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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. The Construction of Judaism

    The letter Shin, like Shamayim, is fire. That is a yud. The yud is a point, a dot, with a thorn pointing up and a tail pointing down. It represents eternity.
  2. The Construction of Judaism

    The earliest that I know is Ostracon 18 from Temple Tel Arad, 600 bce. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arad_ostraca However new discoveries are made ( and debated ) currrently. https://www.livescience.com/ancient-curse-tablet-early-hebrew
  3. The Construction of Judaism

    I should have written: "unwilling or unable to assimilate new information which challenges or diminishes your prior assumptions about Judaism."
  4. The Construction of Judaism

    Connecting with primordial forces of creation? Fire and water?
  5. The Construction of Judaism

    Literally Fire+waters = heavens "shamayim" in Hebrew. It's a contraction ( a tzimtzum ) of aysh which means Fire and mayim which means waters. בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ׃ In the beginning God created השמים ( ha-shamayim ) and the earth. ואד יעלה מן־הארץ והשקה את־כל־פני האדמה׃ And אד ( ayd mist/steam ) went up from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
  6. The Construction of Judaism

    Care is warranted here. Abulafia did not write in English. The word which is being translated as "perfection" is most likely "shlaymutah". I've seen this mistranslation before. It's not "perfection". The word doesn't have an easy, one-to-one, translation to English. Judaism doesn't seek perfection. There is one and only one which is perfect. None other can achieve it. However, the notion of seeking a "divine flow through perfection" is similar to other religious/spiritual practices, so, the mistranslation is accepted by many only because it is satisfying for the researcher, and the reader, but not because it is an accurate rendering of the Rabbi's words into English. Ultimately when reading these words, one is not receiving Rabbi Abulafia's teachings. Instead, they are reading the translator's opinion of what Abulafia intended. It's called "free translation". I think it's important that this is clearly indicated. https://glossary.sil.org/term/free-translation It is well known that Maimonides was influenced by Greek philosophy. Many of his concepts seem to plucked directly from others. It's one of the reasons why Maimonides was outcast, his books burned, and he was considered a heretic. Even though Maimonides was influenced by Greek philosophy, that doesn't mean that Judaism is constructed from it in some ways. The mistake that so many make is the assumption that if the author is Jewish ( a Rabbi or Academic scholar ) that they are somehow immune from misrepresentation, heresy, etc. The outside researcher, interested party, has little options for learning about Judaism independently. So, they believe what they read and hear, assuming that the author would tell them if their source is considered by many heretical and cannot be considered a representative of an entire religion. But the academics don't tell you this because it undermines their thesis while reinforcing their own world-view and/or strongly held religious or anti-religious beliefs.
  7. The khazars

    I have not discussed it outside of a geo-political context.
  8. The Construction of Judaism

    Yes, "Mystical Concepts in Chassidus". It's free to read or download. Chassidus is, more or less, the Kabalah of the Baal Shem Tov, a famous mystic, healer, and miracle worker. This is one of the first books I read over 20 years ago when I began to learn Kabalah. https://www.hebrewbooks.org/15600
  9. The Construction of Judaism

    Your statement of my position was at least unclear if not grossly inaccurate. That is not an accurate description of my point of view. It ignores the archeological evidence of Jewish monotheism which is independent of Judaism. 1) The religious affiliation is irrelevant. 2) Details from Dr. Yonaton Adler's research were omitted which produced, again, an inaccurate conclusion regarding the date of conception of Jewish practices. "TAQ" is neglected in spite of its inclusion in your own source and that it is standard practice in Archeological dating. Without accurate dating the direction of influence becomes arbitrary, because, without accurate dating, it's impossible to tell which came first. In other words, what you've written lacks important details and so far you have been unwilling or unable to assimilate new information about Judaism.
  10. The Construction of Judaism

    To be clear: my position: Judaism possesses similarities to other theologies as a consequence of multiple groups coming to similar conclusions naturally through their own cultural history. The archeological evidence shows that Jewish monotheism existed prior to 900 bce, at the Temple Tel Arad and the Great Temple at Tel Meggido. Further, God's infinity is written in the Torah, but, the English translations obscure it. Internet critics ignore the archeological evidence and the written Torah in Hebrew because it undermines their criticism.
  11. Please friends, Judaism respects you AND the others. I'm reviewing the writing of the Prophets of my faith. People cast Judaism in a terrible light assuming we are like the others. It's not true! Judaism is not: "My way or the highway." Micah 4 כי כל־העמים ילכו איש בשם אלהיו ואנחנו נלך בשם־יהוה אלהינו לעולם ועד׃ For let all people walk everyone in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever. This chapter is famous, for those of us who practice Judaism. It contains the verse about a future world perfected where none shall learn war anymore. That future world is NOT replacing the other Gods. We are not like Islam. We are not like Christianity. We do not assert our beliefs on others. We envision a future world perfected which is inclusive and cooperative with other faiths. Tagging @NaturaNaturans. .
  12. Jewish Plurality

    This sounds closer to a description of Metatron rather than Adam Kadmon. My brother from another mother

    They became "magical" after the composition of the Abramelin. Outsiders added the "magical" label to concepts which were foreign and misunderstood. For example, the girdle is a "gartel". It's just a simple black belt. They're worn when praying. The "wand" is a "yad". It's a simple pointer used when reading from a traditional Torah scroll in Hebrew. They can be ornate, but, they don't need to be anything other than pointy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gartel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yad

    You proved that you enjoy making ritual objects. They are inspiring to you. The english translations of occult content embellish and exaggerate. They are a mix of fact and fiction intended to trigger the reader's imagination.

