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About S:C

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    disturbing nonsense. gone for awhile. bye.
  1. Stranger things

    Can a lion eat you twice?
  2. Stranger things

    this came up and I forgot whom I wanted to share this withā€¦ I hope it finds its way might be worth pondering about @dwai how do you recognize a lion for a lion (and yes thatā€™s a metaphorical/philosophical question) ?
  3. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Neo, itā€™s not a way of being dragged anywhereā€¦ itā€™s about letting go (not the same as giving up!) and following the cute white little rabbit down the w/hole *šŸ° ā€¦if you dare and are prepared enoughā€¦ that might not be up to you - anyhow - these windows of opportunity are small, you gotta be prepared, if you think about it for one millisecond, itā€™s gone - *šŸ°or whatever they call it in your tradition (grace?)ā€¦
  4. two poles of silence...

    @old3bob would you mind expanding on that thought a bit more or rephrase it in simpler concepts or connections, it seems like potential, but I fail to understand you hereā€¦
  5. Detox ?

    there seems to be a detox process going on for me recently, itā€™s not simply physical, - else Iā€™d simply throw up, it feels more like having an alleviating period but going upwards in the wrong directing (like wanting to vomit but thereā€™s no material), heat from upper belly/breast region towards mouthā€¦ what helps the process, before I consider classic advice for traditional herb recipies? Sage? Salvia officinalis? What else?
  6. "Non-dual" misnomer

    When if ever is guiding of behavior of others ethical? ā™˜ Due to conditioning and separate interests doesnā€™t it resort to ā€šmanipulationā€˜ fairly quickly as long as you get in an argument with someone? Or try to act from a sphere of separate self? How can healthy boundaries be defined and upholded? How can the conditioning be dissoluted? (this probably should be made in a separate thread or will be deleted, note to self.)
  7. "Non-dual" misnomer

    NOW, thatā€™s why!
  8. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Why is the white knight talking backwards? Is it a koan? Is he even white? A knight? Does he even exist? What is behind words?
  9. My understanding: The ideal of the divine/light/energy/union/dissolution/unreasonable happiness [placeholderā€¦] is to be found and recognized in the real present moment and not in a distant far away different layer of ā€šrealityā€˜. Un-separable. Giving up on absolutes.
  10. Very unpopular opinions

    Thoughts or feelings, yes, that prove to be a part of resistance and thus hinder a full reception. (In my opinion. Which might be wrong.)
  11. Very unpopular opinions

    If I define it, I separate subject and object in my perception. Itā€™s useful if you want to manipulate perception in that way. But then thereā€™s still a you. Nice to have made you laugh. Make me laugh too?
  12. Very unpopular opinions

    Your brain structure doesnā€™t care if its the past or not if an experience ingrained itself there. Causality in its different forms doesnā€™t bring clarity at all. Too binary. Probability more like it. Never clarity. But beyond. Causality like time is a human concept.
  13. Transgender Q&A

    Iā€˜m not so sure anymore. Isnā€™t truth a questionable and sometimes even dubious concept, depending on the perspective, question, context and definitions? Whatā€™s it called in the vedas? I gotta look that up sometimeā€¦
  14. Transgender Q&A

    That too, was quite helpful and enlightening today! Thank you @Daniel ! Do you have advice for a good book that gives an entry into modal logic (ā€¦ is there something like modal logic for dummies?) You explained it very well, I think itā€™s helpful for all sorts of assertions of people!