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About Lairg

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Did someone tell my children that? They behaved that way quite often
  2. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    The awakening process is progressive. The human awakens to the physical plane and to the emotional plane and to ... Having awakened (become conscious) on a particular plane, the next task is to learn to control the human's body formed from the energy substance of that plane. The next step is to refine that particular body so that it is sensitive to higher energies/light and then align the substances of that body so that the higher light might flow smoothly through it. With some preconditions including karma, proportions of denser substance, and intent, the above work on the physical, emotional and mental bodies qualifies the human for first stage enlightenment Once first stage enlightenment is achieved, the initiate is expected to cooperate with many physical and non-physical beings. Gardening is good practice
  3. I was taught by a dowser to stir my drinking water clockwise then anticlockwise for a bit longer. It seems that the DNA molecule with its two spirals (in the common depiction) has a clockwise stream from spirit to matter and an anticlockwise stream from matter to spirit. Hence stirring the water a bit more anticlockwise Thus the Freemasons traditionally perambulate clockwise to bring spirit down to matter in their temples (for the good of all) while Wiccans (from what I have seen) perambulate anticlockwise to raise their own consciousnesses.
  4. My own perception is that Adepts are very careful about with whom they associate. When another is allowed on-going contact with the light-body of an Adept, the poor Adept is continuously subject to the emotional and mental turmoil of the accepted disciple. Better to be too cautious than too welcoming?
  5. Transmission Outside of Scripture

    It seems we are somewhat in agreement. I wonder whether awareness is unified in the cosmos. Or can an individual have its own awareness? What is the means of propagation of awareness?
  6. My limited observation of Adepts is that they learn by working - not from classes. Learning by doing is central once the human learns to control the lowest 4 planes of its light-body. The (now ex-human but usually still incarnated) Adept has much to do in the cosmos - cooperating with specialized beings - assisting in the unfolding of the structure and purpose of this galaxy. The Adept attracts supporting spirits that prompt and facilitate as required - while the Adept extends cosmic Intent and finds roles and relationships in the universe. The light-body of the Adept is progressively upgraded allowing wide-band connectivity with universal spirits Thus the nature of Reality continues to unfold as the Adept takes operational and directional roles beyond this cluster of universes. Who can test such a proposition? Perhaps voting would be easier.
  7. I recall long ago living in a spiritual community that often I could remember nothing from the previous week. My consciousness and awareness were changing quickly It seemed to me that the brain memories were being stored using the consciousness of that day. A week later with a different consciousness it was difficult to decode the brain memories. Are recent memories being stored in the brain - perhaps until processed by the mind for long term storage? Amongst old people it is common they remember events of their youth quite clearly - but not what happened last week
  8. I have observed severe forgetfulness in quite a few cases. The mind connects to the brain through an interface that looks a bit like honeycomb. Various issues can cause the interface to be loosened from the mind energy field or from the brain structure or from both. Dementia seems to be exactly that process. Some autism cases are similar. Physical causes include brain impacts and toxins. Where the human repeatedly rejects its state/functionality, the elemental intelligences of the physical body may act upon that instruction. Be careful what you wish for.
  9. In the Hindu tradition we find The Five Electricities. If I cannot find them present, then the proposition/dream/vision/video is not real. The Five Electricities provide life force to Existence
  10. Transmission Outside of Scripture

    There is a proposition that consciousness requires a material vehicle (e.g. brain) so that consciousness is an interaction of spirit and matter. What happens when the spirit is not attached to a physical vehicle? Perhaps that is the state of awareness - not restricted by the need for a nearby physical body I have often become conscious of a sound/sensation that was already in the back of my awareness for quite a while.
  11. Truth Of Casual Sex

    When I was young I tested stories against my existing beliefs. These days I prefer to test stories by experiment.
  12. Truth Of Casual Sex

    My friend was very surprised at the pregnancy. Said it had never happened during bleeding. I offered her a modest regular payment for upkeep of the child - but she chose termination as for her to have a child unmarried would reduce her social ranking. Recall the words about dynastic reasons while she was being impregnated Ask your heart. The heart, in a standard human who is not too contaminated, anchors profound Light. That Light provides life force to the human and carries relevant aspects of the Intent of The Source of All. Suffering is like being thrown in the deep end of the pool. The process accelerates acquiring competency. Those that fail get reincarnated for another go. There is an urgency in training Earth humans for their cosmic tasks. Liberation is only from Earth training. Real-time learning continues beyond this cluster of universes Currently 53 nations have signed the ethical standards for managing this solar system. Earth humans are approaching their cosmic responsibilities. To be responsible is to be response-able. Much training and development are required.
  13. Truth Of Casual Sex

    Hopefully clean in all ways. Still there are always bigger pictures. I met a woman that had been my wife perhaps 20 000 years ago. We got on well and had unprotected sex during her period. As we were doing that, the words came into my head: This is for dynastic reasons! And she became pregnant despite the menses bleeding. I returned to own country and she had an abortion. She was aware that the soul moved into one of her female relatives who had a son not long after. My "wife" occasionally wrote to me about "our son". When he was in his teens, he got into drugs and died in his 20s. It looks like the dynastic reasons were not fulfilled.
  14. Truth Of Casual Sex

    Once a woman came to me complaining of possession. She knew exactly when the possessing entity took hold of her. It was during casual sex Such entities often spawn during human sex. Hence one of the few contagious crimes is child abuse
  15. A few hours ago a visitor was driving out of the property but stopped and rolled down the window. She said: When I thought of (friend she was going to see) the energy line from Sirius was disturbed. So I had her visualize the friend against her solar plexus and immediately she saw his interference with her emotional energies. Dharma requires close attention