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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Unwinding Desire

    There are only 3 creations which have no holy properties at all: 1) Double-speak 2) Primordial Wrath 3) Anger Desire is not on that list. Desire is required for procreation.
  2. Unwinding Desire

    I beg to differ. Eve did not sin. It's in the Hebrew hiding in plain sight. Desire is not a sin. Deception, double-speak, jibber-jabber, was the sin. The serpent taught it to Eve, Eve taught it to her husband and the children. That is original sin. Double-speak.
  3. Unwinding Desire

    Seeking Freedom? Nope. Internal shake-up? Darn-skippy. Sent with love, Daniel .
  4. Unwinding Desire

    Thank G-d! Whew... that makes things easier. *blushing* Yes. Agreed. Thank you for explaining it this way. I beg to differ. I'm sure it's your significant Wisdom talking. Aaaahhhhhhhhh, and there it is. I am a Jew. A finite created being essentially stapled to the material world until G-d Almighty chooses to render my material body no longer viable. There is no non-dual practice for me. Not as long as I am a practicing Judaism. And that, my dear friend, is why we were talking past each other. No matter. Lesson learned. I can allow myself the freedom to imagine a non-dual reality. And I can conversate in those terms. And still be Jewish. I need to be careful with my language, raise it up to the Daoist standard ( in a manner of speaking ) , then we won't speak past each other in the future. Thank you again, @Manitou. Thank you very very much.
  5. Are there evil master?

    +1, me too.
  6. Unwinding Desire

    Aaaahhhh..... I'm sorry, I'm duty bound to secrecy. Basically once I had acheived a certain level of wisdom knowledge and understanding, I took a vow of silence. Anything Hebrew, Anything Torah, Anything Math related... all of it, I can't speak about it. because *I am not a Rabbi* ( there are loopholes of course... always ) And honestly, knowing and understanding in the manner and scope that I do... I don't even want to talk about it, far and beyond the vow I've taken. Yes, it is servitude, yes, it is submission, yes, it is the opposite of freedom. I am bound, just the same as all the others. Except that my slavery is by choice. eta: it does make conversations awkward at times though, I apologize for that.
  7. Are there evil master?

    I agree with everyone here who is rendering the terms good and evil as dysfunctional. I prefer the terms Zealot vs. Pious. See below: Zealot is a better description for the english word that is commonly used : Evil. Pious is a better description for the english word that is commonly used : Good. Thoughts? If that works for the OP, it might help a lot in understanding what's going on from a Daoist perspective.
  8. Are there evil master?

    @Scholar... THIS ^^^^ That's the best answer, imho.
  9. Are there evil master?

    @Scholar, I have not read the other replies, however, I am guessing by scrolling past the others who have contributed that you have been given excellent information and guidance. Here's mine: You asked: "Are there evil master? People that actually posses giant amounts of spiritual powers and uses it for the evil ? Is there such a thing ? Or evil people lack the work ethic to get to this level? Each one is a good question all on its own. However, grouped together, there is one simple answer that I can offer, maybe? The answer is no. There are no evil masters, if I understand precisely what you are talking about. None. But it's not due to lack of work ethic, it's a property inherent in The Dao. Those who do evil are always building themselves a cage at the same time that they are performing evil deeds. They don't know this, they cannot see the futility, the chain that keeps getting tighter and tighter constricting like one of those "chinese finger traps". It is the ultimate and most eternally ignorant thing to do.... Evil. It's a trap. It works just like the finger trap above. That's why I vote: There are no evil masters. They cannot be "masters" by definition. They're evil deeds surround them and constrict them and the more they wriggle for freedom the tighter the binding becomes. @Scholar, does that help answer your question? Edit to add: hopefully this info was not redundant to info provided from the others who replied. I will go read them now.
  10. Haiku Chain

    nibble on mushrooms? who needs any of that stuff? aren't we on The Dao?
  11. Unwinding Desire

    Thank you for that, @helpfuldemon. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your reply is Beautiful and Perfect.
  12. Unwinding Desire

    The simple truth is this. From what I can tell there is a very old something that exploits people, and this very old something found its way here to this forum. I am on a similar website where a similar much much smaller scale event occurred. No one has been harmed, unlike here. While I have been here, on TDB, I have been collecting samples / examples from the posts on this forum and comparing them to posts on the other forum where I'm usually active. They do appear to be a match. If I'm right and they are a match, I have this other lesser being trapped and bound in the other forum, going nowhere. I'm concerned that this binding will be weakened by disclosing any information about it. Like I said, this is a very old being. PreAdam. I'm not taking any chances letting it out of its box. That means I have to be very careful with what I say about it, how I speak about it, and even when I speak about it. But.... it is a lesser being. So, ya know... just say'n.
  13. Unwinding Desire

