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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Axioms Against Cognitive Distortion

    Actively Seek Out the Opposing Point of View. Internet Search Algorithms reinforce false stereotypes. The keyword above is "Actively". It's been studied and is well known to many that internet research does not produce fair and balanced information. By default internet search engines filter and sort results based on what it feels the individual will "like", and, these search algorithms are very good at it. The results, therefore, reinforce prejudices and stereotypes. The remedy is to do the hard work of actively seeking the opposing point of view. This is a human endeavor. The AI embedded in the search engines and social media are working against the curious non-biased human mind. Consuming whatever the AI presents to you produces cognitive distortion. The Human mind is being replaced by the AI's. You are what you eat.
  2. Who or what is "satan"?

    believe what you want I address what you write, when it is coherent, and dignified. I choose to converse with the Nungali the Man. Not Nungali the jackal, not the Nungali the hornet. Not Nungali the two-year-old.
  3. Axioms Against Cognitive Distortion

    Go to the original source. Identify and Avoid Aggregators
  4. Who or what is "satan"?

    It doesn't matter... You and I both gave the same answer. Judaism is my knowledge base. I declared it as a qualifier. I didn't make a universal assertion, because, I don't know what I don't know. I knew its approx. origin in the Jewish record. So I shared that information. I was asked a question. I answered it the best way that I could without over-reaching outside the area of my expertise.
  5. A perfectly valid point of view. There's other ways to feed the mind... or not. Daosim is great because it has a physical exercise component which many practice. Some consider it religious or spiritual, but, it's not necessary. It also has a non-religious philosophical component.
  6. The first year will be important milestone. But after that, you will have probably anchored and sealed your recovery.
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    Look at that beauty. It's weird and wonderful. When you were mentioning getting myself some strange parts I was thinking back to my veggie-mobile. A 79 Mercedes 240d. Trashed, totally trashed, I bought it for practically nothing. It was recovered from a flood. But I rigged to run on veggie oil. It ran for about 3 years before the transmission died. But it was strange, for sure. It smelled like french-fries running down the road. I used clean peanut oil. From Costo.
  8. Who or what is "satan"?

    That was the only point I was making to Nungali. You and I agreed it would be good to look at both sides. Regarding Unity in Diversity, that gives me an idea for a thread topic.
  9. Who or what is "satan"?

    NN asked when it appeared in the Jewish record. The answer I gave was correct. It matched yours, except mine was not so irrationally certain. But that didn't stop you from contradicting yourself, because your attention span is stunted, probably more-so while you are online ... hunting.
  10. Who or what is "satan"?

    You didn't agree that it would be good to see both sides of the issue?
  11. Who or what is "satan"?

    That's because you've lost touch of the conversation OldBob and I were having. He and I agreed it would be good to present both sides if possible. Do you disagree with this? If so, do you want/need me to review with you the matter which we were discussing which very likely has 2 viewpoints?
  12. Who or what is "satan"?

    I have a choice? He's not engaging. What are my choices?
  13. Who or what is "satan"?

    Do I have a choice?
  14. Who or what is "satan"?

    He replied. If he didn't want to engage in conversation, that's his choice. If he replies, I'm probably going to take that as an invitation to engage.
  15. Who or what is "satan"?

    OldBob was quoting: "Mahatma Letter – Number 59, Received London about July, 1883."
  16. Who or what is "satan"?

    boring... You seem to have missed the point.
  17. Who or what is "satan"?

    Please remind me? Lord Ganehsa is happy? Unusually? Friendly? Please share what's significant *for you* about Lord Ganesha?
  18. Who or what is "satan"?

    Perky. I see the resemblance. "Ready to serve you, madame."
  19. Who or what is "satan"?

    It's beautiful. No body mods needed. Natural.
  20. Who or what is "satan"?

    Well. I agree, to an extent. But there's a problem. It's like we're both climbing up the same mountain. And we're climbing higher and higher. As we are going, the terrain gets steeper and more precarious. As the two traditions are approaching the summit, one of us slips and falls... Alllllllllllll the way down. The conclusion of the mystical tradition in Hinduism is the realization that all is Brahma including the Hindu adherent. The conclusion of the mystical tradition in Judaism, is completely opposite. I'm not God and neither are you. There's a corresponding similar conflict between pantheism and panentheism. On paper they look like they should be similar. Panentheism is just an extension of Pantheism? No. Not at all. Panthesim is a closed system. Panentheism is an open system. The point is, this isn't a linear progression where the two paths can walk along together and then their points of departure are superficial. The point of departure is taking a step off the cliff. Not that I'm right and they're falling off the cliff. I'm not evaluating them as wrong, at all. I'm just saying they are very different where it counts. And that's the destination. The two mystical traditions are going to two totally different places but are taking the same road to get there.
  21. Who or what is "satan"?

    Sure. It would still be better to have both sides represented.
  22. Who or what is "satan"?

    Did you quote a kabalist? It would be good to hear from an insider, a kabalist, whether or not the 6 pointed star is a "seal" of solomon. Lots of people talk about kabalah without practicing it or being taught.