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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Who or what is "satan"?

    @Nungali, Do the aboriginal peoples fear or blame all serpents? Do they learn from them? It sounds like they respect them, and you do too? That would be the reason you distinguish between the python and the others?
  2. Who or what is "satan"?

    Does this help? Notice it's manipulation. Marketing. The blame-game exploits a frailty in the human mind. If there isn't someone to blame already, then, a charismatic leader can manufacture one. This is demonization. The charismatic leader conjures a demon, do to speak, just so they have a common enemy to rally the people behind them. The serpent is just such a common enemy. Hopefully you're starting to see how unfair this is to friendly serpents who gave done nothing wrong. They didn't choose to born a serpent. I suppose it's useful to note that this charismatic leader doesn't need to be seeking a large group. They could simply be looking for an individual to be their disciple. If they are employing the blame game, it's likely they are predatory. It's something to watch for. Do they validate your aversions and encourage you to blame? Then they use this common enemy as a way to bond with you? Red-flag. It's marketing and manipulation.
  3. Who or what is "satan"?

    I was referring to a friendly dragon.
  4. Jewish Plurality

  5. Jewish Plurality

    Ahhhh. Got it. Thanks for explaining.
  6. Who or what is "satan"?

    It's not for me. It's for our mutual friend who is struggling. Are you not going to share information from the aboriginal mythology with him regarding the rainbow-serpent?
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    Oh. interesting. Did you understand the phrase in English? Have you heard it before?
  8. Jewish Plurality

    @NaturaNaturans See here? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_views_on_religious_pluralism Don't forget, my opinion of Maimonides... when reading this, please. He's the outlier.
  9. Jewish Plurality

    So what? That doesn't mean we need to force others to be monotheistic. We're Jewish Monotheists! Let me make an extreme analogy? To make a point. We believe God is in charge, and God knows best. What if God reveals itself to my neighbor as a cookie? A talking cookie that flies and glows in the dark? Who am I to argue? God revealed it self to me at Sinai. That has nothing to do with my neighbor and their divine revelation in the form of a floating glowing cookie. Let's up the ante? What if God reveals itself to me as a floating glowing divine cookie? Would I be able to deny it? Should I even try? This is God, we're talking about. I don't choose how, when, and to what extent God is revealing itself to me. So I cannot exclude the possibility that God has revealed itself to others in other ways. All I can tell you is: I was born a Jew. So God has a plan for me as a Jew. If someone is not born Jewish, then God MUST have a different plan for them. That's all. Simple. Besides, making an argument on principle doesn't work here. The scripture says what it says. There is no arguing, rationally, with words on a page. The words on the page always win. That's why contracts are written. That's why laws are written. That's why poems are written. That's why people autograph. Make sense? Don't believe the hype, dude. It sounds like someone's been feeding you false info.
  10. Who or what is "satan"?

    In America, we call it "the blame game." Do you have something similar in your own native language?
  11. Who or what is "satan"?

    @cobie, Do you have anything readily available? Dragon myths? Something friendly?
  12. Who or what is "satan"?

    @nungali, Would you please enlighten us? What are you able and willing to share about the rainbow serpent?
  13. Who or what is "satan"?

    A bear? Bro. Have you ever seen a bear attack? Why? Are you sure? All Europeans? Or just a large number of Christians, relative to your own life experience, who happen to the ones you are aware of? How is this conclusion just? Friend, do you want to hate the serpent? Do you need a demon to blame?
  14. Who or what is "satan"?

    Can the eagle swim?
  15. Who or what is "satan"?

    Serpents swim. Serpents climb trees. Serpents jump. Serpents do not get dirty because of their "magical" skin. Apply your metaphor. What does that tell you? Please?
  16. Who or what is "satan"?

    Their scales shed dirt, naturally. Their skin is beautiful. Prized. Snake skin boots? You don't have them where you are? Here you go, this is a reasonable price. In a way, you're right. But, only if I reinterpret it beyond what I think you're intending. The serpent is being ( present-progressive, -ING ) pushed / cursed downward onto its belly. But its for a good cause. If it is ever NOT being pushed down, it would never, NEVER do what needs to be done: rising and striking at tyranny. Naturally, it's not going to like this. But, this is its function. And it's important.
  17. Who or what is "satan"?

    Dirty? I've never seen a dirty snake. Those are worms. Also, earthy is, not something I agree with? Have you ever seen a flying serpent? I have. They are incredible climbers, amazing swimmers. And, they can jump! What does it mean to "shed", as in shedding their skin? They're freeing themself. What about their jaws? Are they locked or are they free to open wide, wider, wider, wider.... The tongue? What does it do? Is it limited to one side or the other? Do any others have a split tongue? The ancient philosophers were brilliant, way ahead of their time.
  18. Who or what is "satan"?

    What are the characteristics of a serpent which distinguishes it from the others? It is rising and striking. What else?
  19. Who or what is "satan"?

    .... the force: "desiring-freedom". "refusing to kneel" It's very important that it is understood as on-going action.
  20. Transgender Q&A

    Yes, please. I think I made to page 8. But before I head back to that spot, I'm planning to read your posts.
  21. Transgender Q&A

    Category theory... man. It's the way.
  22. Transgender Q&A

    Mr. Mark!!!!! Hello. I see your activity on the forum. I apologize I haven't had the opportunity to say hello until now. I hope you're well. Thank you for the food for thought. Meat Quorn and potatoes, and a sizeable portion too. You're a gentleman and scholar. Counter-examples are my specialty. I'm universally hated for them all around the world. LOL. ? can you find me a counter-example for the universal proposition above ? ? pretty please ?
  23. Who or what is "satan"?

    Your comedy stylings are uniquely yours. There is no other nungali. There can be only one. Love-it! Not necessary. @Cobie knows what to do and when to do it.