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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Jing to Qi - a Technical Question

    One out of two, that is at chance level.
  2. Null

    Heart failure.
  3. Almost like an restraining order? Interesting concept. Although I see your point, that block feature would effectively cut off all heated threads. Most nei dan threads would be more pleasing to read if that function had been in place in 2014, but it would also change this place from a mixed interaktion to, well, something else. It is saddening that you feel this way, since I interpret that as you might be less willing to share your thoughts here. That would be a loss.
  4. Null

    Wilhelm Reich, student of Freud. His book character analysis is interesting. His vegetotherapy developed in to psychosomatic physiotherapy in Norway and into Lowens Bioenergetics. But he wasn't imprisoned for his research, if I recall right he started to either do treatments with or sell machines which he, in violation of FDA regulation, claimed had medical properties. He also died of disease in jail, if my memory serves me right. I guess the moral of the story is (eat this Aisopos): Don't mess with the FDA.
  5. Jing to Qi - a Technical Question

    Voidisyinyang's special brand of qigong/neigong/nei dan. Modern and cross cultural.
  6. New Here

    So you know many people who practice taijiquan that has not heard about Jin and/or Qi? 😎
  7. New Here

    @SongShuhangDo you have something specific in mind, since you do not believe that the three major IMA are working with qi? SFQ? S&M? Or something involving seated in lotus on the ground, in a state between wake and sleep, with a laser like focus?
  8. Slatus blancus
  9. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    So, I would be glad to have a PPD please. 😁
  10. New Moderator Team

    Hi! Will you also see to other administrative issues like the PPD threads? With regards
  11. There is a thread about him in the daoist section, ca 2012.
  12. "Random one-liners"
  13. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    So you are probably at the stage of clearing the vessels then, and extracting lead (a nei dan term) comes in later in the process.
  14. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    So it is a Nei Dan course?
  15. And moderation is back. 😁 I Welcome that, but I am sure there will be a thread about it being too harsh. You cannot please all.
  16. Question about Spiritual Cultivation, Internal Alchemy

    Kong jing gong. Its about a qigong method.
  17. And now I am going to do some meditation to get the image of this out of my head 😁
  18. Yes. Why listen to advice coming from other peoples experience, handed down in old traditions, when you can learn first hand what works and what doesn't. Ironically, that might mean changing ones view 😁
  19. Question about Spiritual Cultivation, Internal Alchemy

    So you have read up on the subject? Dong and Raffill:Empty Force? Chia: Cosmic Healing I?
  20. Question about Spiritual Cultivation, Internal Alchemy

    If you want to have a good laugh, find one of the yellow bamboo clips where people believe they can affect other peoples bodies with external qi, and fail. Usually ends with an ouch. Yes, there are practices that train that ability. Call it Lin Kong Jin, or Thunder Palms, or Poison Hands,, just to name some examples.
  21. @angstg you have probably gone through the threads in the Grotto, where much of what has been written here can be found as well. Edit: I highly recommend the Pink elephant thread.
  22. I'm going to build on your post if you don't mind, @anshino23 What might be the problem with SR? 1) The practitioner thinks of it as retention, instead of working with desire. This is basically suppression. 2) The practitioner is too young. As a layman (as opposite to a monk), life has different phases. We are socially and biologically wired to go through relationships while young. If we still live in society, and are surrounded with the very persons we desire, there might be psychological and physiological triggers that we encounter that activate sexual desire. If the practitioner is older, and have gone through relationships, this will be easier to handle. There have been interesting studies/analyses on Catholic priests, and how joining priset seminar at a too young age can become a hindrance in sexual/emotional maturity. 3) The practitioner lack foundation skill. There are many traditional arts, developed in monasteries or by hermits, that deals with the above. In those arts it is called foundation practices, but it is still way beyond what is taught in this modern world of workshops. 4) Then there is always the question: Why is a person drawn to that kind of practice?
  23. Feeding lust will create things like damp, heat and phlegm. That in its turn will affect the Heart, translate into unbalancing your mind. Yeah...
  24. Question about Spiritual Cultivation, Internal Alchemy

    Well, you will not find a complete description of the Mo Pai method in any book. It is quite a controversial subject, which have had a number of nasty threads. Dzogchen would be an excellent choice, but you might want to attach yourself (but not your self) to a qualified teacher. Damo Mitchell's school is very accessable, so it might be a good start for building a foundation.
  25. Curiouser and curiouser

    Start with Wang Mu Foundations of internal alchemy, then move on to the classics.