-ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ-

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Everything posted by -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ-

  1. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    The first time I tried meditating I felt my LDT area and there was something solid there. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to grow it bigger. I thought I must be some superhuman if I managed to develop a LDT so quickly. After I went to the toilet I felt my LDT again and to my surprise it was gone. I learned an important lesson that day, don’t be so sure about things, you might be full of shit!
  2. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    Just need to add copper wire coming out of their ass into a flower pot and it will be 100% accurate! With scientists and recording equipment on standby of course.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    They said my vision would be -1.25 at best but most likely around -2.00. Basically at the stage where you can’t read the eye chart at all in an opticians office. Here are some examples: -2.00, the predicted outcome: -1.25, the maximum result the surgery should have given me: 0.0, completly normal vision:
  4. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    Good for them. They are also Western. Indonesians wouldn’t care so much about knowing every single name a person has. Not knowing his last name or Chinese name does not mean they do not personally know him or that they never studied under him.
  5. Neigong on History Channel

    I thought that might be the case when I heard them say South America!
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Just wanted to share this! For most of my life I’ve had bad eyesight, and was virtually blind when not wearing glasses and decided to get laser surgery to fix my eyes. My prescription was -11.25 in both eyes when I went for the preliminary check up, and the doctor told me that the surgery will only fix my eyesight by 10 so the final result would be -1.25 at best but most likely around -2. She gave me glasses with that prescription to see how my eyesight would look like after the surgery and it was pretty good, except I wouldn’t be able to read long distances. It wasn’t able to read the eye chart from the chair in the opticians office, the writing was blurry. But it seemed good enough for me, my eyesight in general would be fine for everyday life and having a pair of glasses in pocket for long distance reading is a small price to pay. For the last 6 weeks I have been practicing FPCK every day, usually from 1 to 3 hours, but for the week of my surgery I did FPCK every morning when I woke up for an hour followed by 10 minutes of stillness, then 10 minutes of waigong after breakfast, 10 minutes of neigong after lunch and then 10 minutes of stillness between dinner and sleep. Yesterday I had the surgery and when I got home I carried on with my schedule of 10 mins stillness at night, then today I did the usual hour of FPCK then stillness, then waigong later on before going for my post operation check up. When it came time to test my vision with the eye chart, the doctor was visibly shocked when I could see the large letter “E” on the eye chart, since it was predicted that I wouldn’t be able to see it that well after surgery. We carried on and she was getting more and more shocked as the letters became smaller, and eventually I could read up to the level of someone with perfect vision! They did more tests on my eyes and found that my left eye now has a prescription of 0 (meaning perfect vision) and my right eye now has a prescription of -0.75! It’s already rare enough for a prescription to improve beyond a value of 10 and even rarer for it to be this good less than 24 hours after the surgery. I believe that this improvement was only possible due to practicing qigong, waigong, neigong and stillness. I can’t pinpoint exactly which ones worked the best for my eyes but it doesn’t matter, I’m sure they all played a part. Now the next step is to see if my right eye improves from -0.75 to 0 when I have my next check up! Here is my before and after prescription.
  7. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    And you are missing my point. In Indonesia if someone introduces themselves to you as Pak John, then you only refer to them as Pak John. Sometimes people even give their nickname to you during introductions, you might never know their real name unless you see their driving license or passport. It doesn’t matter anyways, that’s the name they told you to use so that’s the name you use. There is no need to find out their last name because it’s not important over there. People aren’t categorised into first name and last name like in the west. I would believe someone from Indonesia who only knew him as Pak John over someone from the West who is obsessed about his true last name, something that can easily be googled nowadays. Either way we are having a pointless conversation because the chance of anyone from outside Indonesia learning Mo Pai in Java is basically zero. Not worth the risk of wasting your time and money. Also it’s extremely disrespectful to even try and join after they’ve repeatedly said that the lineage is closed to foreigners. But just like the concept of last names not being important, respect is also something lost in translation from East to West. Leave them in peace and learn from a lineage that will gladly accept you.
  8. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    Well if you knew Indonesia at all (Java specifically) you would know that it’s common for many people to only have one name, unlike in the West where people have first and last names (middle names as well). There are many valid reasons why his students might not have known his last name. They might not have been told or it might not have come up in conversation. The thought to ask might not even have come up for his students because the majority of people they know don’t have a last name. Not everyone is the same as you. Anyway let’s say @James22 is “pure blood Chinese” (which doesn’t mean much because China is a huge country with many ethnic groups), does he speak Indonesian or whatever Chinese dialect they speak in the school? (It most likely be Hokkien, Hakka or other regional dialects instead of Mandarin). Outsider means outsider, doesn’t matter if you look the same if you are removed from the local context and language. You still aren’t one of them. I would rather advise people to not potentially waste their valuable time and money when there are more viable and realistic options available.
  9. Neigong on History Channel

    “Ancient Alien Carvings and Bigfoot 'Shrooms” The Proof Is Out There: Season 2, Episode 28 I can’t find anywhere to watch online though, only if you are subscribed to the History Channel.
  10. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    I wouldn’t encourage people to go really, they’ve been clear about not accepting outsiders. You could be ethnically Chinese but still be as western in mindset and lifestyle as Jim, Kosta and all the others who have gone to seek Pak John. Better to find a lineage that will be open to you. Anyway it’s all up to @James22. We can only give suggestions from our own experiences. He’s free to join or try to join whatever lineage he wants.
  11. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    Well now you have three months to save up for the next one!
  12. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    The best thing you can do is find a teacher
  13. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    Don’t even waste your time travelling. They won’t accept outsiders. @James22 you have to ask yourself what do you want to gain from learning Mo Pai? Is it being able to set things on fire? Is it being able to emit chi like an electric shock to heal people? If you do enough research you will find that those skills can be learned from other traditions, not just Mo Pai and they are available for anyone around the world to learn. Like Sifu Jiang Feng (who is not Mo Pai) for example: We even have a member here who has learned under Sifu Jiang and are giving lessons.
  14. mopaineikung.com is it legit?

