Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. non-dualism & the need for practice

    No but basically that's want reappears/reincarnates some Buddhist texts, probably the ones translated by westerners, have used the term personality. So we die but we don't, think of the personality as a piece of music that is you and when dressed in a new body it/you can change adapt and perfect the tune! The stream of conciousness is never broken. I mentioned Echo and Narcissus on another thread and the story is very interesting especially when you realise that it's been twisted. In the real, secret/esoteric version of Echo and Narcissus the two lovers spend eternity together.
  2. full Moon

    I always say the sun's coming up.
  3. Hmm all I've got to say about this is that women reabsorb their vaginal juices (the tide of yin) and Lao Tze stated that the more it moves the more it yields so you work it out.
  4. The Taoist Mystic

    Yes that was nicely put although I would argue that force and matter are only apparent. I also think that the ego, or Guest as you call it, does have a purpose perhaps as a kind of garment. Discarding the garment/s of ego reminds me of the ongoing debate of Buddha's Vs Bodhisattva's. Figure I fall into the Bodhisattva camp myself. Hmm one of my fav subjects is Echo and Narcissus although the general version is a bastardisation of the true story.
  5. Yes I agree with that. Let the Tao lead and not the state.
  6. I would tend to agree with this based on my own experiences. I don't do any physical practice but I do like to de-construct my reality, without the use of drugs I hasten to add, and I am often shocked by what people accept to be real. It's mainly because of such insights that I'm so obnoxious. Yes I figure the Kundalini can run either way and I don't recall reading anything that states that it has to go up. I read something years ago that explained how free electrons flow down through us in the day time but flow up in the evening. Just out of interest electrons apparently travel in a spiral-like motion. So does anybody want to tell me about the lungs as the masculine feminine spiritual hearts?
  7. emptying or filling ?

    Only if they cultivate them thinking they're somehow important/necessary. Hmmmm what you doing on this planet?
  8. I pretty much agree with all that although as said, I really don't want to have another experience like the last one. I gained tons of mystical insights, not all of which I can remember, but I would rather remain slightly dim and not risk my life. Perhaps I don't have a choice but I really did think I was going to die back in January.
  9. emptying or filling ?

    what an idiot Yes but the ego is the shadow of our self and more ego takes you away from your self and less ego brings you home.
  10. You are the flow

    Everything exists and is happening all at once. We are sparks of conciousness returning to the white field. All we can ever do is flow. Beware still back waters for they become stagnant pools. Ever flowing without attachment one finds harmony and peace.
  11. emptying or filling ?

    I agree with the initial post that powers, whether physical or mental/psychological, have bugger all to do with the flow. In fact we have all been warned time and time again not to abuse personal power. Cultivating Occult powers is a trap for the ego and although this does not result in anything so bullshit as soul-lose it can and does eventually result in massive damage to the ego. If you've ever visited a secure psychiatric ward you'll know what I'm talking about. I have on occasion talked to people that can lucid dream and they tell me how they would love to be able to achieve such a state at will. I of course point out that the blurring of this world with the dream world (astral/bardo/loka) can end in schizophrenia. As I've said in other posts here I have experienced/had many occult powers although I choose to not develop them. The only ability I still have, which I think all people have to a greater or lesser extent, is to see prana. Look at the blue sky on a sunny day and hold a finger about twelve inches away from your face and you should be able to see bright sparks spinning around each other. I've never been given a modern scientific explanation for this phenomena although there may well be one. Anyway, as said occult powers are an ego trap, if not an ego trip, so it's much better to spend your time learning a musical instrument but please don't yearn to be famous as that's just another trap!
  12. Well to be fair I can see where you're coming from but what about being told what to do by a government? Just for the record I see all societies as machines of slavery. I also doubt that Lao Tze ever existed not that it's of any importance.
  13. Do you make your bed?

    Well I do seem to annoy your kind (mindset!?), perhaps it's my depth the frightens your shallowness? Now don't forget everything counts!! Yeah right.
  14. As far as I'm concerned fuck the Kundalini! I've experienced it several times by accident and nearly died twice. It's my opinion that if you succeed in raising your kundalini to your head you will die. I had a good battle with K back in January of this year. I screamed in agony as ten-thousand flaming swords ran through me moving further up my body as the day went on. I spent a whole 24 hour period in complete agony and could hardly move. I eventually gritted my teeth and fought the fire back down and after it took me three weeks to recover. If people think the Kundalini is bollox that's fine but if you want to fuck with it then that's a risk you take alone.
  15. Hello

    Oh goody a roaring contest. That will soon sort out the pack of lies!
  16. Which short Tai Chi form for small spaces?

    Found this demonstration of the 24 Forms:
  17. Do you make your bed?

    Fuck me a born again Taoist! They're always the worst kind.
  18. Hi (new member)

  19. New Member - Writing from China

    Good to have you here.