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Everything posted by helpfuldemon
Is truth relative? Is it really all in the eye of the beholder? Are there any absolutes, and if so, what are they based upon?
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
Demons are semi Divine entities. I believe they are only semi Divine because their methods are to challenge us, rather than generously inform and guide us,. or heal us. I named myself helpfuldemon because I have spent a lot of time challenging for the sake of aiding. I am not a challenger much any more, but I think its a useful tool to discover truth. -
It depends on the civilization youre talking about. Some of them simply had poor laws. A lot of them were upset by other war faring monarchs and never had the chance to mature. We live in a golden age, our tools and amenities have never served us so well. We arent threatened by warlords and we hold our leaders accountable. We also have plenty of freedom.
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
If I had simply fallen ill, I think I wouldnt have suffered so greatly. Because I know this had a Divine/mystical origin, it kept me seeking answers. What makes it worse is that I wonder why the God would do such a thing. I often find myself barking at the moon complaining. Philosophical investigation leads to realization but one of the things you realize is that its not as important as we like to think. Most truth is relative to time and place and culture, and so if this was a push towards seeking wisdom, it seems like a terribly painful way to make someone realize that its subjective. -
So you would do some thing, some way, to lead us in some direction lol. Well, youre no Martin Luther King. Jokes aside, when I think about the idea of slave, I imagine it is being forced to do something we dont want to do, or to do something that does not pay us what we deserve. In our society it seems that the lower paid people deserve more, but I think they can get by for the most part. The only real unaffordable thing is health care, and I dont have the answer for that. As far as being forced to do things, there are the needs of life- we must work to pay for our existence, and we must work to pay for the things we want and need. We can get by without the wants, but the needs have to be met, and unless you can conceive of an economic system that rewards people for working that is better than what we have, we are stuck with what we have. Nothing is going to come for free, unfortunately, so work must be performed. What other things are we required to do? I imagine it is things that have to do with our duties. Well, our country doesnt require us to do a lick, so you cant really say that applies. The laws prevent us from certain actions, did you have some in mind that you want to dismantle? I dont really know how we are slaves, except out of necessity. From another perspective, we do seem to be bound to other peoples definition of beauty and grace. I find that many people simply are not that brave when it comes to creating friendships and relationships. They arent that creative, either. Are we bound to some type of social standard for interaction? To some degree, yes. We are limited by the vision of our artists, and that includes the artists of religion. These things define communication. Does it work? To some degree, yes, but I believe, again, that people lack bravery. We also lack the ability to declare our intentions and desires. And then of course there is failure, and the ensuing depression that prevents us from getting back on the horse.
And what is your vision that we are evolving into?
So if we are slaves what kind of lifestyle do you profess that we should lead? What changes would you like to see?
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
One of the other things that cant seem to be helped is that Ive become colder, almost indifferent to a lot of things. Im still concerned, and I still offer opinion, but I dont seem to care much about other peoples problems now- its not my fight. I dont think this is the right attitude to take, but its essentially true, and Im in no position of authority to make much of a difference anyway. I think this comes from my long period of suffering, Im kind of numb because I know that in a lot of cases, theres nothing that can be done for a person other than to be a listener and be supportive. I also recognize that a lot of people dont want my opinion. -
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
Some other interesting things of note. Now that the hallucinations are gone, when I have thoughts of doubt or regret, they are instantly absorbed into this device. I no longer feel sorrow or fear. On the other hand, I no longer feel love or desire. Its taking some time to adjust to this, because previously i was literally plagued with doubt and despair, for years. Its also not very restful, being wide awake now. -
Id love to hear what you believe we have decided our purpose to be. From my perspective, I believe that we have been aided by a greater power, whether it is the creator or not, I call it God. The idea of God and our origin has been with us for a long time, and it is the cause of our curiosity and innovations. Is this our purpose, to wonder and discover? If a God has been aiding us, or did create us, then our purpose lies in its hands, and what reason do you suppose it has for us to exist?
