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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. AMA: Ask me anything

    Thank you for sharing, but, that has nothing to do with me.
  2. AMA: Ask me anything

    I don't feel affronted.
  3. AMA: Ask me anything

    I didn't say Jews were being attacked.
  4. AMA: Ask me anything

    No, you're probably not remembering what I wrote, or you have scrambled the words out of order.
  5. AMA: Ask me anything

    That's because you're discussing some imaginary post that I didn't write. I didn't write about "sinister choices". Excellent choice.
  6. AMA: Ask me anything

    @Nungali, I am seriously starting to wonder if you are struggling with reading words and understanding them in sequence. In the sentence above, which is the the product of the sinister conspiracy? Is the thread the product of an intentional sinister conspiracy? Or. Is Judaism the product of an intentional sinister conspiracy? Do you read it like this? Out of order? This thread is the product of an intentional sinister conspiracy to defraud and disenfranchise about attacking Jews and Judaism. I wrote this: Can you see the difference? This thread is about attacking Jews and Judaism as the product of an intentional sinister conspiracy to defraud and disenfranchise.
  7. AMA: Ask me anything

    Choosing sinister words, is not a sinister choice. You're making a syntax error. Because of this, my original answer was not yes/no. None the less, my original answer should have been sufficient. I'll show you. See the word "not", and the surrounding words? Those words mean, "no, accusing you, someone, of choosing sinister words does not mean they were being sinister." I needed to clarify because I didn't accuse you of making a sinister choice.
  8. AMA: Ask me anything

    OK. Nungali, hopefully this is the end of "Daniel claims X, Y, and Z". Even if it's true, people don't need your commentary to properly understand what I write. If I'm wrong, people can tell. If I'm being a dick, people can tell. But the simple truth is, over and over, again and again, when I'm quoted properly, whatever it is you're writing **about me** is obviously exaggerated and often completely misunderstood. So , please, just end it. Attacking my character is making you look like a tool. If you want to continue, we can do so here. Otherwise, please smear me in private. Is that too much to ask?
  9. AMA: Ask me anything

    I'll give you another 15 minutes.
  10. AMA: Ask me anything

    No. It's not even an accusation. Choosing sinister words is natural and normal for describing something sinister.
  11. AMA: Ask me anything

    Your thread is a foolish conspiracy theory where the villains are sinister. Therefore you chose sinister sounding words. That's what I wrote. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
  12. AMA: Ask me anything

    I'll be available for questions for another 15 minutes. If there are any that I've missed, please restate them now if they are important.
  13. AMA: Ask me anything

    Yes, I'm sure it's happened at some point in my life.
  14. AMA: Ask me anything

    Asked and answered. Here it is again. "The words were chosen "twist" and "massaged" because they describe a sinister undertaking. This is consistent starting from the very first sentence. I pointed that out, not because you're sinister, but because it puts your theory squarely into tin-foil hat conspiracy theory territory. Does that make you a foolish? Yes. But not sinister." Here's the screenshot, again.
  15. AMA: Ask me anything

    It cannot be false quoting if the the words match. Literally. Word for word, they match. "making a 'sinister choice' does not mean they where being sinister ?" That is exactly, word-for-word, the question I answered less than 15 minutes ago. It's not a big deal that you missed it. It's literally the same words. Word-for-word. You already asked that same question, you even misspelled the word "were" the same way in both places.
  16. AMA: Ask me anything

    I'll note: I originally typed: "Does that make you a fool? Yes.", but I decided to soften it.
  17. AMA: Ask me anything

    asked and answered 11 minutes ago. Here's a link to the post: LINK
  18. AMA: Ask me anything

    If you restate the simple question, I'll show you where I answered it.
  19. AMA: Ask me anything

    I did. But you can't remember it.
  20. AMA: Ask me anything

    Here's what you wrote. You're free to deny it. This is the utility of the quote feature. You can deny it, but, here's your words proving you wrong. Everyone can see it.
  21. AMA: Ask me anything

    The right thing to do right now is quit. Nungali, you cannot even remember what you've written less than an hour ago. Obviously you won't be able to remember what I've written weeks ago. Any rational person, at this point, would realize they needed to double check what was written before making statements about it. The easiest way to do this is use the quote feature. Your refusal to do so is.... unfortunate for you.
  22. AMA: Ask me anything

    Here's what you wrote. And then 53 minutes later... That's a direct contradiction, boss.
  23. AMA: Ask me anything

    The words were chosen "twist" and "massaged" because they describe a sinister undertaking. This is consistent starting from the very first sentence. I pointed that out, not because you're sinister, but because it puts your theory squarely into tin-foil hat conspiracy theory territory. Does that make you a foolish? Yes. But not sinister.
  24. AMA: Ask me anything

    Nungali, the right thing to do right now is quit. I've shown you. In the past you cannot accurately remember what I've written. Now you've warped my words again. That's 2 examples where you're wrong about what I've written. And I showed you with screenshots. There's no way for me to edit the post. And if you ( or anyone else ) clicks on the link, they'll see it hasn't been edited. And if that's not enough. You've yet again forgotten what you've typed. Last time it was less than 24 hours. This time, less than 60 minutes. Whatever you're doing to your brain, or have done to your brain in the past.... whew. You have my sympathy.
  25. AMA: Ask me anything

    Nungali, you seriously cannot read the words on the page and understand them?