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Posts posted by Mango

  1. On 12/30/2021 at 10:36 PM, TrynaTransmutate said:

    Hey im new to this forum and i just want to learn the best method for transmutation to prevent wet dreams as i have tried everything from working out 2x a day waking up at and leaving home at 6am studying very hard and coming home at 7pm+ fasting and socializing but then i still get loads of wet dreams on long streaks im talking 1 every 2 or 3 days even into 6 months long streaks which is annoying since i noticed it also decreased my magnetism and general benefits

    It sounds like you are a very healthy man.  Only healthy men have wet dreams due to their overloaded sexual biological activity in their system. It is true that if it happened too often will decrease your magnetism and general benefits. It seems like your time was occupied with your studies and have no time for anything else. Are you actively involved with any pornography? It seems not! What was in your dreams when that happens?

    There is no need for semen retention, the sperm in the body will die after 74 days and will be reproduced..  

  2. On 9/3/2022 at 8:19 AM, -_sometimes said:

    I've begun to feel more solid on my feet. Like a rock, stable. Not always, but sometimes. I feel more aware of my feet and I guess more grounded. The standing sessions don't feel like much, but it seems they are doing something, even in this short a period. I'm impressed 

    You must have done something right in the Zhan Zhuang(站樁) position.

    • Thanks 1

  3. Acupressing the meridian points may cause discomfort but no permanent harm. However, if there is a pain in the body, acupressing the right meridian point may stop the pain almost instantly. For example, I had this pain in my neck for two years from throwing knives. So, I bought and studied the acupuncture book that was used in acupuncture classes in China. I used a hook-like acupuncture instrument for the hard-reaching place in the back of the body by acupressing the meridian points on my shoulder blade. I just had done it a few times and the pain in the neck was gone, instantly, and never came back.

  4. Laozi followed the concept of Yin-yang(陰陽) from Yijing(易經) as the guide to his Wu Wei(無為) philosophy. From then on, he spent most of the time introducing what Wu Wei is all about in the TTC.

  5. On 9/6/2022 at 6:15 AM, Cheshire Cat said:


    If you don't have health issues and you're in your 20s, once a day or less. 

    Once a day is excessively done it will cause a biological imbalance. It is because your body needs at least 2 to 3 days to rejuvenate for sperm to mature. Twice a week is normal but I still wouldn't recommend it for a normal person. Unless the individual practices Taiji or Qigong daily to speed up the rejuvenating process.

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  6. On 7/12/2022 at 1:40 PM, Nintendao said:


    自發功 is a self-initiated qigong method. It implicated that there is no definite sequential form. Thus, the movements initiated by practitioners are different every time without mind control. With this practice, sometimes the practitioner cannot stop the movements and goes into an impaired mental state. It requires external help from an experienced qigong master to get out of this mode.

  7. 1. Dejectedly soliciting intelligentsia,

    2. Discourage people from striving.

    3. Not to value hard to obtained goods,

    4. Prevent people from being thieves.

    5. Not being seen as desirable,

    6. People won't become perturbed.

    7. With the sagacious ruling,

    8. Emptied one's heart,

    9. Solidified one's belly,

    10. Weaken one's volition,

    11. Strengthen one's bones,

    12. Always keeping the people innocent without desire,

    13. Presumptuous people cannot commit their acts.

    14. Trailing to a natural path,

    15. Thus nothing couldn't be handled.

  8. 4 hours ago, awaken said:


    不能這樣說的, 因為太極拳和自發功同樣都是氣功, 是有同樣的効果. 所謂氣功即是練呼吸帶有動作. 練到有素才有氣感而不是一朝一夕便可得來的.


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