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Everything posted by natural

  1. open question...

    Unreal versus reality? Most likely no two people share the same reality.
  2. teacher/direction

    Are there people over the age of six years old whom truly believe in such a concept?
  3. teacher/direction

    While I personally have not directly experienced much injustice, sadly I have suffered greatly as a result of it!
  4. teacher/direction

    Upon whom?
  5. teacher/direction

    No, you didn't I agree on that. Yet, I steadfastly stand behind what I stated : "The law (s) are not designed or applied equally" Fine print nor bold print will alter that !
  6. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    This bears repeating as well as careful consideration.
  7. teacher/direction

    And I am Popeye the sailor man, if only in my dreams. LOL The law ain't applied equally I am sad to report tho!!
  8. I both abhor the premise of beating anyone, and appreciate that kind of violence is a result of of a base instinct.
  9. Neither here nor there, yet everywhere?
  10. My default position is if you have to get "outside permission" it is 99.9 percent of the time a bad idea.
  11. Fetters are not unique to Buddhists. Although they do limit movement.
  12. Bums I am missing

    I for one hope it is unneeded!
  13. correct me if I am wrong, but I think "cheerios" fall under @apechs umbrella, @Nungali may also bear some responsibility if it involves the down under or nakid peeps&* Although honestly the resident expert on Nakidness seems to be @liminal_luke both him and his artistic partner are very creative in so many areas
  14. I am appreciative of the story telling abilities of all!
  15. between liminal_luke wandering around in the buff, @nungali with the missing hot tub well no wonder the great unwashed masses don't want to hug
  16. Over the top! On point and hilarious!!! Thanks for that!
  17. Thank you for the wisdom in your post Bes
  18. I laughed so hard I expelled the tea I was drinking out thru my nose! Bravo sir!
  19. The sky was pregnant this day the water was angry @blue eyed snake taking notice of this consulted with @nungali Who was reminded by others that this was the year of the water tiger the others included @steve, @dawei, @manitou, @thelerner and so many others finally, the group decided to leave mount marble head and endeavor to Father Paul harbor it was agreed @zerostaoand @ilumairen would lead with their superior tracking abilities backed up by both @trunk and @ralis meanwhile @Iliketurtles would slowly and methodically have our collective hind parts covered and gently nudge stragglers forward with @apech and @bindi helping to keep the unruly crowd on task. @liminal_luke along with Jose prepared outstanding refreshments for one and all! @old3bob and @mrpasserby paused to answer @questionmark questions and along with @steve and @apech worked to reduce the groups anxiety and uncertainty. all together they were endeavoring to persevere, and @bindi was very good at reading people's moods and offering calm assurances meanwhile @natural and @ct foraged for medicinal edibles and slowly the sun set ...
  20. Non Homo Sapiens hybrid found

    I rest in the peace of trying to be a decent human being. At the end does much more really matter?
  21. Great insights to each of us deep bow...
  22. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    So am I to assume you are not with child?