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Dao Bum
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Yes of course. Clear dreams with clear meanings, this is very nice. Shekina, tranquility, sense of ease and peace, I always get this from sufism, it's amazing. Answers and guidance to life problems during readings, alhamdulilah. However, what is too much for my current state is this: night time. At night time I see unseen Beings moving in the house, around me, around my wife, following us around, or standing and watching. It's like "living clouds" in the darkness. It might be positive Beings, it might be negative, I don't know. But they're clearly attached to us, and follow us around. E.g. if I get up at night to go to the bathroom, they're next to me, watching me. When I get out of bed they follow me. When I go to the bathroom they're in there with me, watching me, it's like they're energetically trying to interact with me. It just creeps me out. Are they good, are they bad? Why would they follow to the bathroom? Are they nourished from ingesting the energy of urine, because they aggressively reach out for it and actually get enlarged when they touch it. They grow bigger in stature and their movements become more aggressive and lively. And even though I say "audhu billahi min ashaitaanir rajim" they still just stand there. Even when I recite Ayatul Kursi, 4 qul, ayatun noor, du'a e noor, amana rasul, dhikr of ya hafiz, ya mu'min ya muhaymin, some of my greatest go-tos, they still just stand there unaffected. Alhamdulilah, I have yaqeen, I have trust in Allah, I believe in the power of Qur'an, Du'a, Dhikr etc, so I will say I have 90% yaqeen and tranquility even in the above mentioned scenario, but the last 10% is confusion and lack of understanding. How can a jinn which feeds on my urine to grow bigger and stronger even stand there when I utter the weighty "bismillahir rahmanir rahim?" how are they not destroyed immediately when I recite Qur'an? (I say it before entering bathroom). So these last 10% confusion and lack of clarity, and these Beings not reacting in the way it's usually described in Islam, I still have yaqeen, my conclusion just is I need some kind of guidance and protection of a trusted and powerful shaykh to pass this stage. Because even though I get stronger in my heart and have more yaqeen, ease and tranquility from year to year with all my practices, I have not found a teacher to guide me further. Of course it could just be a test, and if I make du'a and push through, keep doing my daily readings, I will pass that stage and Beings of Light will show themselves to me. Guardians of Surahs and Ayats, guardians of the holy names (asma ul hosna), powerful malaika sent to protect the righteous. I know in my mind all the teachings, we all have guardians (in kullu nafsil lammaa 'alaihaa haafiz - surah tariq), whenever Qur'an is recited there are angels listening, when you say audhu billahi min ashaitanir rajim, bismillahir rahmanir rahim all shayateen are blown away and malaika arrive. I know all this, and I have certainty it's true. However I don't perceive it yet. So feel like some one-on-one guidance would help me pass this stage in the future, inshallah. Thanks for asking brother, it actually comforts me to get it out through writing, it helps me see it more clearly and objectively and somehow digest it better emotionally, jazakallah khayran. Peace and blessings unto you my friend
Bön Centre Canada, Sherab Chamma Ling, Secret Gazing Meditation System
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in General Discussion
@johndoe2012 Thanks for sharing! Just read through it all. Nice to get some insight into how they gazing teaching is done @doc benway Thanks for taking the time to share! So Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is your root teacher? Super cool, he was the first tibetan lama I ever met back when I was a teenager, my dad brought me with him to a tsa lung, dream and sleep yoga workshop and empowerment by him. Saw in my meditation last year that the empowerment he did back then stayed with my soul, as a seed, and actually helped me when I returned to dream yoga recently so very thankful for him. I agree sun gazing is to be approached very carefully. Vethathiri Maharishi also removed it from the system due to the associated risks. Anyway, normal people make it a "thing" to go watch sunrises or sunsets in beautiful locations (beaches, mountains, lakes etc). None of them go blind, and the whole point of the event is to do the forbidden "staring at the sun". I have tried sun gazing, it's incredibly powerful, did it during either sunrise or sunset. So during those 2 times it's the lowest risk possible during practice. What I referred to earlier is a sign of inner development, where you can stare into the brightest midday