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there it is... the classic buddhist insult against any who disagree...
I propose it's because you can recognise right from wrong, and can predict the harm and suffering of others when wrong actions are permitted.
Trying to understand this as Iโm not an Abrahamicโฆ
Daniel replied to Zorro Dantes's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
It's not something I enjoy reading, but, I think it's required for anyone attempting to discuss Islam. At this time in history, where muslims and jews are locked in conflict, I think it's urgent to confirm for both jews and muslims precisely what the Quran is teaching. -
Trying to understand this as Iโm not an Abrahamicโฆ
Daniel replied to Zorro Dantes's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Naturally. I would not tolerate it either. I think what you're describing as hate is in the traditions, hadith, and tafsir, but is not in the Quran. Agreed. The ones which are dishonest that I have seen add english words to the text that are not in the original arabic. I don't read arabic, but, I do try to check multiple translations using a website called "IslamAwakened" and also check each word one at a time via the "corpus-quran". One of the reasons I'm confident in my assessment is that I encountered an extremely motivated critic of the quran who supplied their own list of 90+ verses in the Quran which they asserted proved the Quran was full of hatred. Yet everytime I researched it myself, checked the context and translations, it wasn't at all like what the individual was asserting. Shwing this required bring the surrounding verses of in the Quran, but, I needed to double-triple check the translation of anything I brought. I needed to bring only clean, non-biased translations, else, I would be making the same mistake the other individual was making in reverse. Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn together. Tomorrow is a travel day. London ----> Portland, OR, USA. I'll hopefully reply with content to discuss in the next 48 hours, at the latest. Sincerely, -
Trying to understand this as Iโm not an Abrahamicโฆ
Daniel replied to Zorro Dantes's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
It's ok, there will be no negative emotions. I will post the quotes from the Quran which confirms what I have written. I'm traveling with my family right now on vacation. May I ask, have you read the Quran? Or are you operating from someone's list of verses curated for a specific purpose? It's vital to read the Quran and these verses in context and in order. Many religious people object to critics citing individual verses not in context, but, for the Quran it is even more vital than any other Western religious text to read exactly what is written in context and in order. This is because the book is written in order to persuade proud tribal warlords and their foot soldiers to put down their hostility. This is not and cannot be accomplished with: "you're wrong, you've been wrong, you're family is wrong...". Instead, the Quran is written with a cadence. It, for lack of better words, rocks and rolls, back and forth, back and forth. It's like trying to free a chariot from thick mud. So, yes, there are verses which validate certain ideas which are clearly objectionable, but then the Quran corrects it. In fact, what I've found in the Quran is that the violent verses, the prejudiced verses, are actually bracketed, surrounded by moderating verses. What results is the reader agrees, and agrees, and while they are in a mindset of agreement, the Quran corrects and moderates. Once I get to a quiet peaceful place, I'll quote the Quran in context and in order to demonstrate what I've written. -
You're excluding yourself? That's excellent progress.
