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About Cobie

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Software issues.

    A little bit better, but I still also sometimes get the ‘timeout’.
  2. If you don’t understand, you will invent theories.
  3. Truth Of Casual Sex

    Oh that’s what I always say.
  4. Hello!

    Welcome to the forum.
  5. Inner yellow court scripture

    Welcome to the forum :-)
  6. Hello

    Welcome to the forum.
  7. There’s a thread on it.
  8. Hello world

    I have not seen any paradoxes in the DDJ as yet. I have seen a lot of bad translations, and even more ignorant and pompous exegesists.
  9. Newcomer introduction

    Hi Smudge, welcome to the forum.
  10. Hello world

    Hi aintmt. Welcome to the forum. @wandelaar yeah, a philosophical Taoist, I think.
  11. DDJ Ch 41 上 士 闻 道 堇(勤)能 行 於 其 中 The ablest students, when they hear of the Way, with effort can get started on it; 中 士 闻 道 若 闻 若 亡 Mediocre students, when they hear of the Way, it is as if they are lost and confused; 下 士 闻 道 大 笑 之 With the dullest of students, when they hear of the way, they laugh aloud at it. 弗 大 笑 不 足 以 为 道 矣 But if they did not laugh aloud at it, it could not be considered the Way. (Guodian, Henricks)
  12. There’s nothing kept secret, no need to, the truth is so simple that unenlightened people don’t recognise it. 下 士 闻 道 大 笑 之 With the dullest of students, when they hear of the Way, they laugh aloud at it. (DDJ Ch 41)
  13. Software issues.

    I’ve signed up. Thanks Dwai.