sun without it damaging your eyes. That's something I really love about Hinduism and Buddhism, it's also present in Daoism, Qigong etc - you can physically and tangibly "test" your achievements. What I've seen to be an epic trap for us westerners is the mind. We have such a focus on the mind and the ego due to our culture, society and education system. So many western practitioners get completely lost in a deranged fantasy world, thinking they're enligtened, have high achievements, are awakened or God forbid living buddhas, and most are not even at the beginning level. That's what I like about the scientific and measurable approach applied by the ancient masters - so as to avoid self-delusion, everything can be tested and measured. If you're at a certain level of meditation, this can be ascertained through objective tests. E.g. the famous needle to the arse for yab-yum or "bliss practice". If you don't feel pain, it means you're actually doing it right. Similarly if you can actually truly meditate, as in the "pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi" definition as given by Patanjali, you achieve different things depending on your object of meditation, this is of course also measurable. E.g. during pratyahara (first step towards true meditation) our senses are drawn inwards, so if people talk to you or there are noises close to you, you wouldn't even be able hear them. That's what really appeals to be in Tibetan Buddhism, there are observable and verifiable signs for each stage, as in the first and most basic tummo practice as given in 6 yogas of Naropa. If you can dry 21 wet sheets from sunrise to sunset, you're at an "average" level of achievement (of course the shortest day in winter in Tibet is about 10 hours or so, so it's one sheet per 30 minutes). I'm not shy to admit that I am nowhere near that it's an awesome reality check, to see one's true level, gives realistic humility and increases motivation to continue practicing. If all in science and the material world is measurable, why should Almighty God, who created math and science and measurements, not also make spiritual attainments measurable? So thanks for sharing, will dive into all that you sent.- 10 replies
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Dear friends, Just a small update. I recently wanted to pick up third eye opening the sufi way. Again I did it for 3 months, achieved satisfaction and decided to stop. It is truly "mind boggling" when you start seeing these Beings, so again I decided I'm still not ready for it. I open the door, I enter the room, I take a look around, I go back out and close the door. Would like to continue if I have a close, trusted and authentic teacher who can also be my friend, who can "take me by the hand" as I open the door, enter the room, see what's there, then go FURTHER into the room under his guidance and protection. These are the new ayats and dhikr I learnt and used alongside the one mentioned earlier. Here listed for your convenience (please only attempt if you have a sufi shaykh you trust, or any spiritual teacher with third eye abilities you trust to protect you and keep you safe). Ayats (these are really powerful - for me the first one about Abraham was extremely effective) Qur'an 6:75 (Al An'am - The Cattle) "Wa kazaalika nureee Ibraaheema malakootas samaawaati wal ardi wa liyakoona minal mooqineen" (be aware that the z is usually pronounced as "th" in the English language, like the word "the" - you can hear it recited online and check your pronunciation) "We thus enlightened Abraham so he saw the worlds of light in the Heavens and on the Earth, and we made him from the ones who have certainty" *Certainty as in complete utter trust, confidence, tranquility, ease and conviction that everything is from Allah, it has a message for us, about something we need to change in ourselves, all is perfect in our creation and follows the perfectly preordained Divine plan) *Malakut is the word of the sufis used for "world of light" including the energy world of lataif (chakras), angels and djinn. It can also mean Kingdom. Surah Qaf 50:22 "Laqad kunta fee ghaf latim min haazaa fakashafnaa 'anka ghitaaa'aka fabasarukal yawma hadeed" "You didn't know about this, you were veiled, so we removed the veil from your heart, and now your sight is sharp!" Dhikr Ya Samiy ("Oh God, The All Hearing!" opens your third ear or spiritual hearing) Ya Basir ("Oh God, The All Seeing !"opens your third eye, see energies outside yourself, around people and other living beings, as well as unseen Beings) Ya Nafi ("Oh God, The Purifer!"open your inner eye, see your own heart, soul, energy etc, inside your body) Ya Allamul Ghuyub ("Oh God, The One Who Knows All Of The Unseen!") Combination dhikr Ya Basir, Ya Musawwir ("Oh God, The All Seeing, The Shaper/Fashioner!" - as in the shaper