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Everything posted by natural

  1. I worked with a fella named Bahma by his folks, often called the Bull or Brahma.
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I am there. Just out of site in the back, lol!
  3. Tribe and Fire

    Happy New year to all!
  4. Oh my, I may be a ninja known for hiding in grass or with it anyway lol.
  5. Looking in the mirror, reveals a lot... If we can stand for it, it is well worthwhile.
  6. Over many years I have had many canine companions, with the only exception of a puppy in my toddler stage, all could distinguish intent. Was it to harm or an accident? Without fail they knew my intent, with the the exception of the pup who suffered distemper. My family was new to dogs... and it wasn't but a decade later before my home was blessed with another dog.
  7. Happy Christmas!

    And many blessings to you!
  8. Santa Claus Myth

    Oh my. How many men have bought into that farce.
  9. The Cool Picture Thread

    My picture? A cracked pot? I resent your liberal use of my likeness, without my prior approval ; )
  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Lots of flora and fauna's existence is counting on that!
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Something to do with which way the wind arises? Affecting the ?
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    WAT? Educate please!
  13. Tobacco

    You might be better served with edible forms of wacky tobacco!
  14. Current Events Discussion

    I would also like access to current events. Thank you.
  15. Memo to self : Do not fly with Nungali anywhere near flight controls! But buy all means consider hiring him as a juror selection adviser. Consultant of character of individuals worth, for credit worthiness. And general character... I am sure he would be helpful in countless ways ; )
  16. Early on in my pilot training (airplane single engine land) I learned to determine the prevailing ground wind direction by noting which way the cows were facing. They always face directly into the wind. Away from their flatulence!
  17. I am happy to pitch in on the tv...
  18. Are humans idiots

    Simply put, yes, and don't worry be happy!
  19. Status change for steve (mod --> member)

    Trunk, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge your contribution to this forum which is on par with Steve's. A fair, honest and humble Administer! With much respect and gratitude, please carry on!
  20. New visitors to my garden

    Ain't that natural?
  21. Status change for steve (mod --> member)

    Steve, it has been both an honor and privilege to witness your humility, honesty, and integrity as a moderator. You sir set a very high standard of expectations and behavior! I am sure I am not alone in wishing you peace, and many blessings!
  22. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Not sure to be amused or confused?
  23. Mysticism

    Thanks Old3Bob ! It brought tears of joy to me...
  24. simplify
