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Everything posted by helpfuldemon

  1. Was wondering what people's thoughts on this were, thanks.
  2. The Grades of Initiation

    Sorrow is unnecessary. Grieving won't change the outcome, it won't change the laws with which Nature functions, it won't bring back the dead. Still, we love and we are aware, and so we sorrow.
  3. The Grades of Initiation

    The reason the magician settles on Do What Thou Wilt is because they see there is no organizing Chaos, that even they will fail their Wisdom, and that one cannot predict the outcome of every action. They are still Wise, but who can be so Wise as to avoid every trap?
  4. The Grades of Initiation

    It just seems so futile... no matter how we try, we fail at times. I know, sometimes it is not a failure, but...
  5. The Grades of Initiation

    Though I feel I have mastered my Wisdom, I am saddened, because I know that I fail it still. I wonder if it is possible to be perfect? I wonder too, about an immortal God, who has mastered themselves and life, having witnessed it for millennia. I wonder how this God keeps their compassion?
  6. The Grades of Initiation

    One cannot be a "Master of Wisdom", because there is too much knowledge now. But, you can master yourself and what you personally know.
  7. The Grades of Initiation

    I said I have mastery over the self (my wisdom)
  8. The Grades of Initiation

    Yeah no more cliff diving for me haha
  9. The Grades of Initiation

    I realized I already have the pdfs of the first set of Equinox books, so I cancelled it. If I want to I can just read those.
  10. Experiments in Weather Magic

    Crowley would have been all about weather magic.
  11. Experiments in Weather Magic

    I've seen some pretty phenomenal things. I've predicted (or maybe caused) a couple world events. I've seen synchronicities that can't be simply pushed aside. I don't, however, believe I could cause these things with my Will or intent, I think it needs to occur naturally, almost on accident. Nature has her own rules. If there is a drought, it is because it fits in with her plan. We are not more powerful than nature! We are not more important than her plans!
  12. The Grades of Initiation

    I think I am one step away from being a master of Wisdom (my own wisdom, of course). I don't want to take the next step though. I am at a place that is comfortable to me, and this is something I do not take for granted. It is a wise place in itself, so I can be content.
  13. Experiments in Weather Magic

    I think supernatural abilities is a fools game. I do believe that sometimes it seems like it works, and maybe it does, but it can't be relied upon. No harm in trying I guess. Sort of like prayer, heck, maybe the Gods will hear you and take your side?
  14. The Grades of Initiation

    I decided to only order the Gems of the Equinox. The other two are mostly Magick books, and since that stuff drives me crazy and I don't believe in it, I decided to cancel them. Oh wait, I kept the Equinox 3 vol 1, that one was a kindle purchase.
  15. The Grades of Initiation

    I've decided to repurchase a few books. I bought Equinox 3 vol 1, Gems of the Equinox, 777, and Liber ABBA. I have to be careful because Magick makes me mad, but I wanted to re-read and see what I missed the first time. The first time I read these, I was going through a lot of terrible torture from my demon, and I was very chaotic in my learning process. Now that I feel I understand things a bit better, and am no longer sick, I want to read them again. After all, the Gods did send me the word Aiwass, it would seem they want me to understand.
  16. The Grades of Initiation

    Yes, I see how it works now.
  17. The Grades of Initiation

    To summarize, the grades of initiation are such that the Adept is climbing a ladder of knowledge, developing a philosophical perspective of the Universe, and especially the life of mankind. It involves the moral and philosophical training of the magician. Magick aside, it is the intellectual climb through ignorance. This is accomplished in the lower grades, and is re-examined in the higher. The 4=7, the 6=5 and the 9=2 are all similar, except that the tools from which they develop their philosophy are different, and so the outcome of the philosophy will be different. Each has a world view that is valid. The higher grades denote a more powerful foundation of the temple of the mind, and their Will shall be stronger, because they have undergone rigorous training to develop it. In the pursuit of this, the Adept confronts many forms of knowledge, and so they are acquainted with many fields and ideas, and are not easily persuaded away from what they understand, because they have examined and confirmed their knowledge. They have acquired many observations of philosophical steps towards enlightenment that they can pass on as Wisdom. They can find peace in their knowledge and no longer wander through ideas lost. They have precise words when they communicate. With each level of adeptship, the magician is able to have more choices of action, and understands more beliefs, and isn't limited to one, specifically, though they probably settle on one they favor, which suits their level of attainment. As I said earlier, I do not attribute special powers of the supernatural, nor special privileges of the Divine to the various levels of attainment. "Magick", in the supernatural sense, is an illusion, and is only a tool for contemplation. Only the fool falls for claims of supernatural abilities. When the magician reaches mastery over the philosophy of the climbing of the Tree, they are now free from contradiction, and can act according to their Will. There is no more illusion to suffer, no more struggling with ignorance. They are free to do what they will.
  18. The Grades of Initiation

    Philosophy is a funny thing; it is a mountain to climb, but when you step back from the mountain, you can summarize it with common sense words. Magick is the act of creating a temple of the mind. It is formed by building blocks of ideas and well thought patterns to justify one's perspective. It is the creation of a soul. What I wrote a few posts up about Chaos was a hard won struggle to understand, but if you step back, it's easy enough to say that everyone is different, and that we all have our own way of thinking, and it can cause conflict and confusion. But I had to climb into this awareness and build my temple. Now that I have settled the temple grounds, I can create observations of particular Wisdom in the direction I choose, keeping in mind that we are all likely to have our own interpretation of things. This seems like an unnecessary and thankless task. It would be easier to let people find their own truth.
  19. The Grades of Initiation