of creation) Salawaat (from earlier, mentioned for your convenience) "ALLAH HUMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA AALI MUHAMMADIW NOOR UL ANWARI WA SIRRIL ASRARI WA SYEDIL ABRARI" "Oh God, send blessings on Muhammad and his family, the light of lights, the secret of secrets and the master of masters" Muhammad was of course a nabiy, a prophet, but in the inner reality used in Sufism and Kabbalah, not only were the prophets historical human beings of flesh and blood on this planet who brought guidance, they also represent different energies and chakras inside. Muhammad represents "the precious pearl", just like a pearl is formed in our physical world due to a grain of sand continously annoying the bare flesh of a poor clam, similarly we can transform the inner grain of sand that is the ego, if we go through all the pain that is destined for us through our personal destiny, life adventure and quest with grace, certainty and do our inner work all along. This transforms your ego to soul, bit by bit, the price is "the precious pearl". Similarly Abraham and Adam represent joy, kindness, curiosity and knowledge, the first energy we cultivate (we suddenly find ourselves on this Earth, naturally we ask "where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going?" We start seeking guidance. Then comes David, the boy who faced and slew the giant. That's us bravely fighting our way out of "mass suggestion", mainstream ideas, capitalism, consumerism, social status, prestige, whatever holds us down and "asleep". We leave the safety of the dulled flock of sheep, simply slaves to their ego and mainstream society. This takes strength, that's the next energy we cultivate. Then comes Moses - stable, steadfast, trusting, taking one step at a time, through all the tests in Egypt, through all the tests in the desert, day by day advancing towards the promised land. That's us keeping our focus, daily discipline, never straying from the path, enduring and overcoming challenges, cultivating sabr and yaqeen, patience and certainty, trust in God no matter what challenge we face and keep going. Then Jesus - overcoming the fear of death (he was put in the grave, but came back - at this stage we induce ego death and get a glimpse of annihilation or fan'a. Similarly we open our hearts with love and forgiveness for all our fellow beings. At this stage the third eye naturally starts to open, and psychic abilities and phenomena start occuring. E.g. powers of healing, prediction, seeing auras, traveling in dreams etc. Love, power and peace. Finally Muhammad, the precious pearl, tying together all the other energies, making us a functional soul in this physical world, instead of an ego who acts normally like everyone else, only to experience the soul and heart during prayer and meditation before being lost in this world again. We become human beings, tender, adaptable and flexible in everyday, practical life. So these different "mantras" (ayat, dhikr and salawaat) activate the Abraham, Jesus, Moses and Muhammad energy in our lataif. Energy of knowledge, spiritual power, certainty and transforming our ego into a pearl. God bless you all
My experience with Spring Forest Qigong
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in Systems and Teachers of
Hey @daofeidao, thanks for your message. Yes, lvl 1-3 is available online with manuals, videos, the whole she-bang. I took lvl 4 online during Corona, maybe the first/only/last time it was offered online. However, the old "lvl 5" workshop is now available too, albeit in person. The pre-requisite is simply lvl 1-3 and another online program. Here is the link, it's this March: https://www.springforestqigong.com/event/2025-03-beyond-qi-retreat-event-filter/ I think it's will be quite similar to lvl 4, maybe slight differences. So if you're interested, you can start daily practice, complete lvl 1-3 and the online course, and attend in person. I am also interested in going, but right now it seems I can't get the time off from work. -
Bön Centre Canada, Sherab Chamma Ling, Secret Gazing Meditation System
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate you offering your guidance and experience. Feel we're kind of going away from the whole point of the thread about "gazing meditation system". So would love to get back on track and not get lost or sidetracked no matter how enticing or interesting the whole world of Buddhism obviously is. The past couple of days I've stumbled upon the term "thod rgal" as used for this practice. Have also found a book by a westerner called "Flavio" talking about and around this practice. However when reading his book, it was more like an academic work, an outsider peering in, and simply listing years, sources, different manuscripts etc. Not really what I'm looking for. I'm not looking for an outsider, a western