Trying to understand this as Iโm not an Abrahamicโฆ
Daniel replied to Zorro Dantes's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Would you please elaborate on this? Why do you think Seth was killed? Gen 5:6 ืืืืึพืฉืช ืืืฉ ืฉื ืื ืืืืช ืฉื ื ืืืืื ืืชึพืื ืืฉื And Seth lived a hundred and five years, and fathered Enosh; Why do you say that? The exile is complicated. Do you read hebrew? There's a great deal that is missing in the english. The story of the exile begins here: Gen 21:9 ืืชืจื ืฉืจื ืืชึพืืึพืืืจ ืืืฆืจืืช ืืฉืจึพืืืื ืืืืจืื ืืฆืืงื And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had born to Abraham, ืืฆืืง. There's important linguistic word play here. It's not apparent in the english. The hebrew bible is often provocative. It's intended to be a story read outloud, to those who speak the language. This verse is the first ever usage of the word ืืฆืืง. The audience had never heard it before this point. What is ืืฆืืง? They will wonder. The story often provokes questions: why is that? what is that? does that make sense? If you read hebrew and you've been paying attention to the story, this is an important word because it is the source of Isaac's name. In hebrew it is ืืฆืืง. Do you see the similarity, but, the significant difference? ืืฆืืง / ืืฆืืง. Variations of ืืฆืืง have been repeated many times so far in the story... the first mention is when isaac ( yitzchak ) is first mentioned: Gen 17:17 ืืืคื ืืืจืื ืขืึพืคื ืื ืืืฆืืง ืืืืืจ ืืืื ืืืื ืืืึพืฉื ื ืืืื ืืืึพืฉืจื ืืืชึพืชืฉืขืื ืฉื ื ืชืืื Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born to him who is a hundred years old? and shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear? Then later, in the next chapter, Sarah also laughs... 18:12 ืืชืฆืืง ืฉืจื ืืงืจืื ืืืืจ ืืืจื ืืืชื ืืืชืึพืื ืขืื ื ืืืื ื ืืงืื Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am grown old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? 18:13 ืืืืืจ ืืืื ืืึพืืืจืื ืืื ืื ืฆืืงื ืฉืจื ืืืืจ ืืืฃ ืืื ื ืืื ืืื ื ืืงื ืชืื And the Lord said to Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old? 18:14 ืืืคืื ืืืืื ืืืจ ืืืืขื ืืฉืื ืืืื ืืขืช ืืื ืืืฉืจื ืืื Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return to you, at this season, and Sarah shall have a son. 18:15 ืืชืืืฉ ืฉืจื ืืืืจ ืื ืฆืืงืชื ืื ืืจืื ืืืืืจ ืื ืื ืฆืืงืชื Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, No; you did laugh. So the audience knows this word. It's being repeated. In Gen 21, immediately prior to Issac's ( yitzchak's ) birth, the word is repeated multiple times... The word is "tzah'chak". It sounds like laughter. "TZAH-chak-chak-chak. TZAH-chak-chak-chak." Get it? The audience knows what this is. 21:2 ืืชืืจ ืืชืื ืฉืจื ืืืืจืื ืื ืืืงื ืื ืืืืขื ืืฉืจึพืืืจ ืืชื ืืืืืื For Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. 21:3 ืืืงืจื ืืืจืื ืืชึพืฉืึพืื ื ืื ืืืึพืื ืืฉืจึพืืืืึพืื ืฉืจื ืืฆืืงื And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac ( literally yitzchak ). 21:4 ืืืื ืืืจืื ืืชึพืืฆืืง ืื ื ืืึพืฉืื ืช ืืืื ืืืฉืจ ืฆืื ืืชื ืืืืืื And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him. 21:5 ืืืืจืื ืืึพืืืช ืฉื ื ืืืืื ืื ืืช ืืฆืืง ืื ืื And Abraham was a hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born to him. 21:6 ืืชืืืจ ืฉืจื ืฆืืง ืขืฉื ืื ืืืืื ืืึพืืฉืืข ืืฆืืงึพืืื And Sarah said, God has made me laugh, so that all who hear will laugh with me. 21:7 ืืชืืืจ ืื ืืื ืืืืจืื ืืื ืืงื ืื ืื ืฉืจื ืืึพืืืืชื ืื ืืืงื ืืื And she said, Who would have said to Abraham, that Sarah should suckle children? For I have born him a son in his old age. Then Isaac is weaned and something dramatic happened... 21:8 ืืืืื ืืืื ืืืืื ืืืขืฉ ืืืจืื ืืฉืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืืื ืืชึพืืฆืืงื And the child grew, and was weaned; and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. 21:9 ืืชืจื ืฉืจื ืืชึพืืึพืืืจ ืืืฆืจืืช ืืฉืจึพืืืื ืืืืจืื ืืฆืืงื And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had born to Abraham, ืืฆืืง. If you can read hebrew, it's clear something major happened. The dichotomy is coming from the two ending words being similar yet significantly different. Also the melody that accompanies the story telling puts great emphasis on the second verse and adds tension, letting the audience know something bad happened. But they don't know what it is. Any guesses what you think it might be? It's not "mocking"... ( which is one of the preferred english translations ) Certainly. Polygamy is extremely important for the welfare of first wife if she cannot conceive, or if she consistently miscarries. Lacking the possibility of concubinage the first wife would need to be abandoned or divorced through no fault of her own in order for the man to take a wife and continue his lineage. However, if the man takes a concubine through the consent of the wife, the marriage can continue. The first wife is not abandoned. According to the Torah, all of it is the will of God. It's all according to a divine plan. As it says in the Quran, Allah is the very best of planners. -
