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Everything posted by Cobie

  1. Haiku Chain

    To be continued The visible tao, and the invisible.
  2. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    Imo it’s not unusual for a Classical Chinese character to work on both levels. E.g. re 天地
  3. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    (I didn’t watch the video) That’s what I think too, qi is on two levels, one physical and one spiritual.
  4. So … what’s the connection between the Tarot and the Torah?
  5. Haiku Chain

  6. Haiku Chain

  7. Haiku Chain

    Same answer again Deleted, deleted. And deleted again.
  8. Haiku Chain

    the boulder ascends Ha ha, don’t be a Sisy! Change your ways to good.
  9. Yes, it's all about me.
  10. Christianity

    @Thrice Daily this forum belongs to Sean. I think you should read the following post by him.
  11. my digest: 炁 primordial matter or the basic unit that makes up all the things, from 先天 氣 air+food; during 後天 先天 prenatal; 後天 postnatal; We are made, before birth, of 炁 , and after birth we need 气 air and 米 food i.e. 氣 . Makes sense to me.
  12. Righto. I’m definitely common. So that again leaves me with qi being only air. Right?
  13. Obligatory post

    Hi reek. Welcome to the forum.
  14. Imo there’s a stage where the persistent targeting and questioning of one particular person, in this case CD, becomes a form of bullying. I’ve reported this post for the attention of the admods.
  15. Dutch idiom: Wat je zegt dat ben je zelf. In English: What you blame someone else for, or what irritates you about him or her, says a lot about you.
  16. @-ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- found it.
  17. You asked me something like this before and I answered something like: just enjoy your own practice and let others be. Imo you may want to look into why it seems so threatening to you that not all people define qi the way you do.
  18. Greeting to all

    Thanks. Welcome to the forum, enjoy!

    @Nungali it’s just a funny picture for a dum answer, not really an insult at all imo.
  20. Art is dead.

    birds of a feather flock together

    Think of it as ‘compost’, dear.
  22. Life script

    similarities. I was 4 years old. And I no longer keep it quiet in real life.
  23. Christianity

    you’re welcome
  24. Experience is what is needed

    Interesting. Reminded me of ‘Stockholm syndrome’.