academic giving an intellectual breakdown of the history of a practice as seen from the outside, from a western academic viewpoint. I'm looking for an insider, an actual sadhaka/or practitioner describing the practice progression. Like many yoga texts. Stages, signs of attaining succes at that stage, just the general progression from start to finish. Has anyone got an idea of such a text? Or a workshop/retreat being run based on this? Best example is something like six yogas of Naropa, 8-fold yoga of Patanjali, Parashurama's Kalpa Sutra on Sri Vidya, or even from my limited understanding Kalachakra as well. All traditional, well-established practices with clear progression, staged and detailed practices, signs of attainment of each stage and so on. In short, a practitioner's manual, not an intellectual nor philosophical study. Heartily welcome any of your valuable input on this- 10 replies
Bön Centre Canada, Sherab Chamma Ling, Secret Gazing Meditation System
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate it great points. Which lineage and practices brought you "back on track"? Read about Nyingma after you mentioned it, supposedly Tarthang Tulku has also taught this gazing system, however I haven't been able to see when/how/where, or if there are any current workshops or books on it. Have you heard anyone teaching a "complete start to finish" system mainly relying on gazing? Where one of the "end signs" is that a practitioner can stare directly into the sun during daytime without it hurting their eyes? I have done Sun gazing, Moon gazing, Star gazing, lamp gazing and mirror gazing as a part of SKY, and it completely blew me away. It's so incredibly powerful for increasing health, vitality, energy levels, optimism and really helps to be able to go deep in meditation quickly. I know SKY is simplified gazing, so would love to sample an unfiltered system with all elements present. Look forward to hear from you again All the best!- 10 replies
Bön Centre Canada, Sherab Chamma Ling, Secret Gazing Meditation System
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for sharing! Great stuff. Awesome you know the lama and can recommend him. I will definitely keep an eye out on him and his place, hoping they run the shiné again at some point. Just saw online that multiple monks around the world teach this system. With all your years of experience and expertise, would you happen to know any lamas, tulkus or the like hosting workshops on this particular gazing system? Or any books treating it in depth? It's supposedly a system on it's own, starting with mind, body and breathing exercises to prepare the physical and energy body, and in the end someone who's gone through it can stare directly into the sun during daytime without it hurting their eyes (a feat I've also heard mentioned by both my SKY masters as well as Master Zhongxian Wu). Always knew there was something special in gazing after my experience of SKY, but was never able to connect with any "complete" system from start to finish based on it. Would love to give it a go at some point- 10 replies
My Experience With Lucid Dreaming In Different Traditions (Personal Insights On Importance Of "Personal Match" With Lineage)
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in Buddhist Discussion
Thanks for sharing your own precious experience Great point about our limited time - succes indeed takes a long while of dedicated practice. Dig one deep hole to reach water, rather than 50 shallow ones Great point about sleep hygiene, would love to go deeper in sleep yoga too. An experience I forgot to mention earlier was the Daoist "sleeping qigong" taught by Master Wu. Unfortunately he's quite "Chinese" in his way of teaching, withholding lots of information, keeping secrets, but he definitely knows a complete system of sleeping qigong. I've tried it on all the retreats I've been on. It consists of posture, mudra and visualisation. Then because I was on a lot of retreats, randomly he'll give new pieces of information here and there, and then you can slowly kind of piece it together yourself. Had some interesting experiences for sure, the best was one "black out sleep on command". Even though I've done many 49 day cycles of it, it has only given me succes about 3-4 times. 2 times during retreats (when he first taught it), and 2 times during my own home practice. I've got pretty big sleep needs, 9 hours. With this "black out sleep on command", you simply do a small visualisation, and at the end you go into black out, dreamless sleep. Because the sleep quality is so good, deep and restful, I only needed to sleep 7 hours in those retreats. Would love to go further, as my big sleep needs have always kind of forced me to maintain strict sleep discipline (a good thing), but it takes some hours away from practices that can be done during waking time. Another qigong master from Australia even confided he knows a qigong master residing in a mountain temple that teaches a unique method of sleeping qigong, where you sleep just 1 hour and then feel fully rested. So it's definitely on my list after I hopefully "master" (pretty big word, but at least progress to a certain point) lucid dreaming. Pursuing sleep yoga further that is (just high quality dreamless sleep) -
