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Everything posted by S:C

  1. Variations of Microcosmic orbit?

    So it’s about setting in motion a causal chain from one’s own behalf - action and inaction? Thought the old daoist concept of causality (shi) had a different interpretation of this
 maybe someone can explain this?
  2. More Unpopular Opinions

    Just an opinion while speaking to a friend: life tasks should be looked at like through the emotional ‘wuxing’ model as a task where one has still troubled emotions burried, triggered or stirred and it should be acted upon this and not regarding rational outcome. E.g. if fear is a recurring problem, decisions shouldn’t be based on safety issues, money, insurance and personal flimsies, but on working through the emotional issue. (I’m not sure if I really own this opinion, but the image seemed promising yet chaotic and irrational.)
  3. More Unpopular Opinions

    Nah, that’s the nice madness, you should happily enjoy if you can. (In fact I didn’t read your full poem, so I don’t know if my statement is sincere here.) The general human madness is on different level. It has no hope. And there is a difference between heart love and erotical love indeed (having read your poem now) although at times it might coincide.
  4. The Idiots Way

    So there’s a clear difference stated.
  5. More Unpopular Opinions

    I hardly ever notice now.
  6. More Unpopular Opinions

    Do we ever go back ?
  7. More Unpopular Opinions

    Friedrich Nietzsche Too late, my friend. My desire for truth was propelled by love unrequited. I don’t think I was ready to look behind that veil. (But I didn’t pull it either.)
  8. More Unpopular Opinions

    don’t we need both to live functionally? designed means there is a creator with intention? why does it work and why works it in the central channel, what is the difference to the mundane? potential is bound to decrease at some point
 does it rise ever again? always questions, never answers, sorry.
  9. Alchemical Herbs

    Das Bums life lessons! Amazing!
  10. The Garden of Eden

    Sorry for the derailing: where is this from and what does it mean?
  11. Emotions are the path

    there's something to it. Emotions are like a compass - without them you are lost and without goals. Focusing on own empirical sense data and calm (instead of in depths concepts) might enlarge those to some degree, - I will watch that for a while, thanks. @manitou, thank you, yes, I hope so, yes, maybe I get stuck in the analytic part and don't get to feel or the aware part This part seems difficult, when you strive to live a 'functional' life and have to 'work' with this. It did get better lately with some approaches, again, habitual feelings might just get enlarged even though there's no reason for it. @Apech, yes, I mistook her first name for her last name, - Mr. Byrons poems however are a classic! Something you mentioned about 'overwhelmed' reminded me of a dream of my own, - - thanks. @blue eyed snake, something you mentioned, about intensified energetics in the body via 'practice' (I never practiced, it was a current) resembling a feeling of 'being in love' recently, somewhere (cannot find it right now) rings a bell and explains - some - for me, thanks. @Mark Foote, I am sorry, that there was a scam on the site, - I hadn't visited it, and I don't use google chrome. I'm glad you find a better sense of timing through meditation, however I get confused about the difference of 'the cessation of doing' and 'the cessation of breath' (which is not a thing one should get confused about) and I admire your dedication to the classical writings. @snowymountains, thanks, the link might be of help! thanks @all for the input!
  12. Emotions are the path

    The surface is fine, thank you!
  13. Emotions are the path

    If there’s a technique for oneself to do alone (!), I should have clarified the question! And I don’t do insight meditation. I just focus a lot anyways (if life is kind to me) - and tried to improve it by sitting and focusing on just the moment and the feels and perceptions in essence. and I hate it if one quotes me before I am done editing but hey, thanks for your input. sigh.
  14. Alien encounters during dream

    On second thought: please ignore.
  15. Emotions are the path

    What effect, if any, has focus (not insight) meditation on the equilibrium and/or intensity of emotions? Does it help or does it stir things up? Is there even a causality at play? What’s your experience? What methods are there, to feel emotions in order to let them go? (They make me tired!) At times they come back aprupt and I am surprised why now - and WHY so energized? (Could blame it on the planets though
) Has anyone had experience with Mrs. Byron’s four questions, does it help, it seems like a lot of time for writing and analysis?
  16. The Garden of Eden