Trying to understand this as Iโm not an Abrahamicโฆ
Daniel replied to Zorro Dantes's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Genesis 17:20: ืืืืฉืืขืื ืฉืืขืชืื ืื ื ืืจืืชื ืืชื ืืืคืจืืชื ืืชื ืืืจืืืชื ืืชื ืืืื ืืื ืฉื ืืึพืขืฉืจ ื ืฉืืื ืืืืื ืื ืชืชืื ืืืื ืืืืื And as for Ishmael, I have heard you; Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he father, and I will make him a great nation. -
Trying to understand this as Iโm not an Abrahamicโฆ
Daniel replied to Zorro Dantes's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
If one reads both the Torah and the Quran, there is virtually no difference between Islam and Judaism. That's one of the key points in the Quran. Muhammad is preaching: "Listen, cousins, this book is teaching all of what is already been revealed." The Quran, actually supports jewish people, and judaism. It rebukes those jewish people ( and all people for that matter ) who break their covenants and contracts. That's one its primary themes. "Do not break your covenant with Allah." "Do not break peace treaties." And, quite honestly, the Quran is gentle in its rebuke towards jewish people who break their convenant compared to the prophets in Tanach. So. The question is: how in the world did we end up in this place where Jewish people and Muslims seem to be always and forever at war with each other? Well.... It's not because of the Torah. It's not because of the Quran... As a jewish person I can tell you that most jewish people are not at war witth islam. The few muslims I know love jews and love judaism. Although, these are friends, so, naturally, they're good people. In order to deconstruct the hatred muslims have for jews it takes a long time and many words, and it has very little to do with ishmael in the bible. -
God: an atonomy
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
You need to read more about this location. It is on the outskirts. A shared cultic site used by many different people with many different beliefs. It is clear that the artwork is not "pro-level". The inscriptions which you are likely reading about are also not professional inscriptions. So, you're looking at folk art. It cannot be used to correlate with scripture. Will you care? Probably not. -
God: an atonomy
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
That's backwards. But since you cannot read the original language... The Lord appeared to Abraham while he was sitting THEN... Abraham hurried away towards the 3 "men". That means the 3 "men" are not the appearance of the Lord. It's very simple if you imagine it in your mind and read the words carefully. On the other hand if you desire a physical god in a human form, you will likely ignore what's written and simply agree with whomever is validating your desire. -
Examples of Magick in the Old Testament
Daniel replied to Nintendao's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Here is a detailed description of the Urim v'Thummim. All the priestly garments are required. In some cases "consulting" the urim v'thummim resulted in a sort of prophecy where the priest spoke in the name of "The Lord". In other cases, the letters inscribed on it produced the answer. The commentators agree that there is, in addition to the priestly garments, a parchment with the divine name written on it tucked behind the breast plate. https://www.sefaria.org/Yoma.73a.16?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en -
Examples of Magick in the Old Testament
Daniel replied to Nintendao's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Elisha and the oil... vessels... -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