My Experience With Lucid Dreaming In Different Traditions (Personal Insights On Importance Of "Personal Match" With Lineage)
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in Buddhist Discussion
Thanks for your kind feedback Yes, I did try modern methods. I read Stephen LaBerge's book back when I was a teenager, and have tried a lot of modern, science based approaches too (WILD, reality check during the day, setting intention, dream journaling, getting up during the night etc). Unfortunately it never worked for me. That's why I pursued the more ancient, traditional methods (Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism and Bön). My thinking was simply: over millenia, this has worked for at least some people, otherwise it would have died out. So the chance of succes seems reasonable. Very interesting to hear you've found Bön more precise - motivates me to keep an eye out for more Bön -
Bön Centre Canada, Sherab Chamma Ling, Secret Gazing Meditation System
Nuralshamal posted a topic in General Discussion
Dear Dao Bums, Background I saw a post on FB a couple of years ago, where someone shared they had learnt a secret Himalayan system composed entirely of a progressive series of tratak or open eye gazing meditation. It supposedly is a fast track to enlightenment as well as various psychic powers. As far as I remember it was taught in a Bön centre on Vancouver Island (Canada). I suddenly remembered it recently and felt a strong inner draw towards it. Wish I had saved the post back then. Request for your valuable expertise, experience and knowledge Is anyone here on the forum a bön practitioner? Does anyone here on the forum know about Sherab Chamma Ling on Vancouver Island (Canada)? Has anyone heard of this special Himalayan Tratak System? Further Background One of the most powerful practices that really took me by suprise in Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) was gazing meditation. In SKY's 4 levels, on lvl 3 your learn dipa tratak (gazing meditation on a ghee lit, natural cotton wick, natural clay lamp). On lvl 4 you learn darpan tratak (done on a mirror). Both of these practices changed my life, it's so incredibly powerful at increasing your life force energy, meditation power and much more. I know Vethathiri Maharishi (founder of SKY) took these 2 simple practices from a larger tratak system given by Vallalar Ramalinga (a great saint). However, I was never able to get anyone to translate his treaties on tratak. It's supposedly incredibly detailed, describing different tratak objects (sun, moon, different stars, mirrors from different materials, lamps from different materials, trees, precious stones, and difference between number and material of wick(s)). Lastly I was blown away by the simplicity and power of a bön lucid dreaming practice many years ago. Those 2 above experiences put together made me notice this FB post several years ago. However back then I was quite spiritually content, so just took notice, didn't save it. Recently I felt a strong inner urge to pursue it further, hence this post. Look forward to hearing from you!- 10 replies
Dear Dao Bums, I've already detailed my "journey" with lucid dreaming since I was a teenager here: Part 1: https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/53847-sleeping-qigong-and-lucid-dreaming/ Part 2: https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/55610-my-experience-with-tulku-lobsang-medicine-buddha-dream-yoga/ Today I want to share some more recent experiences and insights especially pertaining to the importance of the match between you as an individual and the particular practices, teacher and lineage you learn from. Since my last update this is what I've done lucid dreaming wise: 6 months of daily medicine buddha, tummo meditation and nightly lucid dreaming as taught by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche. 6 months of "golden light dream travel skill" as taught in Maoshan. Buddhist Practice: Here my progress was very linear. I started with about 1-2 lucid dreams a week with low control, then it just slowly increased to 3-4 dreams with more control, then ending with about 5 dreams a week with some pretty good control and interesting insights. Daoist Practice: I got a formal initiation quite some time ago, and it had been about 1 year of daily recitation of the "golden light mantra" alongside its meditation, before I stopped