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Everything posted by natural

  1. Might I be invited/included? I would love the company!
  2. Hard to say as you are almost always weird?
  3. Like burning rubber, while applying the brakes before a race/in place of a race. LOL
  4. What Would a Taoist World Look Like?

    My initial thought / visceral response would be it would be the opposite of Manifest Destiany.
  5. Blocking a user?

    Very insightful, possibly very impactable?
  6. Compost Toilet

    Naturally of course!
  7. No, I was napping what the heck is going down?
  8. Original Dao Bums

    I would be pleased to donate some cushions for a tea table instead of a coffee table, lol.
  9. Original Dao Bums

    Thank you for your diligence ; )
  10. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    No wait, I think I ran into his party at a local watering hole, the Allview Inn bar and restaurant?
  11. And exactly is wrong with wanting to live indoors? Much less the universal need to eat? LOL.
  12. Good news

    Six red wolves were born in the wilds of North Carolina!
  13. Ancestry DNA

    So true, the variation that can occur can be very mind boggling, or so i am told.
  14. asanas,qi-gong, tibetan rites for youth and longevity

    I wonder about if aluminum would work as well. I defer to others....
  15. Solar power in ancient Egypt

    Where are what happened to the three stooges?
  16. man made stuff

    Thankfully I can only imagine that, and hope not an experience I will under go, along with I will consider not having undergone either minor blessings!
  17. man made stuff

    Please accept my sincere apologies as I by no means meant to denigrate you or your experience.
  18. man made stuff

    Ha! I thought you were referring to an electric sex toy.... Close eh, but no cigar?
  19. Current Events Discussion

    I as well would like access. Thanks
  20. open question...

    Yet, would you agree there are similarities? Edit to add many paths up the mtn.?
  21. open question...

    Yet they can mix. And in doing so are changed, measurably! Is it real or Memorex? Remember the telephone game? It began with one word, passed on to another, again and again.
  22. open question...

    A common Christian prayer " Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in heaven and on earth, (so much for free choice) lead us not into temptation, (out of the darkness) or deliver us to evil (into the darkness?). Is that a reasonable take on:
  23. open question...

    That which I bolded above is closing in on my confusion.
  24. open question...

    In large part that is what has me scratching my noggin, lol.