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Everything posted by Shadao

  1. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Please enlighten me, does this means that you(as in the consciousness/ego reading this right now) still keeps being you or somehow it "breaks off" from the "you" as an independent being? This seems the best outcome in my opinion.Freedom to come and go and interact with the physical plane if you want to.
  2. What about a Korean system?

    Apparently there is a martial arts style called "Hwarang Do" that also deals with "Nae Gong"(inner power), among other things.
  3. I don't know how to write what I want to write but I'll try to be concise. Recently I was reading a book called Dahnhak Kigong, and that got me thinking. I know, I know, this place is one of Daoism, Qigong, all things Chinese(and Taiwanese) and not one for other systems but...Does anyone here have any knowledge of Korean systems similar to the ones we see here in Qigong?I know that Japanese have their own version of it with "Ki", and of that one I already know a bit. But I know next to nothing about the Korean version. I am a curious person by nature and I am curious about how different would be a Korean system when compared to a Chinese one.Is there a difference in terminology only?Is there a difference in cultivation?Is there even a difference in energy?
  4. So I was checking my collection of books and found this one: Dragon and Tiger Chi Gung. Apparently it is a "medical form of chi gung"(qigong) and is touted as a great system when it comes to health, relaxation and vitality. Did anyone ever try this system?If so, could you say if this would be considered similar or worse/better than SFQ?Does the author speaks from a place of knowledge or he seems sketchy? I ask this because I do not know the author nor his other works at all, so I cannot make a judgement is he is legit.
  5. Humility and Self Esteem

    I fear of seeming ignorant by what I'll write, but I'll admit that I am not as knowledgeable nor as "developed" as others here.I can only answer based on what I believe I know and my own experiences. Humility is the opposite of arrogance, to be humble(in my opinion) would be not to make one's own actions or words seem more important than they actually are.As in, acknowledge what you did/are as this is all a "compilation" of your upbringing, your nature and what you've learned. This is good for your self-esteem, kind of like a "yes, you did/are this and that was/is good/Good job" thing you do for yourself and no one else can do for you. As for the self-esteem itself I feel that it isn't necessary to keep it high, just keep it "enough".Just enough that you won't doubt yourself all the time or "beat yourself up" for things beyond your control.But there are some people that have high self-esteem without being arrogant, they just balance that by being kind to others.Instead of letting their high self-esteem make them demean and bring down others, they bring them up. Because in my view arrogance is also a choice to be bad/evil towards others.
  6. Is fulfillment a worthwhile goal ?

    I don't think fulfillment is a goal per se, but the result of one.
  7. Never learned how to do poetry English isn't my mother tongue I prefer to read only, you see So this one won't be long.
  8. The Three Treasures and Seven Principles

    Right now, it is about acquiring all kinds of knowledge(with the intent to better myself).
  9. You mean the book mentioned by OP has the same thing as "Kunlun System"?
  10. Deep Universe Inside?