You seem to be interested in re-writing it. The thread is asking about "pagan". The thread is asking about "abrahamic". Abrahamic is defined by the Torah, not you, not me. It's impossible to discuss what is or is not Abrahamic while denying the credibility of the books which define it. This has nothing to do with me or my sect. It has to do with the desire by many to reimagine a group from the outside. The insider does have priviledged information. Why? You brought philo quotes. They appear to be heretical, although, that could be the translator making choices. They don't match adam kadmon as I understand the concept. If I were to correct it, based on what you brought, I would attribute philo's "logos" to "mochin" aka "the-god-head". Does that fit? You're the expert on philo's logos. Adam Kadmon is not creating anything. It's definitely not a delegate which is given authority for creation. It's not even an empty vessel. It's internal, "pre"-expression. "Pre" is in quotes because there is no "prior" for the eternal. It doesn't say "malchuth" in the original. That is added. The original says they are all likenesses of each other, you have added a distinction between these likenesses which does not exist in the original. It also exposes a miscomprehension. Even if the commentary is included, the supernal exist in kesser ( you would probably call it kether ), the immanent exist in malchus ( malchuth ). Malchus is a reflection of kesser. There cannot be a dichotomy. In fact: malchus of the layer beyond is the kesser of the layer following/inside of it. They are literally the same "form". There cannot be a dichotomy there. This reflection of "kesser <--> malchus <--> kesser" in atzilus and "mallchus <--> kesser <--> malchus" in assiyah is a great example of the sort of concepts which are often missing when outsiders try to learn kabalah. What you've written about forms and logoi, is completely deviating from the Zohar quote to which you are referring. Unless forms and logoi are identical. Are they? ( Technically, the nesting is much more elaborate, but, what I wrote above is the basic idea. ) You're still cropping out details. It doesn't even say "from speech to silence". It says there are lower names which vocalized and thought. Then there is a different level of name which are not. What'll really tickle the turnips, is: Kabalah teaches to go down for the purpose of going up. Is that platonic? It's not my account: https://iep.utm.edu/ancient-greek-philosophy/ From Thales, who is often considered the first Western philosopher, to the Stoics and Skeptics, ancient Greek philosophy opened the doors to a particular way of thinking that provided the roots for the Western intellectual tradition. Here, there is often an explicit preference for the life of reason and rational thought. Under the sub-heading Plotinus: The best life depends upon becoming oneโs true self via the intellect, which means to step away from the part of the soul by which we typically identify ourselves, the passionate and desiring part of the soul. If we are now accustomed to identify ourselves by our likes, dislikes, opinions, , then a true Plotinian self would not be a self at all. For Plotinus, however, this is true selfhood since it is closest to the center of all life, the One. ( Notice the extreme deviation. Kabalah teaches to connection with all, above-below, left-right, inner-outer. This is favoring intellect of the mind and discouraging the passions of the heart. ) Under the sub-heading neo-platonists: ( this is really important. The bold introduces a direction of influence. ) Plotinus set off a tradition of thought that had great influence in medieval philosophy. This tradition has been known since the 19th century as โNeoplatonism,โ but Plotinus and other Neoplatonists saw themselves merely as followers and interpreters of Plato (Dillon and Gerson xiii). Plotinusโ student, Porphyry, without whom we would know little to nothing about Plotinus or his work, carried on the tradition of his master, although we do not possess a full representation of his work. With Iamblichus came a focus upon Aristotleโs work, since he took Aristotle as an informative source on Platonism. Neoplatonism also saw the rise of Christianity, and therefore saw itself to some degree in a confrontation with it (Dillon and Gerson xix). Perhaps in part because of this confrontation with Christianity, later Neoplatonists aimed to develop the religious aspects of Neoplatonic thought. Thus, the later Neoplatonists introduced theurgy, claiming that thought alone cannot unite us with gods, but that symbols and rites are needed for such a union (Hadot 170-171). The neo-platonists were, maybe, influenced BY Christians not the other way around, per the University of Tennessee. You had pointed to the theurgy as an indicator of the influence neoplatonists had ON kabalah. Yet, the University of Tennessee encyclopedia of philosophy proposes the opposite. What do you think of that? No, you haven't. You've ignored what I've brought. You've ignored your own sources. In order to make a point you need to ignore what's written and replace it with