-ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ-

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About -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ-

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    Pak Satrio

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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Let the energy go where it wants BUT keep holding the mudra and arms the same as much as possible, while also keeping your feet in the same position. It’s been a while since I had significant spontaneous movement now that you’ve reminded me, but for a time I had a lot of it. Wait until you try Monk Hold Peach, it will be a rollercoaster compared to Monk Holds Pearl! As always, wait for Sifu Terry’s response to be sure.
  2. Hi

    Unfortunately even if the information is correct and the practices are legitimate, you can still do harm to yourself if you do them before your body is ready, or overdo them.
  3. Hi

    What if the information in the book is incorrect and harmful?
  4. Free energy transmission and UDT meditation

    This is not Daoist, please post in the relevant section
  5. Hello to Ya’ll

  6. Hi

  7. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    Authentic neigong is worth doing. You don’t need to do any martial arts before starting it, and don’t need to worry about balance.
  8. I'm excited. I am now going to start my Qi Gong practice.

    Yes, the most important thing to do before learning qigong is to learn proper abdominal breathing.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I think this is a good idea! I can help you get it started if you like
  10. I'm excited. I am now going to start my Qi Gong practice.

    Unfortunately us Asians are a minority on this site, bro! Where are you from? I can’t say much about Shifu Yan Lei as I don’t know him or what he teaches. I’m doing Flying Phoenix qigong and Tan Tao Pai qigong from Sifu Terry as my main qigong practices. Let us know how it is though.
  11. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    How about we make this very simple. Is eating tea leaves the same as boiling tea in water and then drinking it?
  12. TCM Herbs - Why make a tea?

    Adding heat or boiling a substance changes, activates or releases different properties. Some things are better raw, some cooked, depends on the substance and purpose of taking it. Best to just follow the recipe.
  13. Indonesian systems?

    Yes, tenaga dalam, ilmu kebatinan and pencak silat. Search for Sheikh Muhammad or Pak Muhammad on this site to find one of the famous masters.
  14. Feedback about 小梦想's neigong seminar?

    Hi Jon, Eventually you will be able to faqi by yourself if you get that far. It’s dangerous when you first learn to faqi because you don’t only need to learn how to emit qi, but how to stop emitting qi. So as a safety measure some teachers will not let students faqi without them until they feel they can do it unsupervised. To use faqi for healing you will of course need to learn about TCM theory such as meridians, acupuncture etc. It doesn’t mean you have to have a previous medical background before taking the seminar, but you will have to learn TCM and medical knowledge to be able to properly heal with faqi. For your final question, if you don’t use this for faqi, you can use the qi gained from cultivation to go deeper into meditation, turn it into shen, or simply use the qi in qigong to keep yourself very healthy.
  15. Rapidly cleansing ones energy Or Rapidly Increasing Heavenly Energy

    Welcome back @Shadow_self!