I dont view this as that complex. As I stated, it depends on what you live for. It seems obvious what we need to survive, when you think about Nature and hunger, shelter, medicine- the fact that nearly no one can manage to take care of these things all by themselves, you can see clearly what it takes to survive. Prosperity is a different story; human beings have had to reconfigure things to get our ability to protect ourselves from Nature to advance. We are not in a primitive state any longer, and Im certain that this is because of the daring and probably lawlessness of certain individuals and groups, though ideally, I imagine we could have done without them. The trend in philosophy over the past few hundred years has been that human beings dont simply live to survive, and a new spirit has been developed, one that actually helps us not only in enhancing the spirit of our existence, but also economically. Again, not certain this was necessary, but it definitely aided us, and betrayed us.
Actually, I am of no mind, and I see that it depends upon what a person lives for, and what they will die for, and therein lies the actual truth- the act of living and survival. From here we gather wisdom, and can declare what is true about our ability to survive in Nature. Putting the passions aside, one can see clearly what is required for a species that is reliant not only on Nature, but one another. Of course, things branch out all over the place, and we invent mighty tools and ideas to aid us, and in these things, sometimes the survival mechanism is in jeopardy.
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
Thank you, you have made me feel very understood, something that I dont get much of. I think you are exactly right, as emptiness is where Im at right now. I can fight against it, but I dont see the point, except to perhaps create something. As far as "living and feeling" I no longer require that. -
I have my truth, and since its all God, it is Gods truth as well, but I really believe there is a higher truth than the one most people follow. Perhaps then it is a combination of truths that our next place is based upon, something I am not convinced we get.
Thats just it, I cant decide if its my truth or Gods. I say outside source meaning another entity or organization, but its within us as well
Im torn. I believe that if there is reincarnation, the karma we carry is based on my truth and whether I obeyed it or not. Im also a believer in a social absolute regarding another persons liberties and health and property. If I looked at Nature, Id say there is no karma, but I believe human life is granted a higher ability by an outside source; God is the mind, and with our minds we can know. And should we know, we should see what is necessary for survival, and what is good.
I want to thank everyone for letting me post here. This has been very therapeutic. I never quite understood existence from the point of view of Nature, and I never really understood the cultural evolution that took place because of this realization. I had read about it, but hadnt really pieced it all together. I believe this is one theory of how human beings can live, and I believe it is important, because the spirit of Nature is glorious and free, and passionate, and having spent my youth in such a fashion, I am grateful to have had that experience- though I now see it was foolish and reckless. I see more starkly now the civilized truth, and the need for co-operation, charity and mercy.
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
One more thing: my passions have died, the fire being forcibly put out, so what is left? Rational, methodical mental activity- but not for me; this device has ruined my mind, I cannot think logically, my memory is broken. I cannot compile data and build. -
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
I am now forced to sit quietly in a meditative trance. There is a pressure on the fullness of my head that makes me want to be silent. I can still think, but it seems pointless. I see that life is only so much joy and sorrow, that there is no new story to tell, and that much of it is an endless sequence of ideas and opportunities that are meant to help us build, and to satisfy desire. I have no desire, other than the ambition to create something great that will inspire human life towards a greater experience, but in this I have seen that there is no absolute. Though there is no absolute, I should still bother to try, for life is a long walk, and we want things to do. But, as I said, I am almost forced to sit quietly now, and my mind has been scattered so far that I have a hard time making sensible statements. I also see that there is a sea of things being said and done in this regard, and as I said elsewhere, I dont have anything terribly new to add. -
Good is to aid, to create, to nurture, to educate, to protect, to inspire. Evil is to oppose, to destroy, to thwart, to deceive, to steal, to harm, to humiliate. God wills it, is it good? That depends on if you submit to Gods authority and power. Does God have a plan for everything to work out for the better, or does God just do what God wants to do? Is God reasonable?
Good is good, and Evil is evil- and we usually fail at the greatest good, though we believe we intend well, we are also prone to evil. Such is our condition. To be extraordinary is to be a master of good or evil, and that requires health and knowledge, and strength and power.
