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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Mysticism

    How did this being, whom you thought was JHVH, betray you? Right. Her God is probably not JHVH. It's double-speak. If these are divine beings ( note I didn't say Holy ) which have taken up residency in your thoughts, then you could try making your thoughts inhospitable to them. That's where the inquisitve spirit can be of use. Asking them questions which require a detaied answer. Ask 'Why' questions repeatedy like an innocent child. The mechansm here is to cultivate skeptism aka non-belief. These malicious thought-forms feed on belief. Non-belief weakens them. Regarding the wires: mind over matter. It's all in your mind. You are always bigger than it. That means you can minimize the pain, reduce it to discomfort. Then from discomfort to a distraction, then from a distraction to a memory, etc.
  2. Mysticism

    What about JHVH? I think you said you were tortured?
  3. Mysticism

    The ones that answered the yes-no questions ... how are they connected to the device? I must have missed that part.
  4. Mysticism

    I know another person online who described it similarly. For him, he would ask yes or no questions and would receive the answer as a tactile sensation on either his right arm ( yes ) or his left arm ( no ). He is diagnosed schizophrenic, medicated, and remains convinced that he is possessed by a demon.
  5. Mysticism

    Have you ever asked them direct question? It would be interesting to determine whether or not they have any knowledge beyond your own.
  6. Mysticism

    When they present themselves, ask them for my mothers maiden name. If they can't answer, then they're not really divine.
  7. Mysticism

    Well, in that regard, one motive of a malicious spirit would be to derail your life. Granting wishes and prophecy at first, then without warning revoking those same blessings. Initial feelings of elation are only a build-up for the inevitable knock-down that comes when the divine revelation ends. There is no explanation, there is no closure, depression seems like a natural result. I'm sorry to say that there is no unlearning, as far as I know. These malicious archetypes are old and universal. Once one learns about them, it's hard to ignore their influence. The key, imo, is not to value their judgements.
  8. Mysticism

    That's the definition of a hallucination: seeing things that didn't happen. What is different about the device and the wires vs. the other experiences which are understood to be hallucinations? Regarding living in another place, that sounds very stressful. Have you discovered anything which grounds to this reality? I hope you don't mind the questions. All of this is facinating to me.
  9. Mysticism

    I hear you. Earlier in the thread you mentioned a device and some wires inside your body. Those are part of the delusion or hallucination?
  10. Mysticism

    The demons are actually you. They're a part of your own personality. They're inner-demons. Most people have them. You know, "skeletons in the closet" It's known that these inner demons bubble up to the surface from time to time. Meditation can trigger it, studying certain topics can trigger it. It can happen to anyone really. I'm guessing that your deep contemplation on mystical topics had the same effect as transcendental meditation. As you dissassociated, you were confronted with your own inner demons. It goes with the territory.
  11. Mysticism

    Probably not JHVH then, since JHVH demands that the bible be written on the heart and soul. It's in Deuteronomy. I won't quote it out of respect for you and what you've been through.
  12. Mysticism

    How do you know it was JHVH and not some other random being?
  13. Mysticism

    The first psalm, I'm guessing, was chosen because of verses 6, 20, and 29 where the "adversary" is redirected. It's good to know, sincerely.
  14. Mysticism

    Well, you may be surprised how refreshing a cool shower can be. Think of it like an athlete who sprains their ankle. Ice is nice
  15. Mysticism

    This may sound weird, but have you tried taking a cool shower for the pain? Maybe start out luke warm, and slowly decrease the temperature?
  16. Mysticism

    Are you able to read without too much discomfort? If you're inclined towards the western religions and perceptions of God, you may find relief in the book of Psalms. One tradition I read about recently listed psalms 109, 20, 90, 91, 4, and 65 in that order as helpful for some of the problems you're describing. For a stronger effect recite the Psalms in a whisper before going to sleep at night.
  17. Nowadays I can control rain.

    Why are you causing the wildfires?
  18. Daoist enlightenment

    Does non-duality ebb and flow like the dao?
  19. Daoist enlightenment

    A fulcrum's function is motion? If it's unmoving, it's not a fulcrum, imo. Looking at the english translation: "the reversion ... is called the basis or pivot". Reversion, to me, indicates an ongoing process... motion.
  20. A $ 360 Time Machine

  21. Seeking Wisdom

    I tend to envision wisdom like lightning striking. When the condtions are right, it's bright and obvious. Other times all one hears/feels is distant thunder. When faced with a difficult decision and insight is lacking, I think it's good to listen to others and pay attention to the feelings in the heart, while at the same time accepting the lack of precision coming from these sources.
  22. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    Just a few comments: 1) I'm not seeing the connection to the Middle East. 2) I'm surprised that there isn't a moral/ethical component other than a brief mention of karma.
  23. A Fingernail's Magic

    I think you may be right. If I were to answer why, I would say it's a symbol of increased life-energy. The same could be said of long hair or a bushy beard.
  24. Chyawanprash

    Thanks for the nutritional tip @Vajra Fist I've never heard of this before. Here's some favorable research on its benefits published at nih.gov. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6571565/ According to this, the traditional health benefit claims have merit; but, due to increasing popularity one needs to be cautious of inferior formulations and preparations.