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Everything posted by stirling
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
Having some understanding of the absolute, intellectually, is useful, but it is also important to realize that the absolute is ineffable.. it ISN'T any of the stories you tell yourself. One needs to hold the raft lightly, not hold on to it as any kind of ultimate truth. -
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
It is only dismal if you imagine that you are somehow a separate being from the fabric of reality that has agency and is in control. If you realize that what you truly are IS the fabric of reality, it is actually liberation. Magick has this construct in Thelema where one can undertake summoning your Holy Guardian Angel (which is in fact your perfected, enlightened "self") to aid in the realization of unity. That realization isn't different from enlightenment.... IS enlightenment. -
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
Yes, any "energy" (or anything else) must arise from the source, and is therefore not separate. Agreed... just a variation in terminology. -
Current Events is on "pause". Generations of admins are debating its fate, complicated by the ability to actually get on the board and post something we are all experiencing. I would expect an answer soon.
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
Definitely humans are constantly coming up with layer after layer of meaning and concept - but they without any real substance. They are interpretations only, not a deeper meaning. -
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
You are saying that the "energy" is Brahman? -
I don't buy it either. Ironically the story of "Lords of Karma" and a "Law of Retribution" would simply contribute to more self made suffering. You can stop generating karma. You can work with and dissolve enough of your karma to eventually see that YOU were the creator of it all, and that it only exists because you are constantly telling your story about reality and creating suffering for yourself. What happens if you stop blowing up an untied balloon... it goes flat. Same with your karma. The only person torturing you with your karma is you.
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
Is this your standard for the verification of the "ascended or enlightened"? What is a "real energy form", in your estimation? What is "real" on its own? The mistake is in believing that "energy" has some reality outside of mind. Do the non-dual paths result in powers? After a fashion, but the realization that can accompany or precede them puts paid to the idea that they were ever "yours" or that you somehow constructed them. If you think you are the master of something there is still understanding to be had. You may think you are in charge, but you aren't DRIVING. That's where an understanding of reality comes in. Crowley, for example, had Thelema for this reason... he was realized. These have some correspondences with the "fetters", delusions that are overcome after insight in Buddhism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruits_of_the_noble_path#Outline -
Welcome to the board, Jeffrey!
The admins are currently in some discussion about policy on this sort of stuff, and attempting to solicit some historical background on the Current Events forum, and intentions around it. Pausing the thread in question was a first step while we take this apart and wait for some comments from the Elders. I think you bring a lot to the board, Maddie... it would be a shame to have you move on because of this blip in the board history. This IS a moment where change is happening. Things often have to get as bad as they can get before they change.
Hope you find what you are looking for PL. Welcome to the board!
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
There aren't any "wrong" conditions - reality is what is happening right now. The conditions of this moment can't be different. Wrong conditions exist in your mind. What growth comes from peer pressure or competition? Both are the product of delusion. What would you consider "meaningful" in this context? What would an example of an "achievement" be? Do these achievements belong to an individual? Are there concepts that are real? Do concepts exist in reality? How are communications with galactic emissaries less fantastic than astral projection? -
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
Absolutely - they are definitely not separate. -
As far as real transmission outside of scripture, it happens all the time... Sufis, Hindus, Jains, and even Christians and Jews, amongst a multitude of even those with no formal belief system can come to realization.
With deference Mark, I feel like you are seeking something with this continued line of questioning. What IS it? Did you have an experience that you can't reconcile and are trying to understand? Are you trying to construct a theory for something you haven't experienced? Do you feel like there is some "hidden" Buddhism that others have missed out on, best explained on some cludge of Zen and Theravada doctrines? What do you REALLY want to know? I ask this with what I hope you see as great compassion for your continued quest.
