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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. AMA: Ask me anything

    Nungali. You cannot remember what you've typed less than 1 our ago.
  2. AMA: Ask me anything

    Yes, the Jews are being accused of being sinister. I didn't claim you were sinister. I sincerely hope you can distinguish the difference. I was talking about the premise of your thread, using your own words. I was not talking about you.
  3. AMA: Ask me anything

    Ok This is the first line on page 1. The subject of this thread is a historical political takeover. Politics. This assumes that you know what is actually claimed. If you don't, it's likely a straw-man. This assumes that you have adequate understanding of Jewish theology. If you don't, you're not discussing Judaism. Straw-man. You are accusing Jewish people of cultural appropriation. ... Massaged ... That's a sinister word choice. ... Twist ... Another sinister word choice. OK. The tone has been set. This thread is about attacking Jews and Judaism as the product of an intentional sinister conspiracy to defraud and disenfranchise. Got it.
  4. AMA: Ask me anything

    The thread is locked. The post can't be edited.
  5. AMA: Ask me anything

    Dude. There's only one post where I've used the word "sinister". Here's a link. LINK I did not say you are sinister in that post. I said that you were describing the Jews as sinister. Not you. Here are my actual words. Enlarged because you need the help.
  6. AMA: Ask me anything

    Pics or it didn't happen.
  7. AMA: Ask me anything

    If you want a response or a reaction, you'll need to quote what I actually wrote. Anyone can say anything on the internet. You have a track record of misrepresenting my words. And you naturally exaggerate everything. It's part of your personality, or something. Here is an accusation you made. It's very similar to what you're doing now. "Daniel claimed ... ". But, when we look at what I actually wrote, you've either magnified it in your own mind, deluding yourself, or, you're just lying to people. I'm going to type that again. I'm going to increase the font so that hopefully you will get this correct if you ever attempt to recall it in your mind. You've either magnified it in your own mind, or you're lying to people. And that is how to quote another individual so that their words can be read in context.
  8. It's to save screen space and unnecessary scrolling. What are you implying?
  9. AMA: Ask me anything

    Since you won't quote me, I will assume this something that is being exaggerated or completely in your imagination.
  10. AMA: Ask me anything

    It's a false dichotomy. There's nothing to fear from a left-hand-path. LHP folks are extremely ethical, usually, because personal responsibility is one of their highest principles.
  11. AMA: Ask me anything

  12. AMA: Ask me anything

    This is a thread about me. The other thread is not. Indeed. And I did. At least one person got it. I could, but I won't. First you need to ask nicely and state your case.
  13. Downvote challenge

    I'm down-voting the **** out of Luke's posts. Get'em Luke.
  14. Downvote challenge

    ... by choice.
  15. Downvote challenge

    Ok, ok, how about this? By executive order: all person to person greetings will be covid-friendly, butt-to-butt. Say goodbye to the hand-shake. Say hello to the booty-bump. That's ^^ money right there.
  16. Downvote challenge

    It was a lovely holiday. Thank you very much.
  17. Downvote challenge

    ... Nungali is playing to win.
  18. @Nungali, this thread is not about me. I have responded to your question, about me, in the link below:
  19. AMA: Ask me anything

    1) My recollection is that the conclusion to the thread was brought by Nintendao (?) 2) My commitment was to an individual who had told me to stop quoting them.
  20. Here is the text of the French Translation, Book 1, Chapters 5-8. My comments are in blue. Here is the text from the German translation, Book 1, Chapters 5-8. My comments are in blue.
  21. In comparison of the two translations, chapters 5-8 are remarkable in their contrast to the first four. The first four chapters varied starkly in tone. In those chapters, the French Translation seemed to embellish, while the German translation seemed to diminished in comparison. There were few points of strong correspondence between the two in regard to phrasing and word choices. Here, in chapters 5-8, both translations very closely match each other. The phrasing and tone of both version feel, to me, that it is the same author, the same voice, telling me the same story from 2 different manuscripts, except in two very important places. 1) In the French translation, Abraham the Jew, insists that the Anti-Christ has a portion, a parnassa, which can be borrowed from. That's a very strange thing for a Jew to write. We do not believe in Christ, much less an Anti-Christ. The German translation closely matches this passage from the French translation, but omits any mention of the Anti-Christ. 2) In these chapters, the author claims to have tested several of the magical operations in the book. The French and German translations do not agree on which magical spells ( for lack of a better word ) were the ones that the author had personally tested themself. These two deviations are highly significant, because, this is characteristic of kabalistic story-telling. These techniques were not permitted to written down. Instead the students took notes. The notes leaked out. Other individuals, using the notes, add to them, little by little based on their own experimentation. At some point a back-story is added. Addendum, from this point onward, are written in the name of the fictional character. However, because the individuals revere the text itself, and believe it is quasi-holy, or had come from a divine source, they do not make edits. They add, but they do not change. The least accurate parts of these stories are at the beginning and the end. There are sections which are "old" or part of the "original" version. But these sections will often be embellished, naturally, over time. Further, it is not uncommon for these types of stories to have sharp variations, of course. Two or more individuals may have "success" ( in quotes because it's all unsubstantiated ) in totally different ways. Then each of these "different ways" spawns its own group of devotees who develop it further branching off from the older contra-ban notes. Beyond that, the passages which caught my attention were further details which connect the story to a Jewish author. I'm also marking significant passages which put the demonic content into context. In the following post, I'll provide the text of Chapters 5-8 from both translations to facilitate quoting and searching the text. I expect to have the next 4 chapters evaluated in 1-2 weeks. The analysis may become more time-consuming as the content becomes more technical or elaborate. Lastly, I'll note for @Nungali, at the end of Chapter 8, both translations refer to the angels communicating via hieroglyphs. Maybe it's significant. Maybe not. Either way, I took note.
  22. related info from Wikipedia: ( LINK ) Abramelin oil, also called oil of Abramelin, is an anointing oil used in Western esotericism, especially in ceremonial magic. It is blended from aromatic plant materials. Its name came about due to its having been described in a medieval grimoire called The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (1897) written by Abraham the Jew (presumed to have lived from c. 1362 – c. 1458). The recipe is adapted from that of the biblical holy anointing oil described in the Book of Exodus (30:22-25) and attributed to Moses.
  23. I have. That's why I consider learning from these texts opposition research. I hope this clears the confusion.
  24. @Nungali, Why are you confused?