    No. If you want to learn real Mo Pai you have to go to Java. You also have to be Chinese Indonesian. They don't accept outsiders anymore.
  15. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

  16. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    Thanks for the updates guys! Really looking forward to the seminar tomorrow, I wish I found out about it months ago but better late than never! Stay safe @小梦想, I hope things aren't too bad in your immediate area.
  17. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Now we are asking the real questions!
  18. @Indiken I think by “spontaneous” they mean giving up your seat without any intentions of looking good, feeling good, gaining merit etc, just doing it. Not “spontaneous” as in any random action.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    So I’m currently reading Opening the Dragon Gate, and I’m at the part where Wang Liping visits Mount Emei (chapter 13). In a cave at the top of the mountain he meets the Cloud Roaming Wayfarer who was 118 years old at the time and described as “an aged man with the face of a child and dark hair”. Interesting to see the results of FPCK confirmed by Wang Liping!
  20. What exactly is stored in the LDT?

    Sorry for the complete noob question but does ATP means adenosine triphosphate? Is this info below about it correct?
  21. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Thanks guys!
  22. So, it seems that scientists have now proven that it’s possible to communicate with people during lucid dream states. Interesting to see how this develops and what other discoveries are made. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4admym/scientists-achieve-real-time-communication-with-lucid-dreamers-in-breakthrough?utm_source=vice_facebook&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR3eRo5PmYMld_WBX7wjcsLvZvJ-Ajc846ZxRCBHdb9i27Ho5T_6f_YPsH8
  23. teacher/direction

    First I would say you need to figure out what you want to gain from practice. Then look for a lineage or teacher that will give you the results you want. Then to really narrow it down you can talk to the students on this site who are currently learning from these teachers to get their advice and experiences to see if that path is the right one for you. This site is a goldmine of information but you have to sift through the river to get the nuggets that work for you. It can be overwhelming so you have to really narrow down what you want to do. If you tell us what your goals are we can help direct you to the relevant people. Personally my research on this site has led me to realise I want to get health benefits and also be able to heal myself and others, so this led me to Flying Phoenix Chi Kung by Sifu Terry Dunn and also Authentic Neigong by Rudi. You can check out info about it in these links:
  24. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Could I have a PPD please?
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Week 3 Observations Starting to see blue aura around fingers, feeling like I’m holding and pressing against a balloon between my hands during MGM, feels like my field of view is getting wider (15 mins) First time seeing FPCK sky blue colour during BTB (25 mins) Energy radiating from upper back and electric feeling in laogong during MHPeach (15 mins) Sometimes wind in ears and legs shaking during SMWU3 Sometimes intense tongue spasms in MSW3 More FPCK sky blue colour when eyes are closed during practice Stronger electric feeling in laogong throughout the day Bags under eyes almost completely gone Blue colour starting to guide and show me how fast to do movements during practice Sometimes see world through “blue filter” when finishing meditation When I do MGM outside I can see bright particles flying around in between my hands Pulsing sensation like a heartbeat felt in LDT during MHPearl supine No more high pitched sound, only cricket/cicada sound Hearing has gotten better. I can hear chickens somewhere in the neighbourhood at 4:30am, sometimes keeps me up at night! Hands sometimes glow when I bring them near closed eyes during practice Sometimes my body aches in the area I had a shingles outbreak Scars on my palms seem to be disappearing, but need to keep an eye on it and compare over time to confirm I had the first nightmare since starting FPCK. I was working in a kitchen with a lot of live crabs and one escaped into the garden. When I went to get it back the crab chased me around then went to get its friends to chase me around. I don’t have a fear of crabs, but I was scared of getting pinched! Normally when I experience fear in dreams/nightmares I wake up when confronted with monsters/demons/ghosts/possessed people. However this time instead of waking up I found a shovel in my dream and managed to whack the crabs. It was the first time in a dream/nightmare where I was able to confront and successfully deal with something that was chasing me. Dreams are becoming like lessons. In one dream I was a drunk Marlon Brando during filming on set who couldn’t do what the director wanted, in another dream I had to sacrifice myself to vampires to save my friends who were running away. Got drunk then meditated, ended up levitating into traffic I had my first dream about FPCK where I was in a public park and wanted to heal a dog’s foot but was too self conscious and shy to do FPCK in public. I had a nightmare that woke me up. I was in my room in an apartment and this kid from the building next door came in, I remember him being Indian. I ignored them because somehow I knew something bad was going to happen to them that day and I shouldn’t interfere and just let nature take it’s course. Then I started writing some words on a piece of paper with watercolour brush while they left. I forgot what words or phrase in English it was but the first letter was S. For some reason I wrote the S last and made it much bigger than the other letters. I made a mistake and had to keep going over it. In the end it somehow looked like Chinese calligraphy and when I finished I heard kids screaming from the street outside. I then thought I should have done something to keep that neighbours kid from leaving so I could have prevented this from happening. I looked out the window and the kid’s spirit was flying up the side of the building, but he was much lighter complexion and had blonde hair. I screamed in my dream then woke up freezing cold and shivering, while exhaling so loud and heavily. I could also feel some energy moving around my back. It happened around 6:30am.