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Everything posted by helpfuldemon

  1. The Sephiroth

    Its difficult. In observing the voices, I see how a lot of it works: I have trained myself to imagine a personality with a history found in books that speaks to me in response to words I think, according to the theme or story that has developed over time. This doesnt mean that something is actually happening to me that has some other worldly context, but really, it seems ridiculous that any sentient thing would bother with a lot of what I have imagined to be happening to me. Im probably being used as entertainment, is what I figure. Aside from that, there have been very real things too- like the drilling in my brain- that was no hallucination. Either I exist elsewhere, or there is a device in me that they come and tinker with. Also, I predicted a lot of things that came to pass, and this is difficult to understand and live with. Thankfully the medicine I am on has been working, Ive learned to not take the voices seriously- though when new thoughts come about, or a strange dream- I cant help but ponder it, though with every passing day I am learning to ignore. This takes a lot of effort and rest on my part.
  2. The Sephiroth

    You put up a sad emoji, it is sad, what Ive been through but trust me, I never thought Id be that guy that heard voices, or believed in aliens, or would go around telling people theres a device implanted in me from the future.
  3. The Sephiroth

    Ever since this started I have had vivid, real time dreams that were very organized and often seemed scripted, and Ive realized that its entirely possible that we exist in many worlds, with different laws of reality. Today I was dreaming and they descended upon me and started drilling into my brain and implanting things. I think they are from the future, or possibly from another planet, probably both.
  4. The Sephiroth

    It occurs to me that a lot of our cruelty comes from our pursuit of perfection. If something isnt perfect, we mock it, we kill it, we attack it, we ignore it. The pursuit of perfection... is it connected with our concept of God in some way? God, being perfect, having perfect reasons for existence and creation. We are not born perfect, we are born ignorant, and have to learn as we go. We do not die perfect, we suffer faults and failures of action, mind and body. It seems that this pursuit of perfection is out of our reach, and yet we try. This world is Chaos, and perfection is a construct of the mind.
  5. The Sephiroth

    Its funny, and perplexing, because when I had that vision, I thought He was saying He was the only thing in existence, but in reflection, I think He meant that He made up the totality of all things in existence- that we each, that everything, has its own existence, but that He is the body that holds it all together. I am all that is, I am everything. I think this because He would have otherwise said "I am all there is" by saying that, it makes me think Hes saying all that is is there, and I am that- I am in it all, it is in me, we are all that is.
  6. The Sephiroth

    Thats an interesting problem. Prior to my vision, I heard a voice. It was masculine and feminine, but the masculine half spoke first. The vision of the throne was male, I believe- it caught me by surprise and I barely got a glimpse of the entity.
  7. The Sephiroth

    If Ive learned anything about God through all of this its that no one can put words in Gods mouth, and God is free to do what He wills to do.
  8. Head Energy

    Mine began with an explosion in my groin that was also in my head. Then this terrible wrenching/screeching sound, as someone opened the side of my head. Then there was this buzzing and a spot below my ear that felt energized. In meditation I would mentally try to remove it, which I think agitated it, and pissed off whoever put it there, because then these wires came out of it and overtook my pineal gland and fingers and organs. Over the years the energy has felt as fine as a wire, felt like a lazer cutting parts of me apart, and yes, fingers and tugging. This has been going on for 20 years. Eventually it overtook my mental capacity and I started hearing voices and my thoughts were the wires, and it went crazy. My best advice is not to mess with it. If it acts up, center yourself, stay calm, dont think anything. Observe it come and go.
  9. Head Energy

    Hi. My root Chakra cracked open and it affected my head Chakra. I had visions of angels and a God. Lots of energy happening, which turned into wires being placed in my brain and body. Im not sure what youre experiencing, but the only thing that takes it away for me is anti psychotic medication. My thoughts get out of control and make the wires move and devour me.
  10. Love is...

