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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. For the Enlightened: A question

    You're Brilliant, but, not only when we agree.
  2. For the Enlightened: A question

    ... is lacking transcendence. "What is transcending transcendence?" requires transcendence. That's what makes this question difficult.
  3. For the Enlightened: A question

    @Sir Darius the Clairvoyent, I'm sorry man, I'm not reading your reply. You hurt me. You broke my heart a little. You convinced me you would at least give me a fair read. You didn't. Then you spiked the football in my face. I'll get over it. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, that you would like me to know. You'll need to send them thru a friend. I'm done. If you want information from me, it's still available to you. But you're going to have to work for it harder than before. Maybe it's good.
  4. For the Enlightened: A question

    Sharing. Do you have an answer to the question? Did you already peak at the answer?
  5. Pentagon Game

    They're equal and opposing, 2 to 1, 2 to 1, 2 to 1. That's the pattern. Other than that, nothing is specified. It's just a pentagon. However, this shape is often associated with the human form. If that is super-imposed onto the geometry, there's more to discuss.
  6. Disclaimer: Everyone's going to hate this answer. In general, ignore it. In particular, process of elimination. Start by ruling out any likely physiological causes. Then, find someone who cares, someone who is non-judgmental, curious, and available to listen. Then. Tell them your story.
  7. Pentagon Game

    Isaiah writes: 讛讜讬 讛讗诪专讬诐 诇专注 讟讜讘 讜诇讟讜讘 专注 砖诪讬诐 讞砖讱 诇讗讜专 讜讗讜专 诇讞砖讱 砖诪讬诐 诪专 诇诪转讜拽 讜诪转讜拽 诇诪专變 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
  8. Pentagon Game

    Once a person loses touch, cannot tell the difference between up and down, good and evil? They won't be able to tell the difference between enlightenment and encumbrance. "Looking for love in all the wrong places ... "
  9. Pentagon Game

    ... the direction an arrow is pointing.
  10. Pentagon Game

    A continuous loop with 5 energetic principles and a valence. Valence matters
  11. Cultural Christianity

    John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one鈥檚 life for one鈥檚 friends." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Pitsenbarger
  12. But, we Jews started it. ( They'll say ) By acting superior and dancing with joy while everyone else... isn't. I'll re-read it. Maybe reply more. I know the least about the epistles. Cool. Nice connection. Good morning.
  13. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    I'm not putting in any effort to answer your question beyond what I've already written.
  14. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    Facts vs. whispers in general.
  15. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    Propaganda 101: The target is a good-hearted person. One of the most common misconceptions in regard to political propaganda is in regard to the target of the mis/disinformation. Most assume, that if the individual falls victim to the propaganda, it means, deep down, they are prejudiced, and potentially bigoted ( anti-Jewish, anti-anyone ). This could not be further from the truth. Those people don't need propaganda. They already hold the negative point of view which exaggerates, generalizes and ignores counter-examples. The truth is, the propagandist, necessarily, is targeting good-hearted people, very-good-hearted people are the best. I'll show you: Imagine a very-good-hearted-person. They observe and cannot deny an injustice perpetrated by Group A onto Group B. At this point, the mind, naturally, associates a negative opinion with Group A. This negative opinion is rational, consistent, and true. There's nothing wrong with it. However, because they are a very-good-hearted person, their heart objects to what their mind is considering. This very-good-hearted person, is uncomfortable with holding the negative stereotype in their mind. This is not what they do. They don't negatively stereotype. But. They can't deny what their eyes are seeing. This produces a conflict. The mind and the heart are out of sync. This is uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable for the very-good-hearted person. This is fertile ground for the propaganda. This good hearted individual, now craves, and is eager to accept reasons why their heart should defer to their mind. When they hear a whisper, it doesn't need to be detailed. Just a tiny little bit of encouragement goes a long way. The individual is rewarded greatly by the tiny little whisper because they are so uncomfortable holding that negative view. That's how and why it works. The outcome is exaggeration. The propagandist is not trying to change anyone's mind. They're encouraging and magnifying the prior valid, true, negative opinion of a group of people. They're fluffing it up. That's how to tell the difference between facts and whispers. But none of this works unless the target is a good hearted person. If not, the whispers spill onto the floor like water off a ducks back.
  16. Book of Enoch

    Ignore-list Never again. Bye.
  17. Book of Enoch

  18. Book of Enoch
