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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. What is laughter?

    Yes, This example was discussed at dinner last night with my own family. We decided it was still surprise. The question is, what is surprising about it? We were thinking it's the transition from happy loving face to grimace. The transition creates a sharp contrast. The example we were using was the pouting-lower-lip. The "boo-boo" lip that my son ( who is now 15 ) used to do. We would chuckle at it. It was so cute. It never got old. And we were thinking that there's something there, where, it's like the mind ( or heart ) skips a beat or two. It's this empty space in thought or emotion, and then the rapid return to conscious thought and feeling that produces the surprise phenomenon. This empty space, of thought and/or emotion: if that's the surprise, then, that's an non-thing. It's breaking the rhythm of thought and feeling. Like syncopation. It's fun. Groovy. Well that's what we were thinking. Next time you play the game, maybe, pay attention to what's happening in your mind when you're compelled to laugh? Isn't like finding your keys, or any lost object? And you suddenly realize where it was? Like an epiphany proceeded by a lack of thought and feelings?
  2. What is laughter?

    Surprise: it's a non-existing "thing". A non-thing thing. It's a gateless-gate. A path to enlightenment. One of several ( many ? ) in the form of comedy. Sympathetic paradoxes are very powerful.
  3. What is laughter?

    @Salvijus, The second video. Around 40 seconds in " ... you forget everything ... " I stopped watching after that. Everything else is extraneous. Laughter: you forget >>> surpirse! >>> rapid-onset-realization >>> laughter
  4. What is laughter?

    This is different the same happens with tears
  5. What is laughter?

    No problem. I really appreciate this comment. When is it not surprise? The counter-examples are important.
  6. What is laughter?

    Yes. Already done. That's how I know the answer to the riddle: Why is the buddha "laughing"? Did you see that thread? Excellent! You know "why" do you know "how"? I think you do. And so do I. Although, there is something unique about it. Laughter. One can re-experience the awakening ( literal translation of the word "buddha" ). And maybe that's why people enjoy it so much. If so... brother? What is happening at a stand-up comedy show? Do you have those where you are?
  7. Who or what is "satan"?

    The gates of wisdom.... wisdom is a flowing brook. Like a serpent. nice. Proverbs 18:4 (KJV) The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. ... it's an interesting relationship, isn't it? What's forming the words of man's mouth? What's flowing? In the mouth? It's the tongue. It's the part on the human body most significant in correspondence with the Serpent in Eden myth? And here it is being related to the flowing brook of wisdom. And, the story explicitly states, it is, the most "Ahrum" ( ערום : translated often as "cunning" ) of the beasts-of-the-field. Ahrum, though, it's rarely discussed, does not always mean "cunning". In the verse immediately prior? It is translated as "naked". It's the famous verse, where Adam and Eve are together for the first time, husband and wife, and they were not ashamed . ( ~blush~ ) It's the same word. Reading it in the original language, lacking chapters, on a scroll? The repetition would be much more obvious. If so, I'm asking myself, what is this word "Ahrum" ( ערום )? What does it actually mean? I see the reish, the second letter, from the right, the curve. That's the tongue. It's coming from the ayin, the first letter on the right. That's the vessel, the shell... the mouth? Why is this word repeated this way, and yet so extremely divergent in translation? What does it tell me about the serpent? What does it tell me about Adam and Eve? What is the correspondence? What is the relationship? I feel like there's something important here. I wonder what it is. Sincerely. I don't know the answer. You've given me a lot to think about. Thank you,
  8. Who or what is "satan"?

    Thank you for the details. That will be very helpful, but, now is not the time. Our friend is tired. Contrary to popular belief, these are not easy concepts. The bickering is not helping. The world is a disaster. Conflict is everywhere. Our friend needs a break. Everyone needs a break. To rest, regroup, recover. This is not easy. What @NaturaNaturans (Matt ? ) is going thru is not easy. Thinking big is hard work. Seeing the world as it is, clearly, takes its toll. A small amount of sensitivity goes a long way. Matt? candles, wine, bread, and song... it helps. If you have access to them. Sending Love and Peace, -Daniel-
  9. Who or what is "satan"?

    I deferred to you. That indicates respect and acknowledgement of a unique necessary quality. In this case the necessary quality is trust.
  10. Jewish Plurality

    Please show me: כי כל־העמים ילכו איש בשם אלהיו ואנחנו נלך בשם־יהוה אלהינו לעולם ועד׃ The keyword in focus, I think, is : אלהיו I'll wait.
  11. What is laughter?

    It's the same sticker both times.
  12. What is laughter?

    Good one. Really good. I'm going with "surprise", again. trouble? Moi? Understood. But that's the opposite of useful when trying to derive the underlying mechanism which produces ALL laughter in all it's forms. ( excluding fake-laughing ) Great analogy! I disagree I'm back to agreeing! To a degree. A type of enlightenment, yes: agree-agree, truly-true, amein-v'amein. And that is what I was thinking to in the "Buddah's laughter" thread. We're on the same page... now we need to bring it on home. ~Cresendo!~ ~Selah!~ Question: are we in agreement about surprise being the fundamental attribute needed for laughter to be produced? Joy/love/sorrow/anguish - all can occur without producing laughter. Is the necessary component surprise?
  13. Jewish Plurality

    If that's true, and I doubt that it is, I wish you a speedy recovery.
  14. Jewish Plurality

    Sorry. I was speaking "American". And rushing. The answer is above. I tagged you because I thought the song would maybe fit well with the discussion over in your PPD. Hope you have a good day,
  15. Jewish Plurality