outher words in the kabalistic texts. Strike 1, strike 2, strike 3. In order to demonstrate it amply, you'd need to at least be able to address what I've written, and show an actual similarity. Your own sources admit, they are looking at hints, reverberations, and outright contradictions of what is written. Ample is not a hint. Ample is not a reverberation. Ample is a strong match which has no obvious counter-examples. You have yet to address any of the counter examples that I have brought. Now you're flip-flopping. Ya know what? I've stopped caring. Your desired and forcibly greek insertion from behind is uninvited and unwelcome. This will be my last post to you. Goodbye. Whatt ever questions I've asked, please consider them rhetorical. I will not be reading any of your replies. You have not been able to address any of the comments I have made. I've shown you the texts and what they say. Yes, Maimonides books were burned. Ravad, known by many as the father of kabalah cursed him because of what he wrote. You ignored all of that. Gershom Scholem is an outsider. Those who are in the community do look unfavorably on the ideas that he considers to be "kabalah". The fact that you do not care about what is authentic or not, doesn't matter. Your standards are weak. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
There were a couple of examples in the quote you brough, but, I think this one is the best. This, right otr wrong, is the point of view of the jewish philosophers. Where the other traditions match, they are incomplete. The way to evaluate if this is true or false is to notice that the shared concepts ( which are not heretical ) are connected to the Torah. And. The elaborate details which are not included in the other traditions are ALSO connected to the Torah but are nuanced and concealed from the casual observer. So, it's easy to imagine, highly plausible, that a debate or conversation is happening between an jewish philosopher and a greek philosopher. The greek philosopher challenges the jewish philosopher. ( This has been happening for thousands of years. Christians come to say, you're wrong. Muslims come to say you're wrong. Greeks come to say you' re wrong. ) The jewish philosopher corrects it via the Torah, and then shows them the entire explanation via the Torah. This is a strong argument fromt he jewish philosopher that the Torah is supreme. That's what one finds in jewish philosophy ( which is not heretical ). So, naturally, one is going to ask about the "heretical" philosophers. Once it's confirmed that the Torah is the most likely source and and contains much much more than the other traditions, the heretical jewish philosopher is hopefully going to abandon the foriegn subject matter and return home. That's why the concealed wisdom of the Torah is being revealed. Ultimately, though, there is no reason for the non-jewish individual to try to argue about the "pagan" concepts being included in judaism UNLESS they attribute some sort of authority to judaism. If they find their pagan beliefs to be true, and they would like to call on angels, or demons, or perhaps they would prefer to imagine a creator god which is "nothingness" and is somehow incapable of making judgements. Perhaps it is comforting for them to imagine a god which is completely distant and univolved in their life, because they feel abandoned, or cannot make sense of the world in any other way. That's perfectly fine for them. Judaism teaches something different. Jewish mysticism teaches something completely different. However, for a jewish person, it only makes sense for them to learn about their roots, their heritage, the philosophy of their lineage without interference. Sadly, we jews are in large part captives among the other nations. This is obviously going to interfere especialyy when non-jewish people assert their ignorance of jewish philosophy as absolute certain fact. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
