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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. It'll be ok. Hopefully you're feeling better by now. Are you sleeping at night? Do you have a Dr? Medical Insurance? It's good to at least have some medication, a prescription, pills. in case you need them. Especially if you aren't sleeping.
  2. Wanting to get rid of Heart Demons

    No, I was thinking of someone else. That said, maybe *I* should go read Dawei's posts? Thanks for the tip, friend. ~giggles~
  3. Jewish Plurality

    Reported as Spam: off-topic unproductive unsolicited rubbish.
  4. Nungali, whatever you're talking about, it doesn't matter. Let me make this simple. If I see you are driving your car with four flat tires, I am compelled to say something. If you get insulted, fine, I'll leave you alone. On the other hand, if you start giving out bad advice, yes I will be there to correct you, for the sake of individual who is getting poor advice. If you explicitly or implicitly state you will be doing magic, an exorcism, on someone without their consent, I will object to that, and probably report it. Done. End of discussion.
  5. Who or what is "satan"?

    On further reflection. Perhaps he's making a plan? And that plan is also very painful to consider? So, maybe, it's: betrayal + the realization of what he is up against.
  6. Wanting to get rid of Heart Demons

    Study the DDJ and don't forget to breathe. Anytime you are in doubt, follow the breath with the mind's eye. And, try to have faith, everything is as it should be. There is an excellent individual who used to participate here whom might be able to help you with the DDJ study. Or at least give you a head start. Their threads are really excellent. Very ascetic in regard to the translation choices and the interpretation of the text. Pure. No mess. If you're interested, I'll look up some thread recommendations, maybe. Blessings and good wishes to you. Welcome to the forum.
  7. What authority? If there is a word which is mistranslated, it doesn't matter if it's coming from a book by and for greek hermetists or secular academics. The word is mistranslated. If there is anything which is supposed to be a "Tree of Life" and the diagram is wrong or nonsensical, If I can show you that it is nonsensical and the original version is better, that should be welcome. I looked at something yesterday some table of correspondences that was attributed to Crowley? It was a disaster when it came to the Hebrew words chosen. Again, If I can show you that the original is better, then it should be welcome.
  8. idk, I don't know anything about it other than glasses are broken, and what else?
  9. Who or what is "satan"?

    wow. great find. thank you. yes. the eyes produce a very specific, yet almost ineffable, feeling in my heart. what is that? betrayal? but not ordinary betrayal? what is it? and then, I scroll down.... bam! that hit me hard. awesome. love-it.
  10. Jewish Plurality

    I have no idea what you're trying to say here, sorry.
  11. ~nods~ It is terrifying isn't it. If there's any consolation, no one else is going to dwell on it like you are. What ever happened, if those events are perhaps, a little shocking? Anyone else who witnessed them,? For them, it is probably out of sight out of mind.
  12. What else besides fantasy? Be creative. What else could it be? Not fantasy. Not An invisible person who won't answer. What else?
  13. Enlightenment - what is it?

    fine. ~grumpy-face~
  14. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Amein is the ... forgive me, more correct pronunciation in Hebrew. Long "A" sound. Awh-mayhn. ETA: Numbers 5 is the best example: In a spoiler. Not the most pleasant verse. But it's still the best example. The middle letter. The one that looks kind of like a tea-kettle, pouring down-ward? That's the "mem", like "mayim", which means: "water". The two dots under, are the vowel sound, "long A". They represent a relationship. Amen is different. Pronounced with the 'eh' sound is different. That's more like Ezra. Totally different... mood. Speaking only for myself, I can't say it without the long A sound anymore. It feels weird to me.
  15. Enlightenment - what is it?

    The quote feature? Why don't you use it? It is very difficult for me to decipher what you mean here without context. I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way.
  16. Enlightenment - what is it?

    May we all be blessed in this way, speedily and in my days. Amein.
  17. Enlightenment - what is it?

    An epiphany?
  18. Are there any other possible explanations? Any. Be creative. What else could it be?
  19. No, Love. Nungali and I are compulsive/obsessive. If we were psychotic, it would be a lot more fun for yourself and the onlooking crowd.
  20. I know. Passions run deep for us. Perhaps we were lovers in a past life. Or maybe these are growing pains. Either way, I've acknowledged what you're describing here in this thread: LINK. Ultimately, I can and should only be expected to be true to my self, to my own individual soul. And the same for my dance partner. I never quit, and neither does he.
  21. Jewish Plurality

    Yes. Acts 15:28
  22. 1) Even if this is true, It doesn't show that I lied. 2) Nungali. If I am remembering properly, that comment, the one you are referring to? I was not talking to you. I was talking to someone else. Posting the evidence means: You provide a link or a screenshot of the lie. Then you provide a link or a screenshot of the truth. Then you would need to show that I did not make a simple mistake. A simple mistake is not a lie. Showing that I lied is a very difficult thing to do. But it begins with showing what I actually said, and then showing the truth. You need to show that I made a false statement, at the very least.
  23. The last part doesn't change the first. Nungali. You said you would post the evidence and now you won't. Everyone can see. This does not look good for you. The time has come to drop this.
  24. Nungali, you said you would post the evidence. That was yesterday. You are refusing to do it now. I needed to remind you, and show you what you said yesterday. You had already forgotten. This is your last chance. Then you will be going on ignore. This is what happened last time. Anyone reading the thread will agree. The time has come to cut you off. Post the evidence or drop it.
  25. Anytime you use a Hebrew or Aramaic word that is in the area of my expertise. Anytime you use a diagram which includes 10 circles and 22 paths linking them, that is in the area of my expertise. Judaism, all of it, its history, its rules, the philosophy of the varying Jewish sages and philosophers is in the area of my expertise. Hermetics and Western Magical Tradition borrows a great deal from these subjects. And that is where our conflict generally arises. If you were to remain in Greek and Egyptian mythology without using anything Jewish at all, then, I would never cross you. But that is very difficult to do. Your understanding of Hermetics and Western Occult practices use Hebrew and Aramaic words, and concepts borrowed from Judaism. Even simple pathworking cannot occur without borrowing from Judaism. You would never have 10 "angels" and 22 "paths". And the angel names are in Hebrew. Everyone wants the Hebrew names. I just answered a question last week from a frustrated student who paid for a kabalah course but the teacher didn't give them a list of the angels or the pronunciation of the angel's names. Of course I provided them. Not that the names do them any good. But, I helped them none the less and let them know I was available if they needed more help.