    Love is a different kind of morality. It goes beyond do not harm and do not obstruct. It certainly isnt the right of kings, where the strong get their will done. Love is special; it is what makes us go beyond the cordial, and into the concern. We protect and nurture out of love. We care for people, and we care about them.
  11. Time (and the horse it rode in on)

    You may experience the passage of time differently, but that doesnt mean it doesnt pass at the same speed and method for all things.
  12. Time (and the horse it rode in on)

    Time is time, for all things. All things experience the same passage of time.
  13. Greetings all

    The only affect a person has on you is with words. If your words have created a wall of energy that prevents or assists something, someone else can give you words that can help you break it down. No one has the power to curse or heal you otherwise, except maybe God.
  14. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    be careful. I would recommend anti psychotics. I had kundalini awaken and it took over, then I created personalities and the thoughts started to come, then... voices.
  15. Looking for my own way

    If you want to find your own way, I suggest "Understanding the Book of Thoth". In it you will find a description of the Rose Cross. Use it, in combination with a basic text on Qabalah, and you can develop your own philosophy. I wouldnt recommend any other books until you have some mastery over climbing the tree, and using the Rose Cross, because then you get into gods, godforms, elements, prophets, and sages with their own opinions.
  16. What is spirituality

    It is the spirit of a thing, what moves you, and how. That is spirituality, and in the West, science has overtaken spirit.
  17. Astrology?

    Astrology is like the Tarot; it contains basic things that every person can encounter in life, organized in such a way as to make one think they are going through it at that moment, when really, it is broad, and can apply to anyone at any time.
  18. There is no virtue in suffering.

    Suffering can be done by acts of Evil, or by nature, or by punishment. If its punishment, I can see how suffering might be considered to be a purifying thing- that accomplishes a transformation in the person. It is also good for recovering damages, in that light. Otherwise, it is unnecessary and immoral to create suffering.
  19. Christianity

    Of course there were other Gods, the world and history was full of them.
  20. I am that I am

    I never really understood the concept of duality in thinking. I see the world as a myriad of ideas. In my initiation I guess I did have a duality- it was the liberty of Thelema and the restraint of Christianity. I was constantly comparing the two, and it felt like a duality, but in retrospect, it was pretty minor conflicts. I simply dont know how I got caught in dual thinking back then, because there really is no such thing. Everything is, and everything has a reason, and the only time there is conflict is when there is no moral or ethical code of reason for a person to take action.
  21. Christianity

    The Bible is a mess. A lot of Christians only read the prophets that foretell Christ, and the New Testament. If they read the other books, theyd find that the Jews dont have it all figured out. I guess that is why the messiah had to come. He did say we are all gods, he said he could make us gods. I dont think that suffering as a path was what he meant, Jesus didnt suffer for that long. The homosexual thing is easy enough to figure out. It goes against biological order, so it must be against Gods design. Thing is, they call gays God Haters, which I dont think is fair. Ive realized that anyone that doesnt follow doctrine could be considered a God Hater. I think its madness (on their part) to say that they are the only Truth, but thats what they say. All this aside, I think the logic and rules that follow are pretty air tight. Christian philosophy in a lot of ways is well organized, that is probably why they have lasted so long, and gone so far.
  22. I dont think in an "I" sense. I hardly ever did. I never asked myself what my purpose was, I just went on my way towards one. I never asked myself "Who am I"? I just became who I was. I did ask myself what was good. I used to say "I pursue truth!" and eventually I found some. Nowadays there is no I. Its just self evident daily life that I go from place to place engaged in. I plan for little, and I imagine nothing.
  23. I am that I am

    I agree, that as far as a persons subjective opinion goes- they are already enlightened. But as far as the coined phrase by the many that claim to know what it is, enlightenment requires a certain knowledge of Law and rule, and those laws are required for that enlightenment so that the thinker can say "I know"
  24. There is a force in this Universe that influences incorrect moral choices. I have witnessed this on a supernatural level. I wonder why it is that a moral, Good God, would allow or encourage these things. I have concluded that this reality is but a stage, and we are Gods actors, on which we experience a moral challenge where we feel joy and sorrow, love and hate, anger and pleasure. We are caught by our greatest power: desire, and torn between it, and duty.
  25. Favorite sacred texts

    Any copy of Penthouse Forum