    I grant very little credibility to what I watch on YouTube by default.

    The screen name is a joke. Good to know.

    You're clairvoyent?

    This isn't true. It's a distraction.

    Wise words: "He who smelt it, dealt it." It means, what you're smelling is coming from you.

    The procedure is in Lev. 1.
  21. @NaturaNaturans, Friend, who or what is satan? Do you know? Have you ever conversed with any satanists?
  22. Holy Guardian Angel

    I disagree with what you were told. There is not a "basic" method. Communion for each individual is different, because everyone is different and everyone's HGA is different. Tipheret connects to all the others which is a good reason to cultivate it, however, cultivating tipheret is not the same as "opening the heart center". Tipheret connects to all including strict judgement, and denial. Strict judgement and denial are not "opening", they are "closing". Tipheret includes both "opening" and "closing" and all the others simultaneously, but, the conglomerate of forces has not taken a specific form in its corresponding realm. I would suggest cultivating malchut for drawing close to one's HGA. Malchut includes all the sefirot in the form which is most natural for each individual.

    Making ritual tools is not included nor required in the communion with one's HGA ( their מזל ) as described in the Abramelin.

    I recommend a translation from the original German. It's a very different book compared to the Mathers translation.
  25. Hmmmmm.... So the individuals who disagree are not going to hell? They're not entities? 1) A "being" is an "entity". 2) A 2-d being cannot exist in a 3-d construct without at least adopting the other dimension in a balanced state of equilibrium ( example z=0 ). Here, let me show you? It's basic math. The line defined by the function x=y exists in a 2-d construct, a plane, where x and y are number lines extending from -∞ to +∞ along the horizontal and vertical respectively. In this 2-d realm, x=y is a straight diagonal line traveling from the coordinate ( x=0 , y=0 ) upwards to the right and downwards to the left simultaneously. Do you have the image held in mind? In order to include this line, x=y in a 3-d, 4-d, 5-d domain ( or realm ), the additional dimensions must be included. In a 3-d realm, the line defined as x=y requires a 3d dimension most often referred to as the "z" dimension or coordinate plane. In this case the function "x=y" becomes "x=y and z=[unknown]". When including a 2-d being or function, in a realm with more than 2 dimensions, it's tempting to neglect the other dimensions, but, this is fallacious. The function "x=y" in a 3-d realm includes the z dimension in an undefined state. Neglecting the z coordinates means the z coordinates are irrelevant or insignificant, but that doesn't mean the qualities don't exist. While z is undefined, the function "x=y, and z=?" is no longer a line. It's a collection of an infinite number of lines all of which are oriented in the same straight diagonal aspect including the coordinates ( x=0 , y=0 , z=anything ). This is commonly referred to as a plane. Even if z=0, that means the qualities which are described by z are in equilibrium not that the qualities are absent. Because a 2-d entity cannot exist in a 3, 4, or 5 degree realm without the additional 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. This is the meaning of the words 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d, etc .. The desire to over-simplify is natural. The preacher declares : " I'm a higher level being and so are you! It's simple, it's simple! Gather around, friends... You see? Those other people are going to hell. Those other people are lower forms of life. Those other people are destined for God's sewer system. But me though!?? Haha! I'm made of different stuff. That's why they won't get along with me. That's why they cause so many problems. Are you one of those other lower life-forms? You can choose. Follow me if you're not one of them." It's the same old hateful "us-vs-them" "in-group / out-group" religion with some misunderstood mathematic jargon wrapped around it to make the preacher feel smart. If those other people, who don't agree are just like you, then, it's difficult to understand why they disagree and opposed you since you are so obviously correct. You and others in your position want a simple explanation for why these others don't agree with you other than accepting that your point of view is ... maybe ... incomplete or making false assumptions. 4d includes the 3d. 5d includes both 4d and 3d. Dimensions are cumulative. If what you've written is true then heaven includes hell. 1) Salts dissolved into an aqueous solution is an analogy. It's a good way to conceptualize 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d realms co-existing in the same time and place. 2) You referred to the 4d and 5d as entities. See below: Here you have referred to 4d and 5d beings. A being is an entity. That's one reason why I would refer to 4d and 5d as entities. It's because of what you've written. If there are 4d beings, then, that 4d being is an entity. Again, you don't seem to understand the meaning of the words you're using. Some of what you've written is true, but, it's warped so that fingers can be pointed at those others who don't get along with you and come up with a simple reason for the phenomena which doesn't invalidate your desired conclusion. It's putting the cart before the horse. This isn't a good answer. Truth isn't a popularity contest. Social acceptance on the Internet is often the worst metric for evaluating what should be taken seriously. If you would like to use English words for these concepts like "dimensions", "resonate", and "density", I think you need a much more advanced understanding of what these words actually mean. Otherwise, unless you're preaching to the choir, no one is going to listen. It's not necessarily that they disagree, but, it becomes obvious that you don't know what you're writing about.