Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. The Brexit Thread

    Yes but as you just highlighted people are aware they can be tracked by their phone. Yes and if implanted they could cut their chip out but in a fascist society anyone without ID is automatically guilty. As said the trick is to get people to want ID implants and fear mongering is always used to get people to comply. So the plan is to release absolute chaos so the masses beg for help from 'Big Brother'. The bonus is they get to round up all the subversives and then process then through the 'Clockwork Orange'! Of course they could use retinal scans to ID people but the fact is some form of global ID for each human being is coming soon.
  2. The Brexit Thread

    Well maybe, but if a vote is offered it will be seen by millions as a betrayal and the violence will kick in. Remember we don't have a set of 'unwritten' rules for protesting like the French! When the British peoples fury is released towns and cities will be ablaze!! Of course the chaos is predicted and, as said above, once the chaos has been subdued ID implants will be used for the arrested and then rolled out for the whole UK population. Of course many of the military could defect to fight for the people and a civil war could erupt but I think the 'powers-that-be' are prepared to risk that.
  3. The Brexit Thread

    Haven't watched this all yet but looks interesting:
  4. The Brexit Thread

    Well my theory is that chaos will be allowed to happen for a period of time to convince people that ID implants are needed to track people. We're probably get a few 'false flag' terrorist events thrown in as a convincer, not that I normally buy into the idea of 'false flag' events but! I could be wrong but ID implants are coming one way or another. Leaders have always sort to control and manipulate people so tracking people will happen but the trick is to get people to want to be chipped!
  5. The Brexit Thread

    Well it seems that May is trying to make some sort of caveat to be the making or braking of her dismal deal. Of course her vote will never get through so this is all pantomime and irrelevant. So what is going on? The only thing going on is MP's are being leaned on, blackmailed and bullied to tow the line or else! So when we don't leave the EU because MP's are so wise and have voted in the best interests of the British people, honestly, what will happen? Well as I keep saying it's going to get very hot this summer so there's going to be some kind of meltdown!
  6. The Brexit Thread

    Yeah I know this was yesterdays news but I thought it might give us some clarity as to what's going on. It also highlights the chaos and confusion within government as even MP's seem to be getting confused. So we have this three point plan which suggests an extension will happen which can only mean a second vote is going to be pushed. As said above it will all kick off on the 30th March as the government are blatantly taking the piss. They just need to do as the people of this country asked or be prepared for the consequences.
  7. The Brexit Thread

    Well as I keep saying: WORLD WAR FRE3DOM STARTS 30th MARCH
  8. The Brexit Thread

    Let's hope more follow.
  9. The Brexit Thread

    Well that is a fact as apparently hundreds, possibly thousands are, changing their name to 'I'm Tommy Robinson' on FB! Quiet amusing if nothing else. Icke? Jones!! Well his Cox conspiracy is more compelling than his Dando effort which was really, really boring and basically a shaggy dog story, you've been warned! So did the two police men shout out the murderers name? Did that Asian women call someone instead of an ambulance? Yes his conspiracy is probably balls but he does raise a few points. The real conspiracy that we all thought of is, was he primed and then triggered by the elites as it was the timing that shocked most people. It could also be seen as a sacrifice to frighten leave MP's of what they could unleash while reinforcing remainers to dig in hard! Don't know as maybe it's a clear cut razor thingy! OK I didn't know he was such a loony and perv! Maybe there is a connection to Sigmund Fraud? Oh that darn rabbit hole keeps showing up!! Bring back Frank Bough all is forgiven!
  10. The Brexit Thread

    And if you thought the 'Panodrama' thing was worthy of mention you may find this interesting (not saying I buy this but...):
  11. The Brexit Thread

    I don't really think much has changed although I've lost track of the political aspects. The way I see it, maybe I'm being too militant, is that the 'line-in-the-sand' is the 29th March i.e We leave or we don't. I think more and more people are realising that our government are in the pockets of buSINess and no longer serving the people of the UK. I think this is very dangerous as it's like be awoken abruptly together with the accompanying confusing and possible anger. You're right about Robinson as it's pretty obvious things have let-slide because of Arab influence in buSINess and the extreme left mind-jobbing the youth. It's like the establishment want civil unrest perhaps so they can bring in ID implanted micro chips for the population and ultimately further control/enslave the masses?
  12. The Brexit Thread

    Well this has become blatantly obvious with the whole Brexit debacle i.e. Our government is corrupt to the core. It looks very likely that WORLD WAR FRE3DOM will be starting on March 30th. I have no doubt that the Government and the establishment is general will be targeted. I'm not advocating violence or civil unrest (oxymoron?) but I feel it will come and it will continue for many years. As you say Chang their arse is bare and the king is naked so the pretence is over. I have no doubt that the military are on the side of the people so in the long run a military coup can not be counted out although unlikely. It may just be the masonic police force, with their guns, against the people!
  13. The Brexit Thread

    Gangs of Islamic thugs that were allowed to exist and grow in the UK by our government: How many more of these cases have to happen before people wake up?
  14. The Brexit Thread

    And for the record this is what Facebook are saying, officially, about banning Tommy Robinson:
  15. The Brexit Thread