    You don't seem to understand your own metaphor. What is it to be in the "higher light"? it means that something is illuminated. What is it to have something illuminated? It is to make something known. Therefore, being in the higher light is to know, so essentially it is what I said it was, according to your analogy.
  20. The Grades of Initiation

    What is Enlightenment? It is to know. And in knowing, we act. Can we agree on how to act and what is true? It would seem that to the willful, all Will is true, until it is declared false (by them). In this world of many ideas and ideologies, where do we look for truth? In all of it. There are pieces of truth in everything. But what do we say is "the way"? This truly remains up to the person. I have my own set of beliefs, and I try to act according to them. The world is Chaos, and no matter how hard one tries to order it, Chaos it remains. Not just because of a differing in ideals, but because youth is full of ignorance and the testing of Wisdom. Also, accidents occur everywhere. Nature is not bound to the Will of mankind. So what do we do to govern and protect ourselves from Chaos? We choose Order. We exalt science. We listen for Wisdom. We take caution in our word and deed. A good place to begin is to believe that peace and happiness, security and love are the most desirable elements of life. Now, some people do not want community, and some people desire excitement and danger. Some people have no idea what love and happiness is. More Chaos. What do you desire to see in the world? How do you think you can bring about change? Do you wish to organize the Chaos, or allow it to reign? If it is not the desire to aid people in experiencing a more enjoyable life, then perhaps it is about your own life that motivates you to action. Certainly we want to be safe. Perhaps what you bring to the world is rules of Law that will accommodate our peace and stability? All intellectual endeavor is art, and an artist is meant to create a vision to share, so that we have a measure of what is Good. The 7=4 is about finding this art and bringing it to the table of life. The Magus is the completion of this task, and they will have Wisdom to share with us. I do not believe there is special powers or privileges conferred to these ranks of magic. I think all speculation on special powers or privileges are delusional. As I said earlier, I don't think the Gods see a difference in us. I think we take action and have beliefs, and get what we create.
  21. The Grades of Initiation

    The door to the Abyss is your root Chakra. When you turn the key, it is destroyed and ground up. All the visions in the Abyss are inside you. God dwells inside you, as do demons and spirits and memories. The sense you make of things is particular to you. It is your Universe, which is a replica of the exterior Universe.
  22. The Grades of Initiation

    Thank you. The Abyss is a supernatural state; another realm. It is also a mental condition. For one to reach such a mystical condition, one must have their sense of life in perfect order, but come to recognize that life is not order, it is chaos. You also need the key to the Abyss. When you enter, you are assailed by a vision of God, who resides above, or perhaps in the very center, of the Abyss. God greets you, and you are sent back into the Abyss. It is a place of great confusion. There are spirits there that start to interact with you. Physically, the Adept experiences the grinding of his essence into a hundred pieces and then they are assailed by forces that turn their Will and thoughts back onto the Adept. It is a place of utter Chaos and loss. There is little hope or help. It is sink or swim. The Adept has to fight off the demons and the voices and the physical assault on their body, and eventually submit to these powers. In order to find the Will to submit, the Adept has to have ordered their perspective again, and stop questioning. This is not easy, for there are many questions. They "rise" by establishing a pattern of understanding and acceptance, and get stronger in their understanding and submission. When they finally stabilize, they can say once again, that they comprehend.
  23. The Grades of Initiation

    Anyway, back on topic. The 7=4 is already an Adept of a high degree. They have already completed moral training, already understand their Will, already have composed a map of the Universe; they already do their Will. There are probably many reasons for entering the Abyss. I am not one of those that confer special status to the 7=4. I believe they have achieved enlightenment and dedicate themselves to the higher good of mankind, but that might be reaching. Certainly it takes something special to enter the Abyss, some Divine movement of the Gods, who knows? In the end, they are no different than any other Adept. They enter Chaos. Their sense of Order is torn asunder. They are forced to examine all that they previously understood. They undertake a new pursuit of knowledge to aid them (the Cup of Babylon). They are forced to climb and they have a demon to fight (themselves). In this climb, they re-examine themselves as well, and their heart is purified. If you believe in karma, they process their karma. If you believe in reincarnation, if they are successful, they probably don't reincarnate. They should conclude on some new Wisdom (for themselves, if not for mankind), and they have insight into life and the Universe and the heart and mind. There is some science learned as well, for they have witnessed parts of the body that only an initiate feels. You may call them a Saint, but I personally do not attribute anything special to this title. In fact, I don't attribute any special privileges or powers to these people that ascend from the Abyss. I think all people are equal in the eyes of God, and that you have a certain amount of experience that will lend itself to your process of becoming, and you get what you become in terms of Heaven. The most an Adept of the Abyss has over others is the opportunity to examine themselves and the world again, more fully than previously, and they should be more Wise than before. These people go on to produce works, but it is said that they also retire away from society and are unnoticed. It probably depends, again, on what they drank from the Cup of Babylon, how extensive their struggles in the Abyss were, and who they know and what resources they possess. The Adept of the Abyss knows things uncommon, but again, there is nothing truly different than an Adept of a lower grade. Why do I write this? I am not here to boast about my achievements. I am a small man of meager talent and resources. I did take an oath to aid mankind, and I am trying to document my experiences to aid anyone that follows. I have written some of my Truth in other places, but as I realize; the simple Truth is easiest to ignore. Perhaps if people seeking Wisdom were less concerned with magical powers and hidden realities, they would see Truth more clearly. Perhaps if people were less concerned with following a teacher, and more concerned with personal progress and clarity, they would see what is in front of them. I think Magick is a distraction, though it is indeed fun. Too often, I think, the heart is ignored by Magick people. But then, who ever said the heart is the end all? I guess I would Love is the answer to our problems my friends. But, Do What Thou Wilt!
  24. The Grades of Initiation

    How come Crowley gets to be all the fun stuff?