rythms movement system. Not related to Zi Fa Gong.
  20. Practice with Music - spontaneous / ZiFaGong

    My teacher created a musical peace based on the five elements, and had a professional cello player record it. When standing in sung it was ok, when we went ont the next phase and did more active work, it felt like crap (the music did one thing, and the mudra did another). We never played it again in class. He also taught beginners that we could watch TV. That was for a specific reason, to give the visualizers something to do until they could feel what was happening. After that, awareness became more of an issue.
  21. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    The basic story SOMAD is the official name of a group of students/practitioners who, while practice some aspects of a lineage, are not currently connected to that lineage. They have gone under other names, but after a fruitful and non-aggressive discussion on another site this summer they decided upon this term, and we should use it as well. For members of SOMAD, their practice is the ultimate power kick. Once you try it in ernest, you do not go back to other methods. For non-SOMAD, their practice is the ultimate power kick. Seen from the perspective of other methods, it has some (major) problems/issues. As I wrote above, it is based on a focus on the lower dan tian, parallell with a specific mind state. After a while, you do more practices, including a practice where you use force to compress qi into the LDT. If it was just this, there would be very little attention to this group. There are many people with practices out there. The major part of all discussions have circulated around non-cultivation issues. That's sort of summons it. I might have left out some of the annoying stuff 😂
  22. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    Trolling Compression creates stagnation. Stagnation is baaaaad. Lower dantian.
  23. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    SOMAD The official name.
  24. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    There should be a betting pool. 1) Number of posts. 2) Suspensions/bans. 3) How long before the vid discussion starts.
  25. I'm at Chapter 15 right now. I am finding some of the comments intriguing, but I really feel that you need the imagery of the Chinese characters to get a really good grip on it. Sometimes I feel that reading it and try to embody it is actually anti-Laozi! In this, I refer to the discussions about virtues. All virtues are supposed to manifest because one has reached a certain level of development, which differs from the Confusian tradition (which I know nothing about). So really, why bother. The message is to practice until one manifest the meaning of the book naturally.