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
So just a little more information on what Ive experienced... For years it was hallucinations and voices, visions of things that I couldnt comprehend, thoughts that were mostly observational, sometimes informative, usually not that common, but as I was imagining a lot of it, it was hard to decipher what was actual and what was a fabrication of my own delusions. I can say that it was not all delusion, because I was given information that I had never come across. This device took pieces of my mind and it was a lot like threads or wires that attatched themselves to my thinking mind, and when I started to contemplate an idea, it provoked the continuation of that idea- to exhaustion. I ran when things got to this level, as it seemed that thinking was endless at the hands of this demon, and I could not come to a confirmed answer. Over the years my entire body has been devoured by this device, mostly though it has been my penis, my anus, my pelvis and my brain. As I mentioned, I remember when it entered my head and diddled with the glands in the center, and went into my eyes and fingers. While much of the assimilation seemed methodological, there were times (a lot of times) that it was just pure chaos, flinging me into the abyss over and over. A couple years ago, as the device penetrated deeper and deeper into my body, I was under assault. In the center of my mind was a space that was silent, and all around me, like a ball of yarn, were wires pushing into my brain, sending me further and further down. I fought it for awhile, and then decided that I could not win, so I submitted, and the voices told me not to, but I had the naive idea that if I allowed this thing to finish what it was doing, that I would be able to climb up and conquer it. When I practiced meditation, when I felt pain or pressure, I learned to assimilate it and overcome, and so I tried that, but that does not work. I have now been entirely overcome by this device. I no longer feel lustful, and when I cannot access my lust, I find that I cannot access my inspiration or my heart- I cannot find the love that I once had. I no longer feel craving, but I do sense hunger. My brain is fully activated now, and while I sometimes have doubt, it comes and is transfigured into a sensation that just feeds the solidity of my mind. I went through some traumatic months of depression and I am finding that I no longer have a place to retreat to. As I told my friend: there is no darkness for me to hide in, and no light to inspire. My entire brain is now solid but quiet. I have no thoughts, no hallucinations, and I find that this is a strong, restful place, and in order to imagine, I must force thoughts to come. Im finally able to read again, thankfully- I gave it up because of how the demon forced thought after thought when I used my mind. Things are starting to make sense and I am not over active in imagination. Ive come to some conclusions, and they are not being contested by the demon any longer. I find myself asking why this had to happen, because Ive realized that certain things are important and true, and that much of what we believe is simply opinion. There is no absolute wisdom, and so I ask "Why did I have to quest for something that cannot be found?" I wonder why I couldnt have simply been left alone to my wandering thoughts and experiments. Why was I chosen for this to happen? What does it mean for my fate? Am I important, or is this just something that the Gods do occasionally? How am I now different, other than experiencing something unique and uncommon? The voices are gone now, and while I pray a lot, and question why, there is no response, and for that I guess I am thankful, because when they were there, it was endless and vague. -
Has anyone ever experienced or read about this?
helpfuldemon replied to helpfuldemon's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
Since what I witnessed happening to me had a method, I wonder if it was a good thing. I watched as this device systematically overtook my body. I believe I have been assimilated- like the Borg from Star Trek. Does this mean I have some sort of privilege? I wonder... For my life here, it has been ruinous, but perhaps there will be a reward when I die? I believe this because of the mystical things that occurred prior to it. I got someones attention one day, but I dont know who it is, what they want, what they do, and why they chose me, though I did go around declaring a lot of ambitious ideas about discovering truth and law. -
The Laws of Nature are that the strong get what they desire, and the submissive follow. When two strong creatures meet, one must prevail, or they reach a compromise. These are the Laws of Nature. Subjectively speaking, our spirituality is chosen by us, and we define its rules. When we betray our own rules, we are out of line in the karmic sphere, and it is only then that we suffer for it. However, though truth in this light is relative to the observer, there are the laws of society to which we have to be observant, for it is enforced and governed by those that can punish us. These laws are transitory, and change from culture to culture, Age to Age. It is wise to observe them, and it is wise to change them as necessary. If there is reincarnation, I believe that it is based on your subjective rules, and not the cultural ones.
I think we are our own judge. The only Karmic truth is the one we find within- should we disagree with our actions, we find there is a blockage of justice. Ignorant people, and people of no conscience do not suffer from karmic blockages.