everything else in order to go "all in" with Maoshan. I first intended to try just one 49 day cycle and see how it matched up against my former buddhist dreaming practice. In the entire 49 days I think I had only 1 lucid dream. I was quite surprised - I had formal initiation (something I didn't have at all with the buddhist practice), on top of that I had cultivated the mantra, meditation and talisman used for more than 1 year before starting the dream practice associated with it. After the 49 day cycle, I felt an inner kind of "discipline" arising, like I wouldn't quit before I reached success. So I went on for 6 months with continous daily golden light mantra recitation and meditation, and nightly golden light dream skill. However, in the entire 6 months, while I did feel the power of the golden light mantra recitation and meditation increasing, I never had any lucid dreams. In the entire 6 months I had only 3. Personal Insights Looking back I tried to understand what happened. Looking even further back, I saw that even though trying different dream practices for 12 months (6 months buddhist, 6 month daoist) I never reached the same success as I did with a Bön method I did for just 1-2 months. With the Bön practice, I just read it in a book. I never even met the teacher face to face, nor got a formal transmission or initiation. Just reading the book was the only "transmission". Yet to this day, it's the one thing that just works for me. This inspired me to do a kind of meta analysis of all the spiritual practices I've done. I've tried a lot of things, something I've also been critiqued for both publically here on the forum in threads as well as in personal messages here. I saw that of all the practices I've gone through since 2013 (when I made the commitment to daily dedicated spiritual practice for the rest of my life - before that I had been practicing a few things sporadically since about 2003), there was a really small "greatest hits" list that just "worked" for me. 1) Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) First one was Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) I started in 2017. Since the very first day, I just hit home, I found personal satisfaction, and felt like I found "what I had been looking for" spiritually all my life. Since then, this has been my main daily practice which I never stopped. 2) Talisman Healing Qigong Second was "talisman healing qigong" with Master Zhongxian Wu in 2018. I was super sceptical about healing, actually didn't believe in it, but just by chance there was a chance to attend a workshop. On the workshop I was quite surprised that it seemed to work. However, when I did the 49 day cycle at home, I practiced on family and friends, and to my great surprise - it just worked! The word spread, and random people started calling me for healing. After this first 49 day cycle (this was just 1 talisman), I've since learnt and practiced 5 talismans (one for each element). It feels like a solid, reliable support for me - it's just there, it just works, and it was from day one. Just the whole surprise and power of it has also made it a mainstay in my practice - use it daily to bless and energize food, drink, sometimes if I'm with family and friends and they ask. 3) Bön Lucid Dreaming Method Just by chance, I read a book on lucid dreaming in 2021. I tried the usual "red syllable" in the throat method, I tried since I was a teenager, it never worked for me. As I read on in the book, there was a very simple Bön method where you visualise a crystal. To my great surprise, it just worked! And it stabilised, I predictably had lucid dreams every single night from that day. I was blown away! It was huge for me, decades of reasearch, reading, studying, workshops and failed practice was a thing of the past, it just clicked. However, I felt I got progressively more tired during the daytime as the days went on, this made me fearful, as I remember Master Zhongxian Wu critiquing buddhist sleeping and dreaming practices during one of his retreats, saying night time is for rest. So I stopped the practice, and my energy returned. 4) Becoming a SKY Master This was in the late fall into early winter of 2021. I went to the temple in India to get my last initiation of activating all chakras and learning as well as blessing and training to become a master myself, to help others progressively open their chakras in the SKY way. Similarly, it just clicked. Since that day I've initiated about 70 people, about 30 family and friends and 40 strangers on workshops. Every single one felt the power of Vethathiri and SKY, it just works. I'm amazed each time, the power just generates and flows through me (I'm just a vessel). I cannot even imagine how powerful Vethathiri must have been while in the physical body. 5) Bodily Pleasure of the Goddess, Sri Vidya This was more of a surprise, I gave it a shot on the recommendation of a close family member. With Raja Shyamala I felt a bodily pleasure in meditation I had never felt before, it was so incredible. Then I reached the Sri Meru Navavarana Puja (worshipping the golden 3D pyramid version of the more commonly known 2D Sri Yantra), and was blown away. I was so blissed out I could barely lift my arm. It was however incredibly time-consuming (2 hours daily), so haven't done it since completing my first 41 day mandala. But it's nice to know it's there and available. 