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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Hahahahahah. ~pats you on the head~ Yes, Nungali. Your logical prowess is remarkable. ~eye-rolls~
  2. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    I can try. I need to think about it before replying to make it as simple and brief as possible. Yup
  3. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    No. Not that specific word: "Logo'im" The Logos. It's a Greek borrowed word which was added to the Hebrew language. In Hebrew it is "Davar Hashem" or "Shechinah" which is described as a feminine vessel for the will of God, whose partner is the masculine "P'nai Hashem". The Davar Hashem ( The word of God ) is referenced most clearly and explicitly in Lukutei Amarim of Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi somewhere in the 40s by chapter. If you'd like me to find it, on paper, let me know. There's also a free online version, but, it includes commentary. You may like it, you may not.
  4. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Deleted. Sorry.
  5. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    T'hillat Hashem, Kehot publishing. You'll find it in Mincha for weekdays. Around page 90ish.
  6. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    I'll do what I choose. I am very happy whether you answer or not.
  7. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    There are no secret names.
  8. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Sure, let's see how legible this is? I'm on my phone. If this won't work let me know and I'll either hand-type it or take a better picture.
  9. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Never mind. You seemed confused about something, but, if you don't remember, don't worry about it.
  10. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Nungali, have you forgotten, in this thread, you said you had tested the enochian language and it worked?
  11. Yes, I agree, we'd need to know a lot more about this, but, let's not over-react? There's ways for them to stack the deck in their favor in addition to severely lowering the standards for what would be considered a "successful astral dream encounter between good friends." Notice: it doesn't say what happened in those "meetings".
  12. This is how I account for them. Every dream which is remembered is an opportunity, but, not all dreams are significant. Dreams which are highly significant produce strong emotions, both pleasant and not, on waking. And. Dreams which are highly significant repeat.
  13. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    I recently took a friend of mine to heaven and introduced them to God. One of my proudest achievements.
  14. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    I can show you B'liyal. Can you show me the green cheese moon?
  15. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    I can show you TohuVaVohu. Can you show me a green cheese moon?
  16. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    I can show you Sama'ail. Can you show me the green cheese moon?
  17. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    It depends on the divinity. I work with the divine names of the one called אייבישטער, literally, The Most High. There's rarely any reason for me to use any others. But I know a few. There's a list of 7 angel names encoded in the ana b'coakh prayer recited daily in my faith community. Here's a picture from my siddur, ( prayer book ). But it's not of much use on its own. A decent explanation and pronunciation is here: LINK. Not perfect, but a good place to start.
  18. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Because it is their nature. They will obey. Your question is nothing more than asking: "Why does the light switch turn on the light?" We are talking about forces of nature. Gravity has no choices to make. Neither do these other forces. However, this does prohibit blaming these divinities for circumstances beyond control, and that's one of the favored hobbies of almost all humans. We feel so much better if we have something to blame. It's an over reliance on needing to know, "gnosticism". Once some invisible god/demon has been blamed, then the individual deludes themself into "knowing" what happened and why. This gnostic appraisal double edged sword. On the one hand it's very satisfying to know, on the other hand, the individual has stifled any attempt at real problem solving and advancement. Gnosticism has a lot of problems.
  19. Yoga in Christianity

    If everything is body-and-soul / shell-and-vitalizing-essence, then the law is body-and-soul / shell-and-vitalizing-essence. It's possible, I think likely, that the author known as Paul the Pharisee was writing from this point of view. These shells, as I wrote previously, are coming from the "light" of The Most High, but, it is not the same quality of "light" as that which is filling the shell, its essential vitality. ( "light" is in quotes because it is not literally "light" ) These shells serve several important purposes, not just as containers. One of these purposes is to provide nourishment for the soul if it is ever cut-off from the source of its essential vitality. This is known as forbearance in the realm of mercy and compassion. The Most High knows that we humans will fail. When we do we will be cut-off, but, there is an opportunity to return. In order to accomplish that, we need a source for essential-vitality while we are cut-off from the Source. If the "works" are the shell, and "grace" is the essential-vitality, the author here is telling the reader: "... feeding off of the shells will never save you. It's tempting, of course. And that's by design. But the works ( the shells ) will never save you. Return. Literally pivot, turn around, your perspective and mind-set in alignment with the source of grace."
  20. Yoga in Christianity

    The idea is this: All of creation is on-going. It is not an event which has a beginning and an end. Creation consists of 4 very general, very large categories of creations: Objects, events, ideas, and symbols. All of these creations, everything that can be seen, and everything which cannot be seen, is being created, by the will of The Most High which is creating it all, excluding itself. Every "thing" ( objects, events, ideas, symbols ) consists of a pair, a partnership, of body-and-soul. The body is the shell. The soul is its vivifying essence which is filling it. Both body-and-soul come from The Most High, but they take dramatically and opposing "routes", for lack of a better word. The soul is coming directly from The Most High, in a straight "path", like a laser beam filling the shell, which is its body. The shell, takes a convoluted "path" which begins at the lowest of the low and rises. ( "routes" and "paths" are in quotes because they are not literally "routes" and "paths" ). The idea is alluded to in Genesis 1, most specifically, in the verse where there is a grammatical anomaly regarding the light which is being created. The concept, in my opinion, is not difficult to imagine, although, some struggle with the notion that anything other than physical objects consist of body-and-soul / shell-and-essential-vitality.
  21. Yoga in Christianity

    I'll look at it Monday, PDT. ( Pacific Daylight Time ) Sorry.
  22. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Nungali, if you are confused, it's probably because you're not reading the text in its original language.
  23. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Nungali, if you've tested this enochian language, and you say that it works, please demonstrate. Otherwise, what is the point in bringing it up?
  24. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    True, to an extent. There's nothing inherently magical about the language used for the true name. It's a practical matter. The ritual is built from layers of simultaneous symmetrical significance. The true name in their original language is usually compact and concentrated so that it can be articulated quickly with minimal vocalization. This permits the necessary simultaneity. If the name is constructed from a different language, it will probably take many more spoken words to bring forward the same divinity. Speaking the words out-loud is a very important part of the ritual. I can think in my mind, and contemplate a demon whom I have labeled "Blame". That one word: "Blame" is very easy to say. But the contemplation that is happening in the mind is so much richer and more detailed than simply saying this word out-loud. Because of this, if this particular "demon" ( thought-form ) rises up in my own heart-and-mind, I can easily banish it. I name it: "Blame" and I cast it out. "Begone." It's that simple. But that only works internally. If I want to do something much grander than that, I need a lot more than the word: "Blame". Even-though the word "Blame" captures that demon for me, it's still completely isolated in my own physical psyche.
  25. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    Agreed. Without the ritual it is an inward practice limited to the physical body. The communion is with the divinity which exists in the physical mind-and-heart often referred to as the subconscious.