    I don''t think you hate me. That's not what I said. Lecture you? Well, the answer is because I posted a thread with a riddle and you seemed put-off by engaging with riddle as beneficial intellectual pursuit. And this is not the first time you have beeen reluctant to engage in conversation preferring to be told tthe answer. So, that leaves really only two options: 1) limit my conversations with you to matters which are superficial and boring 2) explain in detail, at risk, of it becoming a school teacher lecture. I'm not trying to lecture you, but, there's few options if the content is deep, meaningful, and detailed. Ultimately you seem to have misconceptions about Judaism and life in general. I think you would do well to shed those misconceptions and open your mind to the alterative possibilites. Opening the mind to alteratives is one of my specialities. Apologies, I was rushing, as I am now. I have a morning meeting starting soon. A.D.O.S. - African Descendants Of Slaves It's a dance, that's for sure. Dude, what did you think of the song? It's great isn't it? What you're missing in your comprehension of Judaism is the magnitude and the implications. That's the point. Whatever it is you're thinking about Judaism do you want it to be correct? Or do you need a false version of Judaism to validate whatever else you're going thru right now?
  16. Jewish Plurality

    @NaturaNaturans. also @Apech I think you'll appreciate this too. Natura, friend, something I think you are not appreciating and simply it's lack of access, are the implications of the God concept of the magnitude of the God of Abraham. It permits plurality as a natural consequence of being absolutely literally infinite. It's a great mystery, and something I enjoy discussing and teaching about. But it's impossible to share these ideas with individuals who are, forgive me, stuck in a mindset which requires seeing Judaism as the root cause of the world's problems. Bro, I'm a smart guy. My insight is razor sharp. I know what's going on. Listen: One of the greatest assets we have in America which is missing in Europe are the ADOS. They know what to do. They know things. They have a lot to teach. I've said it before on this forum. They're spiritual connection to The Most High is unparalleled. It's not a coincidence that at the end of the video the white dude in the audience stands up and is clearly inspired. It's precious.
  17. Who or what is "satan"?

    Job? OK. That's actually a great idea. I hadn't thought of that. I propose that we finish with the derivation. We come to a mutual undertanding on the definition of satan that I am intending to use. Then, maybe we look at Job to see if it's a good fit. Good idea?
  18. Who or what is "satan"?

    Did you see this? It says that when Christianiity reformed Judiasm it united everything evil in the devil. That means prior to Christianity, everything evil was not united in the devil. Are you ready to set aside the assumption that all forms of satan are disgusting, dirty, thiefs, liars, manipulators, burrowing in the dirt, or what ever negative prejudices are popular in Europe? You're of course free to have any opinion aboout anyone, regardless of whether or not is justtified. I think it's useful, though, to be aware of my own affinties and aversions, then I set those aside for the sake of discussion, and/or for the sake of researching topics with a sort of clarity which is not possible while I am prejudging. Can you set aside your prejudices, at least temporarily so that I can finish the thread and finish answering the question in the OP? It's for the sake of mutual understanding. If you hate the concept I'm presenting, that's fine. But it would be nice to hear it without assuming it's wrong before I've finished the explanation.
  19. Who or what is "satan"?

    Please restate this in your own words? I'm not sure what parts of this are significant for you.
  20. Who or what is "satan"?

    It's more than a scapegoat. The blame-game is a tactic for manipulation. It's establishing common ground on the basis of fabricated, false, or assumed culpability of a large general category. It creates social cohesion, and also creates a false dilemma. The larger the false dilemma, the more urgency is produced in the ones being manipulated. Does that sound familiar? Creating a false dilemma? The need for salvation, because of the sin in the garden? The ones who aren't interested in this salvation are under the power of the evil satan/serpent? They're the ones. They're at fault for everything that's wrong with the world. They wouldn't even accept Jesus. They're evil and they're everywhere... hiding. Controlling things. And they're so sneaky.... thieves... That's the blame-game. But, there's nothing inherently wrong with serpents. People keep them as pets. They're really cool. Some are dangerous. They key is learnning which ones are dangerous. Right?
  21. Jewish Plurality

    correct. There is no arguing about what words you typed, because they are on the screen infront of us. The prophet very clearly states that other people are welcome to have their own religion. Judaism does not assert itself onto other cultures unless they are, ya know, rapists, murders, buring children to death....
  22. Jewish Plurality

    Assuming it means what you think it means, one verse from one prophet is proof of that?
  23. Who or what is "satan"?

    I deferred you since you two seem to have developed a friendship and perhaps, the point I'm making would be better rec'd from someone he trusts. for being dirty and deplorable and causing problems... etc. I know it seems like a silly question, because, the aversion to ALL serpents is just a foolish, imo, as having an aversion to all forms of satan. Your friend seems to have an unhealthy unjustified attitude towards all serpents. And he had invoked prevailing attitude among many Europeans as the reason for his conclusion. I was hoping that you would contribute positively in the form of granting us, the readers of this thread, all of us, the opportunity to get a glimpse of the aboriginal mythology to help expand all of our world-view regarding serpents, serpent myths, and serpent symbols. If you're unwilling, to do so, here in the public forum, or simply because you don't want me to be asking you questions about ... stuff you should readily know about. It's fine. I'll do it myself. @NaturaNaturans, I see you've replied here quite a bit. Hopefully I have time to read and respond tonight: PDT, America.
  24. What is laughter?

    Friends, we have a problem: Gallows Humor is not produced from Joy/Love.