    Mind can and will find - in my opinion- many frames of reference and will use all your known and unconscious inferences, draw from all (cultural) backgrounds, to make sense of something a bit like it was already mentioned in the thread about another dream interpretation recently. So every bum you ask will bring their own subjective „baggage“ and background into the interpretation. For me it’s too many unconnected scenes in your dream to see a consistent story. However: Were the scenes connected in your opinion and by what? Moreover what’s important is what you found interesting: the pieces of fruit of the man and yours and the then lacking trunk of the tree. What could the fruit be a symbol of? You were surprised that there was only one, maybe one is enough already? (Enough of what is your interpretation.) You were expecting more then one. Were all persons involved parts of yourself to conjoin? Or were they „really“ different persons albeit in a different perception mode? You speak of a different kind of consciousness, all partaking, if I understand correctly. You also took reference of the tree to a human body. The lacking trunk (symbolizing personal energetic source) might refer to a different (more) ‚impersonal‘ source of energy and mind matter, unrooted in a subject, so to speak. To your question:am I mapping my experience onto a Christian format, or is this the reality of the subtle energy system. To me, the allegory works just as well with the daoist concepts, if you abstract it to some degree. (What’s the fruit in that modell.. a yes
) So I‘d tend to favor your latter option, but as so far as you experience your subtle energy system and that of others in your view. Cannot speak for any objectivity.
  17. Stranger things

    Today I watched a tree. First one to bloom and around its crown there was an uncountable sum of bees, bumblebees, and hornets as well as different kinds of bees and butterflies. It had a very large “hum” sound around itself. And when the wind blew over it the “hum” changed a bit in the intensity and tone. It was like a different concept, neither just tree, nor just bees and the like. It was sound and energy, and that on a clear focused compressed place and space, while there was such a lot of movement.
  18. Help on the spiritual path

    Not a fun thing to be a slave on the path
 well, let’s hope the path poofs you right.
  19. Help on the spiritual path

    So as always: give in, take notice, and let go? Sounds like fun. (Not.) Funny, to me it’s more like brain vomit (if there’s such a thing).
  20. Help on the spiritual path

    Can you explain, please? How can dopamine rise during focused awareness? And why should that (dopamine?) include the probable possibility of death? Apart from that: if emotions should occur that have no base in current reality and should therefore not be disturbing - can not be justified - momentarily- what on earth is this focused awareness about? đŸ«Ł Why should I want to meet and get to know my mind if it is half (?) full (or empty) of emotions - that have no base in current reality? (Does that make any sense?) I‘m done with concepts. đŸ„±đŸ’€
  21. Does anyone have an idea, where the first traces of dualistic thought originated in western thinking? I remember ManichĂ€ism (Augustinus of Hippo) but it must have been way earlier. Kind of ‘fall of men’ like
 serpent, Adam and Eve, own moral judgements etc?
  22. That’s the one I’m interested in 
 well, please do contribute further, if you like
  23. For a long time I went for oats (either made warm with milk or water) and some fruits. Can't do that everyday, it is so sticky. Don't like bread with cheese, marmelade etc. Ended up with some amaranth, buckweath and millet heated with water and rasperrys/or apples, that's okay. But I am still curious: what are your favorite breakfast dishes? Warm or cold? Did you consciously choose the contents or is it more a habitual (sweet tooth) thing? Did you import some recipies from asian countries? Do you preprep the night before or fresh in the morning. Thanks (I really need inspiration here...)
  24. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Why is there a connection to the ‘white rabbit’ song?
  25. Spotless at Batgap

    We use different concepts and perceptions to think and categorize the world. Our terms and concepts differ, but I can understand your definitions, as you explained them. I just have trouble using them myself, as my processes go different ways and use different categories for the terms you define differently. In one mode of thinking what you describe seems only to be subjective experience of one person. To me, there is no objective reality for the individual as long far as it is bound to its sense doors and interpretes through preconceived notions of mind and conditionings. But that’s just thinking in different categories. Again, thanks for explaining your thinking and interpreting process! Objective reality has as many facets as light broken by a prism, - loosely quoted Mary Bowman Hutton Hart.