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Everything posted by Cobie

  1. PalmBreather

    Yes, that’s how I experience it.
  2. PalmBreather

    That’s how I experience it.
  3. chakras

    脈輪 - chakra 脈 mai4 - < things connected like blood vessels, e.g. veins of leaves or insect wings; subterranean water currents > 輪 lun2 - wheel 丹 dan1 - red 田 tian2 - field Also see the-huang-tingjing/?do=findComment&comment=983080 Also see the-huang-tingjing/?do=findComment&comment=983082
  4. Vedic Christianity

    It’s very relaxing, I understand these maps.
  5. Vedic Christianity

    Removed (accidentally posted it twice)
  6. Vedic Christianity

    . Creativity = taking other peoples’ ideas and doing your own thing with it. (unknown)
  7. origin(s) of Daoism / wu2 ji2

    The Nine Songs 屈原 九歌 Qū Yuán jiǔ gē - Qu Yuan's Nine Songs The Nine Songs is a set of eleven poems from the anthology The Songs of Chu, which is traditionally attributed to Qu Yuan (about 343–278 B.C.). … [The Guodian Dao De Jing has been dated to the third or fourth century BCE. (DIO)] Involving spirit journeys and the invocation of divine beings, one passage reads: The singing begins softly to a slow, solemn measure: Then, as pipes and zithers join in, the singing grows shriller. Now the priestesses come, splendid in their gorgeous apparel, And all the hall is filled with a penetrating fragrance. The five sounds mingle in a rich harmony; And the god is merry and takes his pleasure. From … why the Jiu Ge ("Nine Songs") consists of eleven songs … ancient ideas about numbers and numbering, where by the use of a numeric term, an order of magnitude, estimation, or other symbolic qualities are meant, rather than a specific quantity.
  8. chakras

    O.k. And how do you connect this with Daoism?
  9. chakras

    the 🛗 elevator Cf The elevator Cyclical path for refining the Elixir, imo they both talk about the same thing; but the PW chakra system is concise and easy to understand, whereas the neidan system is convoluted to the point of being not really useful. ~~~ 精 氣 神 jing1 qi4 shen2 Origin in change over from 外丹 wei4 dan1 to 內丹 nei4 dan1, These three elements suppose to interact with each other to produce a health body to accomplish longevity. elixir in 外丹 = embryo in 內丹
  10. chakras

  11. chakras

    Originally the Hindu chakra system had only 3 chakras (the primary colours). The Chinese have 上, 中,and 下 丹田 三清 san1 qing1 - three distinct [colours] link
  12. Originally the Hindu chakra system had only 3 chakras (the primary colours). The Chinese have 上, 中,and 下 丹田 Could one say 丹田 are similar to chakras?