It is the point, because, this thread is about pagan roots. Ignoring the heresy is ignoring the point of the thread. What's needed, if you would like to use Philo's example: Bring Philo's definition of logos Bring a kabalistic source which matches it Show that the kabalistic source is not coming from Torah or Tanach You seem to be adding the "platonic" to the passage. You're platonic. The Zohar is not. You added the words "forms" and "logoi" here. If we read the actual passage, there is no distinction in form between the supernal letters and the lower letters. Further, if the entire passage is considered, there is nothing platonic about that is being taught. Let's just use the translation you have chosen. Let's ignore the surrounding context and the simply compare what you wrote with what is in the translation. Doing this shows, not only that you are adding words to force the short snippet to be platonic, but you are also removing words to force it to be platonic. Here is the Zohar passage uneditted: There are large letters and small letters. Large letters are above, and small letters are below. Everything below, is in the likeness of above, because there are holy, supernal names that are drawn only by a willing of the spirit and heart, without any speech at all. And there are lower Holy Names that are drawn by speech, and with directing thought and will towards them. Here is your editted version: the supernal large letters above (forms), and the small letters below in their likeness (logoi). We contemplate the likenesses below, accessible to thought and speech In the original version, everything is in the likeness above. There is no form/logoi dichotomy. You added that. Further you omitted the perscription in the willingness of the spirit and the heart which is lacking vocalization. This is important because greek philosophers idolize the intellect. Kabalists do not do this. If you continue reading the passage the focus is on the "vav" which is connectivity in kabalah. If the passages are cropped and cherry picked, yes, an illusion is produced where it appears that kabalah matches "greek wisdom". Here is what you said: "cleaned up and adapted by monotheists". It can not be cleaned up nor adapted if it was not copied first. I think it's clear from what you've written that you held to a postion that kabalah was influenced from greek wisdom. The direction of influence was asserted with certainty. Hopefully your position is evolving on this. This entire paragraph is a rejection of the previous assertions that jewish kabalah is influenced by neoplatonism. You have correctly rolled back to long before neoplatonism. However you have incorrectly stated the position of the jewish philosophers ( whom had not adopted heretical views ). What happens consistently is both: the errroneous teachings are excluded AND what remains is presented as an incomplete version of what is considered the original religion. Whether or not this is "true" is debatable, of course. But, it is false to claim that the jewish mystical tradition was influenced by the others in any way other than rejection. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Adam kadmon... is the image of the chariot per the Zohar you quoted. If so, you would need to find something in the neoplantists discussing a chariot, a mercavah. Among other things that is missing is the left-right paradigm. Ultimately there are 2 systems, both are considering a formless singular creator. There is a jewish philosopher using the word "logos", and as you've stated, Christians were/are confused about what is happening in the book of John. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
You're doing it again... "the monotheists took those ideas ( copied them ) and adapted them". I've shown you the ideas predate all of that. Which Zohar passsage? The one you referred to as "letterism"? The ones above are quadrangles? The ones below are circular? "According to the secret of the letters that are engraved with dots, that the supernal lights are a quadrangle and those of below are circular. This has no body. When it is clothed by them, it stands on nine pillars, according to the secret of the letter final Mem, without a circle. Even though the letter Samech is round and shaped like a circle. According to the secret of the letters that are engraved with dots, that the supernal lights are a quadrangle and those of below are circular." "And this is the secret. The letter Yud is one point (dot) and even though it is one point, its shape has a head above, it amounts to three points like the Hebrew dot Segol, Therefore, the expansion to four sides, three on each side, equals nine and eight. These are pillars that stem from the secret of the luminary to support the letter Yud, and they are considered its Chariot (Mercavah). They are not called by name, just by the secret of the nine vowels in the Torah." "In the secret of the Book of Adam, these nine that are eight divided into permutations of letters of the Holy Name. This is in order to combine and unite them in all these manners, because when these eight, which are nine, travel. They shine with the illumination of the letter final Mem quadrupled, and extract eight lights that appear like nine. They divide below to carry the Tabernacle." Didn't