Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    Really? I always thought the sage was much more like a child than anything else unfettered by opinion and always discovering greatness in simplicity. No it's not it's individual! We're all allowed to pick and choose and we do such because we have freewill. Do you have freewill freeform or is your form set in stone? It's within all things and if you choose not to see it and understand it then there's no point in talking it! Different and not different! To differentiate that which is whole, straight or obvious is to create arguments and confusion. We can only truly differentiate if we know the whole otherwise it's best to just accept it whatever you think it might be!!! I think you'll find those were ideologies that are fed to the masses as a means of control very much like what's going on in China and Japan (Watch the video). I don't think spirituality has much to do with religion and everything to do with everything! Religion likes to think it's special which is, of course, utter bollocks. See it always comes back to sex so why don't we just discuss that and stop all this posturing?
  2. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    The crux of it is that I see spirituality as inclusive and not exclusive therefore by default everything is relevant to the spiritual life. So regardless of what I post I am viewing it through a spiritual lens and I feel not seeing the world through such a lens is the only real danger to mankind as a whole. Things will carry on whatever but we can make it easy on ourselves or simply court disaster, pain and suffering.
  3. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    But some activity is better than none right? Also certain discussions, for whatever reasons, don't seem to attract much interest so they have to be brought into consciousness by stealth, almost. So, what part does society play in developing, evolving and maintaining a healthy spirituality?
  4. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    I wonder if being religious affects the social score? I keep asking you what you mean when you use this term and you have yet to answer I therefore take it that you don't know what you're talking about! And you still haven't answered my question from a previous thread regarding the importance of understanding human sexuality and it's importance to spirituality? Of course I doubt you will ever answer that question because, and again, you don't seem to know what you're talking about. Is it just about making money and controlling people is that what you do? So how much do you charge?
  5. The Brexit Thread

    This is very relevant to what's going on:
  6. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    Isn't there a spiritual element to this? I mean spirituality dressed up as religion, or whatever, is often used to control people. So the question might be, "can you follow a spiritual path while being oppressed by the society you live within?". Obviously from many of your previous posts, and your knee-jerk reaction on this post, you would rather people just do as they're told. Do you make a living from what you do? You never did explain what you actually do but I can imagine it revolves around convincing people of something? So what you selling?
  7. The Brexit Thread

    This is what's going on if you don't already know:
  8. The Brexit Thread

    I think our government has just triggered the future London riots! Seems as if they are going to try and take Robinson down but this has only made things ten times worse than it would have been.
  9. The Brexit Thread

    This is pretty funny:
  10. The Brexit Thread

  11. Pandemic!

    One day it will arrive!
  12. The Brexit Thread

    My apologies to some of the more sensitive here but what Enoch has to say about the EU is amazingly accurate. So regardless of what you think of the man it can't be denied that he was aware of the EU's plan from the very beginning.
  13. Haiku Chain

    In manly fashion Critically obscene She yearned for greater
  14. The Brexit Thread

    OMG! Well the extreme left and right are at each others throats it seems!
  15. The Brexit Thread

    Tommy a minute ago, still not a happy bunny!
  16. The Brexit Thread

    Update on Mr Robinson:
  17. The Brexit Thread

    As we're having a pause from Brexit why not continue the 'free speech' debt? And here we go a young student band/expelled from university for having an opinion! I hope he sues them for a million and wins.
  18. The Brexit Thread

    I haven't watched all the below video, as I've things to get on with, but it does seem that the issue of 'free speech' is fast becoming the main issue of discussion. I did think of starting a new thread but for now perhaps we should just see how this all evolves as it's growing week by week at this point. It's not just media-blackouts, de-platforming of vocally popular individuals, social compliance rules i.e.T&C's but the simple fact that 'free speech' is on the verge of becoming illegal in many countries! Now this whole argument has been polarised into a war by the extreme left and right but so what? The so what is that the extreme left feel they have the high-moral-ground and therefore should be allowed to force the gagging of individuals and groups!!! As said this is snowballing and no doubt we'll hear much more about it.
  19. The Brexit Thread

    As an afterthought I think Tommy may get banned from YouTube because of the Video where's he's banging on someones door!! Could be seen as intimidation and provocative? I'm sure you can't use YouTube to intimidate people? Perhaps he'll pull it? EDIT: Just realised it's not on Tommy's channel! Clever move but it is still Tommy in the video?!
  20. The Brexit Thread

    Tommy Robinson update. Well it's getting messy but let's hope Tommy can keep it together! Here's what I can see going on using Youtube: Lawyers have, apparently been to Mr Robinson's home: Tommy's obviously furious because this intimidation was aimed at his family: I'll just mention here that I'm not far right but I'm open-minded. Having said that this video by Mark Collett (yes the BNP chap) explains, in a very fair way, what's been going on. Yes this video is long and basically it explains that Tommy may have been set up by 'Hope Not Hate': Of course this may all help Tommy's cause as if it's proven that Hope Not Hate have indeed set Tommy up then they together with the BBC will just look desperate, deceptive and corrupt! I did figure the gay guy in Tommy's documentary seemed nervous when telling Tommy about the sexual advances from the Hope Not Hate CEO. Tommy comes out looking good as he was sticking up for the guy and as far as he knew our gay friend was telling the truth. If you watch Mark Collett's video you will see that it may be that Tommy was informed that the gay guy retracted his claims of inappropriate sexual advances before Tommy aired his documentary! Of course they would have to prove that Tommy was indeed contacted and that the retraction was not in doubt. If we accept that the media is corrupt and at least biased it might be difficult to figure out what's really going on! Worth keeping an eye on just for entertainment value! Sorry if that sounds a bit crass but all theses events can only help Tommy's cause whatever happens so I think he'll be alright. Hey not a fan but as many people keep saying he hasn't done anything wrong other than having a valid opinion.
  21. SpaceX to Launch LIVE

    Well you may have missed the lift off, it was amazing, but the LIVE streaming is still going, pretty amazing stuff:
  22. The Brexit Thread

    Yes facial recognition is going to be rolled out throughout China by 2020 to keep track of every citizen!!! This isn't speculation it's a fact! Here's the video I posted further back on this thread:
  23. The Brexit Thread

    Not paranoid just would like the choice but there won't be one! We really are just cogs in a machine! Oh well I'm going to make Coco and lay in bed watching mindless TV!! Yes I'm a professional!
  24. The Brexit Thread

    Yes and that's a worry but aren't our government taking a risk? Perhaps our government are now impotent and buSINess is really in control? Still think some kind of global ID will happen at some point in the future.
  25. The Brexit Thread

    I don't see it ending well as confidence in our government is beyond repair so where do we go from here? Things will probably carry on in a similar manner but the under-currents within society will be raging! This repressed rage which has been bottled up over decades will surface of that there is absolutely no doubt. People that become BOBs, as you term them, probably never knew and never will understand what's really at stake. Oh well, lambs to the slaughter and all that!