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Everything posted by helpfuldemon

  1. Do What Thou Wilt

    Know thyself.
  2. Do What Thou Wilt

    To thine own self be True.
  3. Do What Thou Wilt

    You can only be forgiven by God.
  4. Do What Thou Wilt

    Nothing is certain
  5. Do What Thou Wilt

    Do not harm intellectual, emotional and physical health, wealth, or liberty. When harm occurs, then impose your Will. Only God can judge the outcome.
  6. Do What Thou Wilt

    Anything tied to the White Brotherhood is worth investigating.
  7. Do What Thou Wilt

    All I can say is that I am aware of the White Brotherhood. The rest of what I say is speculation. Only God decides what it True and when.
  8. Do What Thou Wilt

    Magick is Freedom, but when you take the right of the Abyss, you either pick a God, or go in with one, and are tortured by one of their Demons to prove you understand their Laws.
  9. The Grades of Initiation

    We evolve in life from the sexual organs to the Heart, to the Mind. You have to Master the Heart, which is Love, and Love is for All, and Forgives All, and the Mind Understands All, and the hardships of life and choice, and being led by the flaws of sexuality and emotion. The Heart has its faults to overcome, such as Pride and being hurt by Chaos. It is a Chaotic world, and we don't usually intend to do ill. We don't all Understand Law or know to honor the wants of other people, that is a mistake in Wisdom on their part.
  10. The Grades of Initiation

    The measure of life is security and Love. The Desire is productive, creative enjoyment of life, and the reproduction of the Human Race. Follow these and do well.
  11. The Grades of Initiation

    The Magister Templi realizes that God is All, and can communicate with all, and controls all. The Magus offers the choices of All, and declares "Do What Thou Wilt" The Ipssisimus says it matters not what you choose, All is Chaos.
  12. Do What Thou Wilt

    Kill for what you believe in if you must. Wisdom should be self-evident, but people resist. This land is ours to do what we will with, and we have the right to live as we will. Change for the advancement of Mankind is waiting. New tools come from revolutions. Please exhaust all alternatives before doing so.
  13. Do What Thou Wilt

    Chaos has much to teach us about enjoying life, and Love.
  14. Do What Thou Wilt

    Do What Thou Wilt was only meant for us to Love who and how we will, and to live and work as we will. It is not a license to do anything we like. We are only allowed to defend our liberties, not to destroy or cause Chaos.
  15. The Grades of Initiation

    This may be a New Age of conscience.
  16. The Grades of Initiation

    Lust is what can lead us to Sin and Passion, its friends are Mars and Venus. It inspires us, it strengthens us, it encourages us to explore. The Father of these Gods is Chaos, and it is the children of Chaos that we tame to bring Order and Discipline- yet Chaos is the Creator God, and from Chaos comes all things. Jupiter Understands both Lust and Prudence, Duty and Desire, and the need to expand and invent. It is to the Greek and Roman that we owe much. Likely they were aided by Egypt, which is why, when I chanted Amon, I received Chakras. The Master Therion changed the Rite of Jupiter to reflect the Will of Dionysus. This is a Golden Age, and we were to learn from the Love and Joy from celebrating. Now, I am not so certain where we are.
  17. The Grades of Initiation

    It is Folly not to care, and it is Folly to sacrifice. This is the Mortal Conflict of a World that is formed around Duty and Desire.
  18. The Grades of Initiation

    Someone said "What's Good for you isn't Good for me" and I reached up and thought "What is Good?" to which I thought "Love" and then a Spirit overtook my body and drew out a symbol, which I unlocked and had a vision of the Earth. Then I declared "You're not the God of Love! Give me the power to bring Love here!" to which a God answered me, and off I went.
  19. The Grades of Initiation

    In Mahāyāna Buddhism, a bodhisattva refers to anyone who has generated bodhicitta, a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings
  20. The Grades of Initiation

    I am also a student of Western Philosophy, following a Socratic method, which inspired Agnosticism. I started my journey by gaining my Chakras, and then declared two things: I do not know right from wrong, and God is Love, God made the World, the World is Love.
  21. The Grades of Initiation

    My God is not JHVH. If anything I am a Buddhist. Perhaps this is why I had Chakras. I have honored many Gods, however. I am an Adept of Magick. I study a long line of traditions. I have studied Christianity and Judaism, which is easily done considering how influential they are on our Laws and how available their materials are, and how many of them there are. I have worked with many Gods.
  22. The Grades of Initiation

    Because we are not all taught Perfect Wisdom, we must have Mercy. Because we are not all Blessed with Beauty, Strength, Wealth and Knowledge, we must have Mercy. Because we do not know what God is allowing, we must have Mercy. Because we do not know what will come from Chaos and Sin, we must have Mercy.
  23. The Grades of Initiation

    Reward for acts of Mercy. Reward for acts of contrition. Reward for turning Sin into Wisdom. Reward for honoring Laws. Reward for making amends. Reward for apologizing. Reward for doing Good deeds. Reward for a job well done. Reward for Victory. Reward for making an effort. Reward for defending.
  24. The Grades of Initiation

    Do not raise your voice in condemnation. Do not insult their performance and encourage them with words for their effort. Praise what they succeeded at. Should they ask for advice then give it, otherwise, let them experiment. Do not turn down a gift and give thanks. When someone offers you a service for free, offer them payment, and if they refuse, then honor their offering. When avoiding harming someone's health, do not offer them harmful things. Do not physically beat them. When avoiding harming someone's wealth, do not steal or destroy property. Do not overcharge for goods or labor. When avoiding harming someone's liberty, do not obstruct them as they go on their way. Do none of these unless they are harming health, wealth or liberty. Then we are free to contest, to obstruct, punish or fine.