you say that logos is a "great reason" according to philo? None of that fits with what is written above. .. it is not the pursuits which you follow that are the causes of your participation in good or in evil, but rather the divine reason [logos], which is the helmsman and governor of the universe ... Notice that the logos is the helmsman and governor. That is heresy. That is in opposition to the Torah. Either the author is holding heretical ideas, the translator is superimposing those ideas onto the author's words, or, the quote is taken out of context and there is clarification elsewhere which corrects this. Philo, On Husbandry XII (45) (p. 178) ... For God, like a shepherd and king, governs (as if they were a flock of sheep) the earth, and the water, and the fire, and the air and all the plants, and living creatures that are in them, whether mortal or divine; and he regulates the nature of the heaven, and the periodical revolutions of the sun and moon, and the variations and harmonious movements of the other stars, ruling them according to law and justice; appointing as their immediate superintendent, his own right reason [logos], his first-born son, who is to receive the charge of this sacred company, as the lieutenant of the great king; ... This is also against the Torah, because, the Torah very clearly states, there is no other, only God. This claims there is another, a deputy, a lietuenant. The "right reason" has been seperated from God. The authority has been delegated to it. That will not ever be found in Torah. Isaiah writes: ืื ื ืืืื ืืื ืฉืื ืืืืืื ืืืืจ ืืึพืืชื ืืชืืืชื ืืคืกืืืืื I am the Lord; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to carved idols. If you would like to make claims about greek influence on Christianity, be my guest. If the compilers of the Christian bible were influenced by jewish heretics ( or were themselves jewish heretics ), that is also a good fit. Mark 2:17 ( NIV ): On hearing this, Jesus said to them, โIt is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.โ If the desire is to be congruent with Jewish principles the place to go is the hebrew bible. Starting with jewish heresy is going to produce jewish heresy. Garbage in ---> garbage out. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Please bring some examples. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
If it has a will of its own, it is not monotheism. It is a vessel, nothing less nothing more. The corresponding concept is the shechina which is the divine-presence from the root shin-chaf-nun, to dwell, conjugated feminine. The mystery of creation via divine speech terminates with shechina which is always and forever emanating from the source of reality which is commonly referred to as God. King David writes: ืืขืืื ืืืื ืืืจื ื ืฆื ืืฉืืืื For ever, O Lord, your word is fixed in heaven. ืคืชื ืืืจืื ืืืืจ ืืืื ืคืชืืืื The unfolding of your word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. ื ืจึพืืจืืื ืืืจื ืืืืจ ืื ืชืืืชืื Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. https://www.chabad.org/library/tanya/tanya_cdo/aid/7931/jewish/Chapter-52.htm -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
They didn't arise in that time. They were written down in that time. The proof of it is in the fact that there are many scriptureal references supporting the ideas, and, the talmud names both kabalaistic schools and confirms that they are not to be written. This shows that the ideas predate your assumed arising They're not borrowing platonist language. The english translators are borrowing the language. For example: ืคึผึธืชึทื ืขืึนื ืจ' ืฉืึดืึฐืขืึนื ืึทืึฒืึทืจ ืจึฐืืึผ ืขึทืชึผึธื ืึผึดื ืึฒื ึดื ืึฒื ึดื ืืึผื ืึฐืึตืื ืึฑืึนืงึดืื ืขึดืึผึธืึดื ืืื', ืึฒืึทืจ, ืึทืึฐืจึทืึผึธืื, ืฉืึฐืึธืขืึผ ืึดืึผึดืื ืขึทืชึผึดืืงึดืื, ืึผึฐืึธืขึดืื ึธื ืึฐืึทืึผึธืึธื, ืึผึธืชึทืจ ืึผึฐืึดืชึฐืึฐืึตืื ืจึฐืฉืืึผ ืขึดืึผึธืึธื ืึฐืึตืืึทืจ, ืึทืื ื ึดืืืึผ ืึผึทืึฒืึทืจ ืจึฐืืึผ ืขึทืชึผึธื ืึผึดื ืึฒื ึดื ืึฒื ึดื ืืึผื ืึถืึผึธื, ืึผึธื ืืึผื, ืขึดืึผึทืช ืขึทื ืึผึธื ืขึดืึผึธืึดืื, ืึทืืึผื ืึผึฐืึดืชึฐืงึฐืจึตื ืขึดืึผึทืช ืึธืขึดืึผืึนืช, ืขึดืึผึทืช ืึตืึดืึผึตืื ืขึดืึผืึนืช, ืึผึฐืึธื ืึทืขึฒืึตืื ืึทื ืึตืึดืึผึตืื ืขึดืึผืึนืช ืฉืืึผื ืขืึนืึธืึธื, ืขึทื ืึผึฐื ึธืึตืื ืจึฐืฉืืึผืช ืึตืึทืืึผื ืึผึทืขึฒืึตืืึผ, ืึผึฐืึธื ืึฐืืึนืงึดืืึฐื ึธื ืึฐืขึตืืึธื ืึผึฐื ึทืขึฒืฉืึถื ืึธืึธื. Here is an example of Zohar in which the english translator uses the phrase "cause of causes", but, that's not what it actually says. The "kabalah centre" has chosen that phrase. But it doesn't say that. It's close, it's similar, but it's