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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. How do we know?

    Some aspects of creation are unintended. When good was created, it automatically creates evil. When truth was created falsehood was automatically created. With mercy comes vengeance, etc. The intention was to create good, truth, and mercy not evil, falsehood and vengeance. Therefore God prefers good, truth, and mercy. The others are unintended side effects. So God is non-dual, but creation isn't.
  2. How do we know?

    Yes, but it's not full non-duality. There still exists good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, etc. Even if all is God, not all is preferred by God.
  3. How do we know?

    The sephirot are attributes. The Zohar is clear on this. "Woe to anyone who compares Him to any attribute, even to one of His own attributes, " https://www.zohar.com/zohar/Bo/chapters/14 A voice claiming "I am the Sephirot, I am all that is" is comparing God to the Attribute. It's false, not authentic Kabbalah.
  4. How do we know?

    Well, the angel was either misinformed or a liar.
  5. How do we know?

    The emanation is ohr-ein-sof, never-ending-light. "Ohr ("Light" Hebrew: אור; plural: Ohros/Ohrot "Lights" אורות‎) is a central Kabbalistic term in the Jewish mystical tradition. The analogy of physical light is used as a way of describing metaphysical Divine emanations. " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohr Edit to add: One way to confirm that the event is a hallucination is if the being's knowledge of the occult matches yours. If you both were misinformed about the sephirot, then the being is likely a manifestion of your own mind.
  6. How do we know?

    The sephirot are vessels, nothing more nothing less. Whatever it is that said this is misinformed or a liar.
  7. How do we know?

    Could this be a side effect of medication?
  8. How do we know?

    Not me... Genesis 1:28 "And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the sky and over all the beasts that tread upon the earth. "
  9. How do we know?

    consent can always be revoked
  10. ch 3 - a totalitarian dark place?

    Maybe it's all about #11: bringing order, which requires interference.
  11. How do we know?

    I hear you, I'm sorry that this happened to you. In my experience it's not uncommon for someone to descend like this after achieving a spiritual breakthrough. From our previous conversations, It sounds like you had accomplished a lot before your ordeal. When these things happen, it's as if the boundaries both ascending and descending expand and the individual finds themself at the bottom of a pit. In order to return to normal they need to climb up and out of a pit of despair in order to continue making progress. I wouldn't be surprised if this can happen repeatedly as a person progresses. Each time a breakthrough occurs, they descend lower and lower needing to work harder and harder to climb out of the pit. The first time it happens is probably the hardest because it feels like losing ground instead of gaining. But after climbing out of it, a person can hopefully see the progress more clearly. Their world has opened up in all directions. The depths of their descent is reflected in the other direction as well. The depth signifies an equal and opposite potential for ascent. I see that potential for you, it's why I'm hopeful. It may take a very long time, but, the potential still exists.
  12. How do we know?

    I do believe you can come back from this. Best wishes,
  13. PalmBreather

    Nice to meet you @PalmBreather
  14. How do we know?

    You're more than welcome to give it a whirl. I think it's bogus but... John 16:23
  15. How do we know?

    We live in the material world where God's will is completely occluded in the laws of nature.
  16. How do we know?

    It could be a predisposition to mental illness then a triggering event or events like studying occult topics.
  17. How do we know?

    Maybe it would be helpful to consider God is more than just love. Saying simply "God is love" puts a limit on something which is limitless. That said, if you need an example of God's love, there is always forebearance and omnipresence. God's tolerance is, was, and always will be with you.
  18. Mysticism

    You may be interested in reading about this fellow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_B._Tucker
  19. What is your opinion of right-and-wrong or good-and-evil? Do they exist? I vote yes! They do exist. Theft, Murder, Rape, Kidnapping are all wrong and evil. If wrong and evil exist, then certainly good and right exist.
  20. It's a good question, thank you. I'm not Buddhist, so I can only offer my minimal knowledge. I think the wiki article is describing salvation from craving which leads to suffering as well as salvation from the endless cycle of birth-life-death-rebirth. This is described in the wiki as: "
  21. For those who deny that right and wrong exist, do you also deny the "Noble Eight Fold Path" in Buddhism? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noble_Eightfold_Path#:~:text=In the Mahācattārīsaka Sutta which,release (sammā-vimutti). The eight Buddhist practices in the Noble Eightfold Path are: Right Resolve or Intention: the giving up of home and adopting the life of a religious mendicant in order to follow the path; this concept aims at peaceful renunciation, into an environment of non-sensuality, non-ill-will (to loving kindness), away from cruelty (to compassion).[25] Such an environment aids contemplation of impermanence, suffering, and non-Self.[25] Right Speech: no lying, no rude speech, no telling one person what another says about him to cause discord or harm their relationship.[26] Right Conduct or Action: no killing or injuring, no taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no material desires. Right Livelihood: no trading in weapons, living beings, meat, liquor, and poisons. Right Effort: preventing the arising of unwholesome states, and generating wholesome states, the bojjhagā (Seven Factors of Awakening). This includes indriya-samvara, "guarding the sense-doors", restraint of the sense faculties.[27][25] Right Mindfulness (sati; Satipatthana; Sampajañña): "retention", being mindful of the dhammas ("teachings", "elements") that are beneficial to the Buddhist path.[28][note 2] In the vipassana movement, sati is interpreted as "bare attention": never be absent minded, being conscious of what one is doing; this encourages the awareness of the impermanence of body, feeling and mind, as well as to experience the five aggregates (skandhas), the five hindrances, the four True Realities and seven factors of awakening.[25] Right samadhi (passaddhi; ekaggata; sampasadana): practicing four stages of dhyāna ("meditation"), which includes samadhi proper in the second stage, and reinforces the development of the bojjhagā, culminating into upekkha (equanimity) and mindfulness.[30] In the Theravada tradition and the vipassana movement, this is interpreted as ekaggata, concentration or one-pointedness of the mind, and supplemented with vipassana meditation, which aims at insight. Right View: our actions have consequences, death is not the end, and our actions and beliefs have consequences after death. The Buddha followed and taught a successful path out of this world and the other world (heaven and underworld/hell). Later on, right view came to explicitly include karma and rebirth, and the importance of the Four Noble Truths, when "insight" became central to Buddhist soteriology.
  22. Thank you, that makes sense to me. is it correct to say primordial empathy and compassion are good? If not, why not?
  23. OTOH, this system would encourage improvement over perfection.
  24. yes, I read it. ignoring the complexity of "de", replacing it with virtue. In your opinion, does virtue exist?