6) Maoshan Black Magic Very recently some parts of the "black book" of Southern Maoshan has been posted as an online class. I've tried a few of the methods (even though I must admit I was quite scared and of course directly opposed to all forms of black magic), but realised it honestly wasn't that different from all the mantras, talismans and qigong methods I've tried before. It just depends on your intention: if you wish to help alleviate the suffering of yourself and others, while avoiding hurting yourself and others, there's not really anything to oppose (from my usual religious/spiritual perspective that's against black magic) about the method. Usually black magic is done using "impermissible" means (e.g. filthy and blasphemous objects and despicable acts with the intention of selfish gain to the detriment of "the greater good" (other living beings, nature, the universe, your fellow man)). However none of these are in the methods I've tried. There's been 1 particular practice in there (using mantra and talisman) that's honestly blown my socks off. This has also been a game changer for me, and opened up my mind and perspective about what magic is and what it can do, instead of just being "against it" in a very black/white way. Conclusion After these 12 years of daily comitted spiritual practice, there are just 6 items on my list. These are things that are reliable, secure, available and just works. When I compare that to ALL the teachers, teachings, practices, workshops and lineages I've been through, my God, those particular practices are simply precious pearls, so hard to find, so hard to come by and exceptionally rare. The list with all the things I've tried that just flat out doesn't work, or didn't work for me, or didn't really impact me or my life in any way - it would have a LOT on it. When I philosophize over the reason behind it, the only thing I feel arise in my heart is just the feeling of the importance of "the personal connection". Your soul is very particular and unique, just like a custom made lock. Only a very specific key can unlock it. You can insert 1000s and 1000s of keys, but no one will fit and open your soul, UNLESS it's one of these rare and precious pearls, gems hidden across this Earth for your soul to search out, earn through effort and ethical living, and finally receive to transform yourself and your life forever. I needed to roam, to explore, to cultivate adventure, to sample, but having now sampled so much, I feel that I now value these few practices much more. I think I will shift my focus to going further and deeper with these few precious pearls at least 80% of the time, then staying 20% open for new practices. If I had just "shut down" shop when I found SKY, I wouldn't have found these other precious gemstones, but on the other hand I can also see how over the past 4 years I've probably divided my attention 40/60% in favor of adventure and trying new things. With what I've learnt now, I feel it will be better to go to 80/20. I feel like I need to stay open, because you never know when a new blessing will emerge and change your life for ever, but on the other hand, the depth and power you get from cultivating just a few things ALL the way is incredible. That's the whole basis of gong fu - master just ONE thing, and everyone will bow their heads in honor of your achievement and you will use it to better lives of yourself, your family, your loved ones and society, alleviating the suffering of others while being a blessing to all living beings. So I guess my invitation to you now is: 1) What's the best thing you tried spiritually, that just clicked, that just worked? Did you stay with it? 2) Why do you think it matched you so well? How is it nourishing your unique soul in incredible ways? 3) Are you holding on to practices "just to stay disciplined, loyal and comitted", even though they're not really doing it for you? What stops you from letting go and trying new things? I pray all our souls will enjoy their adventure to the full, sampling, enjoying and adventuring, while also staying true to our unique course on the long term, and that we all may find the precious pearl of our personal soul, journeying in the mystery of the all-encompassing Absolute God bless you
Thanks for the heads up!
