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Everything posted by Cobie

  1. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    (my highlighting) Huh … artificial means man-made
  2. The concept of God

    By whom? Why?
  3. Share music…

  4. Share music…

  5. I agree. Ime it’s self-induced. I can do it at will. Imo, it’s like REM sleep while awake.
  6. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    Thanks. That makes a lot more sense to me.
  7. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    Could it also mean ‘walking around’?
  8. deleted

    Indeed. E.g. Simone de Beauvoir (Tous les hommes sont mortels, 1946) sees immortality as a curse.
  9. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    @ChiDragon do you know the characters that were translated to “… walking in a circle.”?
  10. deleted
  11. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    I agree. I never look at a posted link or video that lacks this.