    I don't know if it's because I'm a newbie at this site or if it's just my own introversion "speaking" but I am feeling a bit stupid of writing of this even though I know there is no need to feel like that. Does any one here also feels like there is an infinite deep/infinite universe inside yourself? This happened alot in the past, nowadays not so frequently but sometimes when I feel excited(even if due only to my own imagination/visualizations...of which I do alot as a frequent daydreamer...) or just "feel at peace with myself", I'll feel as if I have no bounds "inside myself"...I don't know how to explain it better, I feel like words are hard to use to explain certain things. I'll just feel like I'm not this body, or that this body is just a "gate" linking "this" to the physical, words are really hard to use.Specially when it's another language not your own.
  11. On another hand there are those that want but do not know where to look for it or lack the mean$ to get it.It ain't as black and white. Still, should I edit out my previous post then?
  12. Ah, I think the confusion was due to not understanding that a method/system could "corrupt" someone. See, I don't believe that one can be corrupted by something like that, I'm more of the mindset that a person either is already corrupt from the start or can only be corrupted by either huge amounts of wealth or political/social power given to them/earned.But not by a practice.
  13. I know of Star Wars, but I did not understand why you mentioned Siths and Darth Vader in relation to your practice. I don't know if it's due to a lack of knowledge or an issue with understanding what's written here. Could you elaborate on that?
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    For some, I think they might pick all three options at once.
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Holy chocolate indeed.
  16. As in, what made you interested in what you learned/are learning in regards to the main subjects of this forum? I know, I know, basic question, but one that I consider interesting nonetheless. Well, in my case I have known of Taoism/Daoism(still unsure if there is a difference that isn't just one letter only) for a while but it was always in the "fringe" of my interests. Until one day I decided to learn a bit more and found that "Taoism/Daoism's creed" seemed to aling quite well with what I think and believe.So I decided to enter this path, but honestly it was a half-hearted attempt, just so I could "call myself something" and not feel as lost. Ironically what REALLY made me want to learn properly about it(and Qi too) were those novels and comics about cultivation. Yes, works of fiction made me interested in it all, the stories of characters striving for literal immortality and becoming powerful enough to go against their peers and later against godsand demons made me go " COULD be real". Worry not though, because while my imagination(and sometimes hopes) might run wild, I also have a healthy dose of skepticism.So while I might let myself open to a chance of something being real, I won't take it as such until shown(or experiencing) evidence of such. But yeah,those fictional works of Wuxia and Xianxia made me get really interested in learning.What about you? What made you want to walk the path you did/currently do?
  17. How to strengthen the mind

    Not the same thing but I think it's been...what, a 2 or 3 years?That I started to take exclusively cold showers.Yeah it ain't the same as being submerged in the water but it's what I have at my disposal. I still wish to be able to do Wim Hof's program one day though...
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    What a shocking story.
  19. Systems/Methods for seeds and trees

    I wrote it in the end of my post, this isn't for me(as I already have my picks), this is mere curiosity. I'm a curious person, I can't help it I crave knowledge, and the fastest way to sate one's curiosity(bar searching for the answers through an extensive research) is by asking those that know. Is it wrong? I'm still not used to "forum speak", what posting "." alone means? Sorry but this also do not answers the question, although I get the point you are trying to make here. Again, my question is based not on me looking for the answers for myself to go seek these paths, but only because I am curious.Simple as that.
  20. Systems/Methods for seeds and trees

    I don't intend to be rude but this answered no part of the question asked. Also I never said "master" but "more experienced people", as you can have some decent experience enough to not be considered a beginner that knows next to nothing, but still not be a "master" as being called such implies that you are at the pinnacle of your learning, in my opinion.
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    How this meme tends to appear in the commentary section of many, MANY comics/manhuas/webtoons of cultivation:
  22. What are you listening to?

    Music: And some other vids:
  23. Ever since 2019 changed into 2020 I have been living with a feeling of "something is coming and it's both good and bad". I hate not knowing if it's more good or more bad(nor HOW good or bad it'll be).I hate this uncertainty and I never really felt like this before.
  24. Regarding books...

    1.What would be the very first book you would tell someone to read when it comes to Tao/Dao/Qi?Something that they should get on as fast as possible before anything else? 2.What would be the top three books you would recommend for someone to read, based on your own experience reading those books? EDIT: I think there might have a bit of confusion about the questions, or I worded them incorrectly... First question is about ONE book you would say it's highly important for a BEGINNER to read once they start on this path.The first one they should read before anything else. Second question is about THREE books you liked and/or consider to have helped you in your own path and that you would recommend for others to check.It is UNRELATED to the first question.
  25. Regarding books...

    From dr. Yang I have only "Qigong meditation: embryonic breathing","Qigong meditation: Small circulation" and "Taijiquan Theory".Does any of them work or it would have to be "The Roots of Chinese Qigong"? As for the other I have one called "Yellow Thearch's Basic Questions", I reckon it is the same thing?Kind of? I think I have many books of Jerry Alan Johnson(Daoist: Exorcism/Magical Incantations/Magical Talismans/Transformation Skills/ and Weather Magic, along with other books not-titled Daoist: something) but maybe not this specific one you mentioned. Ah, that moment where you feel like you hit every target except the one you were supposed to have hit -.- Thanks for your recommendation, I'll check them once I have some free time for leisure reading.