Welcome to the board. Your post makes it sound like you might be having a hard time. I sincerely hope you find some acceptable comfort and resolution to you struggle. To answer your questions from MY perspective as Buddhist practitioner: 1 - Your questions don't sound crazy, BUT it wouldn't hurt get input from a counselor and/or psychiatrist. Yes, there are energetic phenomena, which may or may not be relevant to life and spiritual development, if you are open to such things. Not all answers purely exist in the spiritual realm. Your language suggests a pragmatic recognition of your symptoms. Stick with that, vs. adopting the language or limitations of specific scientific or spiritual disciplines. 2 -It doesn't sound like you damaged your body, but you, or a professional, would know better. 3 - What wants to happen generally happens. Don't resist it, but DO check with medical professionals if you feel uncomfortable or feel frightened. 4 - I'll leave suggestions about this to someone else, but my experience is that simply being with things as they are is the wisest course, BUT asking for help where there is mental or physical discomfort is a good idea. 5 - With apologies to my board-mates, I am not sure that there is anyone here that is qualified to help you with this. I'd be happy to be wrong, and you'll have to weigh suggestions with your OWN experience. Stories about energy, intention and what it means are legion, but real solutions might be thin on the ground. Trying to manipulate energy can result in worsening consequences. Be cautious. Be sure to cautious and consider the idea that your "energy" and its implications MIGHT be a story you adopt rather than a reality you inhabit. Feel free to message me with any questions about my responses. I open the floor to further answers...
Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret
stirling replied to idiot_stimpy's topic in General Discussion
Here is some deep DEEP dharma about the nature of suffering. Keep it to yourself, it's secret! I am only kidding about the second bit. Recognizing the stories you tell about your "self" and how and why they cause suffering IS actually deep practice. -
I honestly didn't know it existed until I became an admin. I told the other admins that a thread was out of control and would probably blow up the board. I'm sure they thought I was hilarious.
I've had a timeout today. Sometimes it seems to be fine for minutes at a time, then it can be non-functional. Wish we had another avenue for support. I admit that I tend to put my attention elsewhere when I encounter resistance here (or anywhere! ).
The prevailing thought it to just let "Current Events" play out as it will, though pausing it might sometimes seem like a good idea. Yes, if this were my board, I would get rid of it, EXCEPT where it impacts or crosses into discussion about the main point of the board.
What is the Daoist take on memory issues caused by awakening
stirling replied to markern's topic in Daoist Discussion
I practice in the Soto Zen tradition, but this effect would be true in any tradition where enlightenment is the realization of not two/one/unity. Martin's research matches the experience of every realized teacher I have ever encountered. When I first met my teacher realization had happened for "me" about a year previously, and she told me of this side effect amongst a fascinating host of others (such as intriguing shifts in proprioception, for example). Her prediction has turned out to be true in my case. Older memories seem to be fine, but newer memories not as much, unless there real novelty and some emotional impact with it. The fact is after you have realized that time (amongst other things) is a delusion, the depth of your presence in the "now" increases and deepens... add to this that emotions are attenuated, since they tend to arise and pass quickly like all phenomena, and you have this new way of being. In daily life it isn't really a problem, when the reality of how things are is understood. I can see how this would be difficult to understand and seem frightening, but senior realized teachers I know run monasteries, advisory boards, and have sanghas with dozens of students. I find that the reminder and calendaring functions of my phone make it much less of a problem. Those that I have met with the "problem" of realization wouldn't fight its consequences. Deciding that this memory thing is problem is just a road to struggle and suffering... it isn't. It is a side-effect of deep, long fought for, peace and understanding. Like the rest of life, it isn't really an inconvenience until you struggle (attachment and aversion) with it. I don't know anyone with realization that would. - Just to add - part of realization for me is knowing that everything that could be needed in the moment currently occupied is available, including memories. Why worry? -
Welcome, and best of luck finding what you are looking for.
I don't think the owner has been back in touch with us admins yet, though we have reached out.
Welcome to the board, Darkwolf. I'm sure you'll find an ocean of thought and opinion here.