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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    The Students Of McMillan And Danaos (SOMAD) had a long thread on Original Dao that recently was hidden, for traditional reasons 😁. But if @MattMyster search old threads, go back 8-10 years, you will get as much information as you can. Which is: 1) There is a seated focussed technique. 2) There is a standing compression technique. 3) The McMillan email is doctored and contains flaws that wasn't in the original. 4) There is an instructional film available only to SOMAD, which have instructions that invalidates a decade of critique. 5) SOMAD threads tend to be repetitive and without content relevant for cultivation. Have fun though 😁
  2. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    Zork's PPD.
  3. That's what teachers are for 😁
  4. All these systems have versions of external qi healing, I assumed that was what you were after. The depth of it depends on the teacher, not the system.
  5. Flying Phoenix Spring Forest Qigong One Finger Chan Jerry Alan Johnson has/had a really through curriculum. There are plenty more fish in the sea... Just pick one within reach.
  6. How Do I Build a Strong Foundation

    No. Everyone should start from where they are. Yes You could always do more physical stuff. Kettlebells? Otherwise, find out what is compatible with FP. Build the physical foundation first. Focus on these books will definetly strengthen that bodymind imbalance.
  7. Help Needed to Translate Alchemy Book

    You were spot on in your previous post. It's interpretation as well as translation, and to have a useful interpretation, the translator have to be inside a living tradition.
  8. Do you still believe in Copernicus?

    The problem is not that Copernicus was deluded. The problem is that Copernicus was so materialistic, that he failed to see that Earth is the center of Creation, because GOD decided this was the place where humans should exist. Poor materialistic bastard! Yes! Isn't that obvious? Actually, they used to say that Jerusalem is the center, but a more modern and updated person knows that the center is more north, more or less centered around my house.
  9. The part when he relates to the Yijing was sort of what I was looking for, I'll assume there is more info for students that are at that level. Thanks for the link.
  10. By any chance, do you have a good link or reference to anyone explaining what they mean with the trigrams in the context of bagwazhang? I understand the wuxing concept in arts similar to Xing Yi, but the descriptions of the trigrams in relation to bagwazhang tend to end with correlations with body parts.
  11. Sleep

    In general: Get up early. Get a lot of outdoors time. Physical exercise, preferably before lunch. Eat regular, with no heavy meals after 19.00. Be younger than 65. Do 15-20 minutes of slow breathing before bedtime. No screen time after 20.30. If that fails, search for another cause.
  12. Evocation

    I have a toilet... 😁 Or would that be considered rude? Would it be haunted afterwards?
  13. The taboo of enlightenment

    The unstruck sound 😁 (That would be a hindu reference for you who are unfamiliar to that tradition)
  14. The taboo of enlightenment

    One slap in the face is distinct. Multiple slaps on the other hand tend to blur.
  15. New yogi member

    He can straighten his back and sink/relax the chest at the same time, a focus on the kwa and the expansion of the shoulders nests will provide gentler tools then overexpansion of the chest. That would be the Chinese way. 😁
  16. Evocation

    Booring, and so last century. It's 2020, actually learning the trade is so out. Give him a hack (powerful =high risk of backfire if it fails) and hail the new generation.
  17. Hello, New Member Here

    Search for posts by Flowing Hands. That would be a good start here.
  18. New yogi member

    Are you most interested in the physical aspects, the energetic systems, or the Mind aspects? I'm sure that no matter which, if you just start a couple of threads others will chip in. I will avoid the Mind aspect myself, but will aid in the general confusion and melee on the other two 😁
  19. My way or the high way

    Well, many do. Some find ingredients that marry, and others wish that they bothered to study the traditional cookbook. You never know until you have tried. 😁
  20. Lord of the Rings Q & A

    What is the name of the people that are the last remains of Numenor in the Northern kingdom?
  21. Dui trigram metal or water

    Jing to yuan jing. Water refers to jing, calling it Metal is based on the Wu Xing, going in reverse direction, which will move you from water to metal. Fire to Wood, the same thought. Might not be relevant in arts like Feng Shui or divination.
  22. Dui trigram metal or water

    It stands for water when you have done "reversal", that is, gone from postheaven to preheaven. Next question is usually "how do you do that" the answer is "you need a method" or a Heart-to Heart transmission, depending on circumstances. 😁
  23. Potent Systems

    How does he know that?
  24. Dejavu. This thread is like a medley of my first 20 years of zz instruction, from various teachers.
  25. Strange sensation in upper dan tien

    Me too Loads of stuff, developed over millennia, and over a vast geographic and cultural area. Sometimes conflicting and incoherent. 😁 Sometimes really weird.