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About Shadow_self

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  1. Just on these two points If you look above, at the previous thing I posted, the lay person explanation would be that the focal point of conciousness shifts from the physical body to the energetic body That is why the sensation of piti is mentioned, because the sensation of piti is in the energy body The bridge between the physical and energetic bodies = breath, hence one of the reasons why anapanasiti is usually what they use in Buddhism However the reason why tantric paths see more success, for laypeople, is they build the energetic substance in the energy body up to such a degree and density that it is far easier for the focal point of awareness to switch to the energetic body and use that as the object of absporption If you could imagine that thing people use when doing an eye test, where they read the lines of letters. Concentration alone would be like training to read the botton small line, whereas concentration plus eneregetic building - that would be making the letters bigger until they read like the top line I hope that makes sense, its a rather unusual way of putting it. There are actually objective signs you've managed to enter first jhana, though Im not sure how public they are, so maybe its better not to get into those
  2. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    I have never heard of this. All of my YJJ teachings are not based on sets, they are based on how it works in theory. The principals are then applied to whatever is done, be it sitting, standing or moving practice If you find me a video, I might be able to dissect it, though from what it sounds like, its pulling open the ribs, arms, intercostals etc
  3. The only person ive ever seen discuss Jhana as it was explained to me @freeform, who literally described it identically Let me see if I can dig it up Being around these kinds of people, who have stabilized these states, is surreal beyond words. If they can reach the formless jhanas and stabillize it, reality and causaility itself completely breaks down around them Even at he earlier stages, emitting light visible to the naked eye would be expected This would be considered rather odd, however, once you consider it alongside attainments like rainbow body etc, its not at all suprising really
  4. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    How the movement is done tends to generally matter more than what the movement actually is regards YJJ. Any video of this one? Key here being to relax the large muscles and stress the fascia in all movements For example, when moving up and down in the kua, you move up from the baihui dragging everything else up which opens the spine and you feel the resistance, its like pulling elastic Coming down, you pin the occiput, and let the tailbone sink which pulls the spine open downwards, and will have you sit into the kua properly, your tailbone will slightly tuck under when you release the mingmen and your knees will slightly bend themselves as the sit bones are stressed that will pull another layer of fascia Scapula need to be in the right position also You can kind of see the a fascia areas here in white (mingmen is whats circled) Over time you can create some very unusual forces inside that inflate and move the extremities themselves
  5. True Wisdom is also a siddhi of sorts Thats something thats been proven to be abundantly clear to me
  6. Yes, i did use that term generally for a reason If you are aware of the components (or functions) of the soul then when you think about the Hun/Po of Daoism, you might not be surprised to know that certain types of death can mess up the standard sequence of events (suicidefor example) Theres another thing too, where they can "borrow" from you as a means to manifest to a degree. This is what has happened to me
  7. Im a researcher by training, so yes it is. Yes. Death is just a transition, as is birth, this cycles over and over again Unfortunately, I dont think I could detail this without giving up my anonymity, so ill have to decline to comment Except to say, as of now, my senses in a way are tuned to a bandwith slightly above normal, (ie clairvoyance, claraudience and clarsentience). Some of that was training, but as far as im told , all of my teachers, agreed there was latent ability there, so all it took was a little push in the right direction Technically if they hang around it isnt "this realm" But for the normal folk, without training theres no real way to know Im afraid, unless one of them is hanging around as a ghost and you're in a situation where you get a glimpse or some contact Generally speaking, we arent exactly aware of them, and as for ghosts, they arent normally aware of us either. This is why you seen them obliviously repeating the same things over and over like a video clip on loop However, once opened up to them, they tend to be like flies. Its almost like lighting a candle in the dark For normal folk, there really isnt much you could do to discern that It is possible to have communication during the tranisition to sleep or during sleep, due what takes place mechanically. But the subtle nuances regards whether this is a dream, or an actual experience of contact are almost impossible to discern for people without a lot of training It is, there is an aspect of the soul thats known as Shuang Ling in Daoism. This is part of the soul that contains collective conciousness, so tapping into this would basically make someone omniscient But its beyond the reach of al but the masters Theres another methods Buddhists use too, but thats not entirely something ive delved into much Hope that helps
  8. Haha it all sounds similar what I went through in the same manner of repeatedly trying to dismiss it I guess when things are meant to happen, certain forces dont take no for an answer
  9. Im afraid that would be a long discussion. But it would all revolve around like causality, reincarnation, life, death, transmigration, ghosts, the various bodies of man, and how they relate to this, the process of death etc, past (and future lives), soul, spirit etc etc I would be here for a long time listing it all If there is something specific you'd like to ask me, feel free and if its something im at liberty to share, Ill do my best
  10. Believe it or not, this is the reason i got into the arts in the first place. I lost someone I cared around a decade ago This is the area I invest most of my time in. Never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate some of the things that followed. But im eternally grateful that ive had almost all of my burning questions answered already When I say im speaking from experience, on this topic, specifically,. Im certainly not kidding around
  11. If you got rid of all the layers, you wouldnt be coming back my friend Generally speaking, you get about as far as where the karmic "seeds" tend to reside. Theres a set of causal conditions that reside there that set you on the way for what comes next If one was to stabilize, "attain" and work at this level while still alive. Transmigration would take a very different path
  12. Not that I know of tbh. To the best of my knowledge it came from India and mixed with the regional variations in TIbet. Perhaps one of the others on the board know Its not my strong point tbh. Im more on the side of other Buddhist traditions
  13. Various layers of the subtle bodies break down during the dying process until it reaches the place that the deepest karmic dispositions that dictate the next incarnations reside, and then, back into the next one usually Think of it like stripping layers off of an onion, then putting new ones back
  14. It was my understanding that, in the mystery schools of old, this was not an enactment, it was an induced experience Sound correct? This is true in my understanding Which quote exactly?
  15. I have teachers from separate places that quote the same figure, despite being completely different traditions 2 different Buddhist / Daoist lineages Also whomever is a vajrayana buddhist and told you that is misunderstood. The Bardo Thodol lists 49 days