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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Transgender Q&A

    I understand that there's an online trans community. Forums, FB groups, etc... Is that true? Are you connected with this online community? I've heard that they can be rather forceful in their advocacy and encouragement of folks to transition lacking responsible vetting. Can you comment on this?
  2. Who or what is "satan"?

    OK Good. That's maybe a good example.
  3. Who or what is "satan"?

    Yes!!!!! Yes really! That's not satan. His name is Tim. Right. Tim's a good dude.
  4. Your world view

    Because it's needed for their function. Think of it like a spring. The spring needs to be flexed in order to function. Malevolent forces need to be cursed in order to function.
  5. Your world view

    No. Why do you think so?
  6. Your world view

    You're asking how? ~I'm confused by the question~ What do you mean? I apologize, it's very simple and obvious to me, but that's because this is "native soil", for lack of a better words. I'm guessing, as dangerous as that is, that you are not considering the Jewish God concept? That ^^ is the Jewish God. So, if I take that definition and do some word substitution regarding your question, this is what I get: "Jews believe in good and evil, satan and the bottom less pit stemming from absolutely literal infinity, a unity without division." To me, this is perfectly simple and easy to understand. Everything, anything, any human mind can conceive and more is included in "absolutely literal infinity". Anything... you can think of ... and more.... Good? yes Evil? yes satan? yes bottomless pit? yes an overflowing pit? yes blue jeans? yes neck tie? yes duck? yes lint? yes cars? yes trucks? yes busses? yes a canoe? yes a raft? yes a cup? yes a plate? yes etc...
  7. Your world view

    Jewish Monotheism: There is one and only one which is absolutely, literally, infinite: a unity with absolutely no division. This unique unity is currently creating everything ( and nothing ). In order for any "thing" to exist, this creator must choose to be benevolent and merciful eternally. Even the slightest instant of malevolence will revert the entire creation back into the source. Because there is only one creator, and this creator necessarily must be benevolent, it logically follows that all of reality is harmonious. That which is in conflict is only an illusion. There is a grand plan, and everyone and everything is included and necessary for the benevolent plan to execute. Seeking out this harmony in general is not difficult. Many do it everyday currently, and many wise and brilliant individuals throughout recorded history have come to the same conclusion. Recognizing the harmony on a case by case basis can be easy or difficult depending on the opposing / conflicting phenomena which are the target for consideration. As an individual contemplates more, solving more and more of life's puzzles and mysteries, the human mind adapts and learns to see a simultaneous cooperation occurring in nearly infinite domains. This is not a pleasant adaption while it is occurring. But it is rewarding in the end, for those who do not lose their minds in the process. If they are successful, the individual is, more or less, a prophet. The Hebrew bible records the history of our prophets as well leaving a bread crumb trail for those who are willing and able to embark on that journey.
  8. What was the beginning and cause for esoteric societies?

    Uhhhhh-huh. Sure..... @NaturaNaturans, Cobie knows things.
  9. Buddists and all Daobums: Was Shakespeare wrong? Does Sweet-Sorrow exist?
  10. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    if you would please direct me to these rules, I will review them if you say so
  11. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    It's better to go through the process. There's no reason to rush.
  12. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    There's two steps to solve this riddle. Both can happen concurrently. 1) "Laughing" needs to be understood. 2) The stories where the buddah is laughing need to be understood. I started a thread to explore the nature of laughter. That's a worthy endeavor. You are invited to participate there. I'll start collecting the stories of the buddah laughing. Sound like a plan? The way to solve this, just like anything. Teamwork. That's why I called on Inspector Foote. I'm putting together a team. Join us! But the goal is understanding, not knowledge.
  13. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    1) "The journey is the destination." It's a classic buddhist teaching. 2) I am sharing it. It's a process. 3) Patience is a virtue.
  14. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    I do too. But there's always a reason for it. Isn't there?
  15. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    If you need an apology too... I'm sorry I argued with you, nungali. I still think you're wrong and arrogant. But I won't pursue discussion with you. I won't try to convince you you're wrong. I'll simply ignore your opinions when they're rubbish. It's best for you, it's best for me, it's best for the community. If you reply to one of my posts, I'll read it and reply if warranted. I'll try to be polite, dignified. I'll try to not to take the bait. It's the best I can do.
  16. Buddhism Question: Sweet-Sorrow?

    I agree it's not true, but, maybe we're talking about something different. If not, bro, we need to talk
  17. Buddhism Question: Sweet-Sorrow?

    There's light pizza... I used to make pizza. First job, Papa John's Pizza, 14 years old. I can still sling'em. But I choose not to. Too messy and it's completely unnecessary unless the dough is cold.
  18. Buddhism Question: Sweet-Sorrow?

    Do you know what's said about pizza?
  19. I know why the Buddha is "laughing"

    I was wrong to argue. It was excessive. Very.
  20. On esotericism: Why the secracy?

    It depends on the secret. Some secrets are dangerous. Some are more like riddles. If they are explained the audience loses. The process, in the heart and mind, which is solving the riddle is what produces the benefit. Some are like magic tricks. A magician never reveals their secrets out of respect for other magicians.