    I'm having a very hard time answering your question without speaking in hebrew. I'm sorry. Yes I agree, but I'm missing the connection the relevance to this subject matter.
  14. Unwinding Desire

    Yes. Thank you for pointing that out. We have a name for it, but, ... this is going to sound weird ... I can't say it's name. I'm ( forgive me ) duty bound to secrecy on this. Yes. What I'm talking about is 'Craving+Ignorance' at a very high level. And *Not* in the good way. There's a name for it in Hebrew, but I can't say it or type it out. OH! How about this? It's Craving+Ignorance of the worst sort, without a single drop of averice at all. None. The other two are full. And the third is a bottomless pit. That's "It".
  15. What are you listening to?

    but now, I kinda need this:
  16. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Ok. Thank you for pointing this out. gnowledge... ok. It will take a little time and practice, but I think this sounds really nice. Thank you for saying it. ty. It took a while to find y'all. I'm glad I did.
  17. What are you listening to?

    Then there's this...
  18. What are you listening to?

    How about a little SantaCruz Ska flavor?
  19. Haiku Chain

    unless... gain' *is* loss fresh water drips without cost when sipping from moss
  20. Wow, great forum

    Hello manitou, It's a pleasure to meet you. *Daniel bows deeply to manitou in honor of 39 years* ( it was 27 in 2008, that means it's 39 years now )
  21. Thank you so very kindly for liking the quote I offered as my favorite:  "We believe in the unseen".


    Best Wishes,

    1. manitou


      Maybe we Are the unseen. :)

    2. Daniel


      are we not? ( he asks with eyebrow raised )

    3. manitou


      (raises opposite eyebrow)  We Are.


      You are a wonderful new presence here.  So glad you found us.

  22. Cant sleep, did I fucked up ?

    You are always welcome, open door policy. Since I know you're having troubles, I'll check back here regularly over the next few days in case something comes up that you want to talk about. Speedy recovery, and Best Wishes to you and yours,
  23. Cant sleep, did I fucked up ?

    me too... on all counts... Anyone who suffers from insomnia, you have my deepest sympathies; if you ever want to chat about it let me know.
  24. Cant sleep, did I fucked up ?

    Hi Scholar, It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Daniel. I come from the Jewish tradition of healers taught by the Ba'al Shem Tov. It's important you know that, because it is not a cultivation path, and my knowledge and understanding of energetics comes from that school, not a Daoist school. But, That doesn't mean that I can't help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Scholar This advice from @freeform is, imho, the most important advice in the thread so far. The advice given was: "Unfortunately in these arts ‘feeling stuff’ is not necessarily a good sign " Please focus on this, and really let it sink in ( no pun intended ) ( see below ). It's very simple, simpler than you think. Read @RobB's advice. In all cultivation paths and occult practices that I have learned. Grounding oneself is the first thing to learn. Or else... well.... a person leaves themselves exposed to Qi Deviation. Look it up it's on wikipedia. It has a fancy name in Chinese i think... but it basically means... "cultivation gone wrong". That's what it sounds like to me. What you're describing in this thread .... that sounds like Qi Deviation to me, especially if you do not know how to ground yourself. Yup. Something you expected to be relaxing is not relaxing at all, it's the opposite.... QI Deviation. There are a lot of ways to ground oneself.... here's what I do, because, what they heck? I'm in the shower anyway... but I digress. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My prescription for you if you choose to take it is simple. 1) Cease all cultivation until this is resolved 2) Take a hot shower when you feel the burning sensation, then slowly, very slowly turn the water from hot to cold. *** It's important to go very slowly from hot to cold *** *** Be sure to get your whole head immersed in the water periodically *** *** then slowly step back out from under the water in the shower so the water hits your belly *** *** repeat the steps above: go slowly from hot to cold *** *** take a tiny step back again, and do the same thing with your feet: slowly from hot to cold *** 3) dry off, make some herbal ( non-caffeinated ) tea and eat something small, like a cookie or biscuit, not fruit, not veggie, not meat *** don't forget to finish the tea completely as well as the little grain based snack *** Please keep us posted, OK?