not borrowing their language. The english translator is using their language. Here's a link to their translation. If you read carefully, God is NOT the "arising of arisings" in the Zohar. Rabbi Shimon corrects the students. God is above all the causes. Not an "arising" like the others. There's two things happening simultaneously. There is a chain of "arising", and there is God. That is kabalah. Is that in neoplatonism? https://www.zohar.com/zohar/Bereshit A/chapters/15 If the ideas predate hellenism, and predate neoplatonism, then the accusation of "being influenced" is wishful thinking. He only has access to the oral tradition. If there is a "logos" that is not monotheism. You seem to think it is. Not the ones who did not assimilate. You seem to assume that all jews were doing the same things. And you seem to ignore that the Torah defines judaism. Gmirkin's dates are off. It's that simple. He isn't aware of the archeology that supports an earlier written law. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
There is nothing wrong with preferring plato. My comment was directed to @SirPalomides who insists that the Zohar must have been influenced by neoplatonism when it does not come close to what is written in the Zohar. Here is a good example. What is neoplatonic here? https://www.zohar.com/zohar/Tetzaveh/chapters/2 -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
That's the point. The story you brought is the opposite of what is happening in this thread. This thread is the opposite of two individual independent traditions sharing similarities. This thread is pointing at someone else's religion and saying "You're copying from me." Any similarity, no matter how small is conflated into influence. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
Not quite. The jewish version is: "there's an oral tradition, you've probably heard of it, but, it shouldn't be written down." Then around 500 years later, it gets written down. The ones who wrote it weren't supposed to write it down, they were rebels and likely held heretical beliefs already. Because of this, the written texts which are studied by academics are a mix of the authentic original teachings and the heretical beliefs/practices which they had adopted. The academics do not have access to the private one-on-one tutellage which happens behind closed doors, so, they are only able to judge based on what they have. Academics, also, are studying advanced topics lacking the required foundations: Torah, Tanach, Talmud. Kabalah is not intended for those who are not fluent in all three. Lacking Torah, when one considers a singular source for reality it's natural to conclude there is a "logos" and/or a "demiurge" and/or "God is a mix of good and evil". None of these are congruent with Torah. This is what is written. ืดืึทืึฒืกึดืจึนืชึดื ืึถืช ืึผึทืคึผึดื ืึฐืจึธืึดืืชึธ ืึถืช ืึฒืึนืจึธืืด. ืึธืึทืจ ืจึทื ืึธื ึธื ืึผึทืจ ืึผึดืืึฐื ึธื, ืึธืึทืจ ืจึทืึผึดื ืฉืึดืึฐืขืึนื ืึฒืกึดืืึธื: ืึฐืึทืึผึตื ืฉืึถืึถืจึฐืึธื ืึทืงึผึธืืึนืฉื ืึผึธืจืึผืึฐ ืืึผื ืึฐืึนืฉืึถื ืงึถืฉืึถืจ ืฉืึถื ืชึผึฐืคึดืืึผึดืื. Says Rav Chanah Bar Biznah, "Says Rabbi Shimon Chasidah: It teaches that HaKadosh-Baruch-Hu is showing to Moshe the tefilin's knot." That's what's written. The story that's told is that this is where Moses learned to tie the tefilin knot into a dalet/daleth. Which makes sense if we get "mystical". The parts about being on the back of the head are commentary added to the talmud. Some focus, again, on ืจึธืึดืืชึธ, which is the same word used for a "vision". But, the literal meaning of the "ืึทืึฒืกึดืจึนืชึดื ืึถืช ืึผึทืคึผึดื ืึฐืจึธืึดืืชึธ ืึถืช ืึฒืึนืจึธื" can not be a hand and it can not be a back-side. If it were literally a hand, it would be written HaYad, not Es-Kapaiy. If it were literally a human-back-side, it would be written HaAchoraiy, not Es-Achoraiy. Christians, naturally, are going to translate it and understand it as a human form because they're traditionally envisioning god in the flesh. When reading the english translations from a Christian perspective, they will imagine a humanoid god. The problem, ultimately is linguistic. The word "Es" ืืช, is extremely difficult to translate into english. -
Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions
Daniel replied to Sir Darius the Clairvoyent's topic in Abrahamic Religions Discussion
That's because the actual teachings are not to be written down. It doesn't say God's "back" in an anthropomorphic manner. It says es-achahrai. ืืืกืจืชื ืืชึพืืคื ืืจืืืช ืืชึพืืืจื ืืคื ื ืื ืืจืืื The anthropomorphisms are in poetry, visions, and dreams.