    Well the chaos is building of that there's no doubt. It would seem the start date for 'WORLD WAR THRE3DOM' is 30th March 2019, at least in the UK. Lies upon lies from our government. The blatant gagging of Tommy Robinson which suggests that there are indeed connections between the BBC, Big BuSINess and Media moguls. The continuing media blackout of disturbances and unrest in many European countries. The looming global financial meltdown as we move into the brave-new-world of 5G with citizen ID's about to become compulsory. And mentioning Mr Robinson, remember I'm no fan but I do believe in freedom of speech, 6.5K watched his live stream earlier (see below) and he wasn't saying anything extreme as far as I could hear. No I just happened across it while on YT. So flood Europe with terrorists and then people will be crying out for citizen ID's and therefore become even more enslaved. It's all a plan and people were talking about it years ago i.e. Everybody being micro chipped. EDIT: 35K views in 1 Hour
  16. The Brexit Thread

    Yes let's have liars and criminals choosing what's right for our country!!!!!
  17. The Brexit Thread

    Well Robinson's documentary, while interesting, is nothing more than an annoyance to the BBC and only adds as a distraction from the real undemocratic actions of our government. I think it's very likely that the Brexit Party will become a full political party sooner rather than latter. It's also seems that the future of British politics is going to be 'coalition governance' from now on. It's all good but we still need to get out of the EU or it will mean nothing! From what I can gather the EU is falling apart day by day although we shouldn't become complacent. I think the only real danger is a forced financial collapse which means our government will try and move Brexit off the table. As a financial storm is coming, regardless, the EU may go 'all-in' and cause chaos and hope all of the EU countries fall in line out of necessity. To be honest I think we could ride such a storm but it would be expensive although the 39 billion would help. Hey shits coming one way or another and I have a feeling we could get record temperatures across Europe this summer physically and metaphorically!
  18. The Brexit Thread

    OK Robinson's documentary is up, it kicks in after the first few minutes:
  19. The Brexit Thread

    News networks seem to have shied away from the Tommy Robinson 'Panodrama' documentary that was aired on a giant screen outside the BBC studios in Salford. Perhaps no one wants to overstep the mark regarding the legalities of the documentaries content but when has that ever stopped the press in the past!! A helicopter was dispatched to Cliff Richard's home in a matter of minutes without any evidence of a crime being committed yet the media seems reluctant to cover the 'Panodrama' event! Yes the BBC did run a piece on their website but not-to would have been almost an admission of guilt. Perhaps Robinson's event was reported in newspapers but hidden away as I didn't see it on any of the front pages. Currently I can't find a full original version of the documentary and only mobile phone footage seems to be available on YouTube from the Salford event so it'll be interesting to see if it does eventually show up. It may be available as a torrent download but I haven't checked at this time.
  20. Train of Thought!

    This is better in the daytime as you get to see the snow, love the snow, and no doubt this post will be moved but I had to share as it's great fun. We could spin in a philosophical element and suggest that once we've finished our journey on the train: We step off Collect ourselves The train moves away and we become aware of the stillness and the now We have arrived
  21. Here we go again! Now I'm the first to defend inter-sexed as I think gender reassignment of young children is a sin but people that choose to be mutilated with surgery is a different kettle of fish. I'm sure none of us have a problem with men dressing as women and gays but the conscious choice to be mutilated is something I do worry about. OK so these people have the right to do what they like with their bodies, we get that. But the effects of their demands seem to be permeating throughout society and having a negative and disturbing effect. I particularly worry about the effects of all the media attention on younger people and the effects it may have. A gradually evolved awareness of the diversity of sexuality would be much more beneficial rather than the militant aggressiveness of those that opt for self mutilation! I embrace sexual diversity but this transgender movement is becoming an oppressive cult and will only get worse and damage the avenues of acceptance for gay and lesbian rights which currently exist. It's almost like another form of extreme liberalism which many are beginning to realise is ultimately damaging to society.
  22. Well I would have liked to have talked about the complexities of sexuality and see if we could have gained any insights. Hopefully it will get back on track.
  23. What is it, what are you doing or not doing and what's your goal? Why is 'spiritual cultivation' like a complex task or like learning something? Why isn't it like remembering how to breath correctly by simply practising breathing? I'll put it another way (see below) which you may, perhaps, grasp! Humans evolved, so we're told, through natural selection and then a process of adaption, moving towards problem solving language etc. Along the way more emphasis was placed on mind and conceptualisation until it became a habit. This habit of mind eventually becomes a problem because it tends to chase itself wasting energy and causing stress and disharmony. The only way out of mind is to let it go and rediscover our spontaneous self. Now your argument is that tools have be devised by 'masters' to help us to get out-of-our-heads but I don't believe these tools work! The only way to extract ourselves from our mind is by letting go. No tools or clever meditations or yoga or anything else can release us from our minds. All people are dealing with their head in one way or another but these things take a long time and nobody can judge another's progress, it's actually not possible. I meditate, kind of, to relax and defragment my mind in the hope that I'll see things more clearly. I notice that when I think less things just work out but when I think too much it all becomes a struggle and of doesn't work out. I'm therefore following what is completely natural and I believe everybody else is doing the same but in their own way at their own pace. It's just the flow, there's nothing else.
  24. This is almost a kind of snobbery! So do 'spiritual cultivators" really know anything or are they just followers of an ideology? You see where I'm going with this right? And again 'spiritual masters'!! You need to really start to explain what you're talking about because a very large hole is beginning to appear! We're all on the spiritual path because it's all there is and whereas you don't want to play identity politics (no one did anyway that was just your assumption) you're now playing 'those who know and those who don't know'. Balls, with bells on, like warning bells!