@小梦想 Hey Rudi, any thoughts on the above question? All the best
Sri Vidya, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Mudra, Guru Karunamaya
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in Hindu Discussion
Thanks for sharing your 2 cents @Shakti Abby -
My Experience With Black Magic
Nuralshamal replied to Nuralshamal's topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
Thanks for your response and positive feedback! There were 3 major milestones in my own journey, that gave me a lot of relief: Purify And Protect Yourself and Your Home (sufi method) 1) Sufi mantras (11x ayatul kursi, 11x surah nas, 11x surah ikhlas, 11x surah falaq, 11x surah kafiroon to form protective circle around the home, then 11x ayatul kursi to form protective circle around particular person, 21x ayatul kursi blow on water and sprinkle in house). Do daily. Protect Yourself, Strike Back (sufi method) 2) Sufi amal/wazifa (like a prayoga or kriya), Surah Ta-Ha ayat 68-69 "qulna la takhaf innaka anta'l a'laa...." said 100x each night before sleep, blow on the affected person 3x then make du'a for healing and protection, continue for at least 21 days in row without fail. Complete Self Healing, Self Protection and Stoppage (stambhanam) (hindu method, Varahi Devi) 3) Varahi Tarpanam, Puja and Homam complete stopped everything for us. The 41 day mandala invited some real challenges, especially around the 21 day and 29 day mark (negative energy try to stop you), but we kept going and suceeded in the end and found great relief. After this everything stopped permanently. Help from the outside is awesome, but for me I felt the universe gave me a big signal that I should also increase my own spiritual practice to always keep my protection strong. First step, work with yourself practically (do good deeds, avoid anything negative) So first tips would be for both you and your sister and her family to make sure you avoid all kind of sin that could attract negative energy; e.g. conceal your blessings to avoid jealousy, abstain from meat and alcohol, don't commit any sin, respect elders, don't backbite, do any kind of negative thoughts, words or deeds, make sure all your affairs are 100% in order, nothing illegal, concealed etc. forgive each other in family, maintain family harmony, be good to each other and so on. Second Step, daily spiritual work, personal connection with the Divine When that's done second tip is for all involved to level up their daily spiritual practice ; ideally we should all set aside some time daily to connect with our Creator, be grateful, pray, and also cry when we're helpless and ask for help and protection, cultivate that personal connection, love and humility as much as possible. Third step, help from outside Then third tip is to get extra help from the outside when faced with grave spiritual issue. In that regard I give some suggestions below: If you're open to sufism, you can contact brotherrahman.net - he's very heartful and sweet, very helpful, give you a lot of rituals for free on his site, gives free advice via email. If you study with him, he really helps you and does rituals and mantras for you. Depending on your budget he can be both very economical all the way to quite costly. Sometimes he has a bit of mood swings, temper and can be a bit grumpy, but it's usually just 2-3 days, but no matter what he always helps. Otherwise for Varahi, I didn't get anyone to do homa or anything, we did on our own (after we got sri vidya mantra diksha from Karunamaya at the time, later Devipuram also) I know Karunamaya is in UK right now, but I don't think he really does things like that (help individuals out), he's mostly about getting followers who complete all his modules, work for his organisation and build his peetham in India. You can give it a go, but he's usually quite inflexible and not that easy to talk to person-to-person. Lastly there is a very expensive guru in India, he has solid energy, if you pay, he gives (e.g. give mantra diksha, do yagnya or puja for you etc), but as soon as he has done the thing you paid for, he's still very quick to respond on whats'app, but he's very slow to do any related task (e.g. send yantras, malas, kavach etc). But you will feel his energy, he has done very solid sadhana, even quite non-trained people here in Europe felt energy 2-3 days before his yagnya, on the day of his yagnya, and were pretty spiritually impacted for months after. So he has a lot of powerful energy. I can share his contact privately with you if you want, just be warned he's pretty expensive. Let me know: 1) What makes you think they're suffering from black magic? 2) How would you like to proceed from here? (vis-a-vis all I wrote above)- 25 replies
- black magic
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