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About Lairg

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Help with Kidney issues

    Are you a hard master? Is it easy for you to visualize a dark cloud behind the small of your back? Such a cloud is not good for the kidneys
  2. Long ago I had a dream that helped me distinguish the absolute from manifested existence - by observation. By absolute I mean what is - before and after the transience of universes and species It is common for humans to anchor a thread of the absolute.
  3. It was invented by Jews

    A good question. Experiments can be positive, negative or indeterminate. A succession of positive experiments, particularly done with a witness, may encourage the view that a new conceptual framework would be more useful than the previous framework The first issue is developing perceptual skills. In the West we are taught that we have 5 senses, but obviously there are many more - for example sense of hope, sense of justice, sense of balance, common sense, sense of joy, sense of time, etc. Indeed on every plane of existence it is possible to develop a wide range of senses, depending upon the quantity, quality and organization of the light-body substances of the human So as those senses are developed it is possible to do experiments on those planes. Here is a simple experiment: - Speak out loud a statement you know to be true - Speak out loud a statement you know to be false Can you detect a difference in the sense of solidity? There is a subtlety in that experiment. The term "true" requires a reference. A wall is true to a plumbline - but if gravity is disturbed in the locality, another reference is required. So now the testing is really about what is true to what.
  4. It was invented by Jews

    You may have misread my post. I was referring to older souls, some of which are reborn in particular bloodlines. If you read between the lines you may have detected that the older souls are not necessarily adapting easily to the current objectives of this solar system. Look around. And I see that voting is the way to deal with cosmic realities. Such is life!
  5. It was invented by Jews

    There is an account that there was a previous version of this solar system - as the body of incarnation for a profound spirit. In that previous incarnation the over-lighting spirit was said to be learning about intelligence and energy. That focus meant that the human souls formed at that stage had their spiritual practices focused on intelligent energy. In this second version of the solar system the over-lighting spirit is learning right relationship. That spirit is now often referred to by humans as a god of love. Most of the human souls formed in the first solar system were brought over to continue their development. Those souls are often reborn in Jewish and Han bloodlines - and have a head start in science and performing arts. The group of human souls formed in this version of the solar system are learning right relationship - and finding it hard work. Still, there is increasing recognition of human responsibilities for the planetary ecosystems. Hopefully that recognition will extend to include other humans as well Most of the human souls from the first version of the solar system have moved on to the new lessons. A few even try learning what is required for the third solar system: right intent Who can test such propositions? Easier to take vote!
  6. If I recall correctly in one version Michael tamed the dragon and led it through the marketplace. I wonder if the dragon symbolizes the human persona - that needs to be trained before it is taken out in public
  7. Help with Kidney issues

    The physical body is a group intelligence. It certainly does not operate well when its owner loathes it The question is the source of the self-loathing. For example some humans learn from experience and move on without self-condemnation It is common for humans to be targeted by adverse intelligences including other humans. Is it easy for you to visualize a dark cloud behind the small of your back? Why do you put up with it?
  8. Help with Kidney issues

    The physical plane and the physical body are effects and not causes. If your beliefs allow it is useful to consider the energy flows of relationships - both internal and external For example, how many humans are taught to love themselves? How well does a physical body that is not loved operate?
  9. Experiments without an objective observer can be unreliable. Often experiences are conditioned/filtered by beliefs and other interferences. The human that cannot control its thoughts is particularly susceptible to illusory experiences It is certainly possible to experience pure awareness - but I am not sure that is the end point for the human. My observation of active humans is that they are parts of bigger processes and are required to take their places in the unfoldment of the Oneness. In other words: pure awareness is the entry price to conscious cooperation with the Intent of the Oneness.
  10. What sort of experiment would you use to test that hypothesis?
  11. Transmission Outside of Scripture

    Does the human that knows rather than believes, then manifest/acquire additional functions and obligations?
  12. We are surrounded by Qi and the multitudes of non-physical entities that live in the Qi. The entities can add to or subtract from our stored Qi. Thus relationships with the entities may be more important than our personal store of Qi My own experience of increased abilities is that often they result directly/immediately from friendly entities contributing specialized substance to my light-body On other occasions such entities may point out that I can already do something - so I just do it. Of course the friendly entities are only intervening when they think I can do something that is useful in the Oneness Unfriendly entities may put fancy wrappers on their offerings. Fortunately my sense of smell is improving.
  13. My observations of the dynamic flows within Oneness differ greatly from yours
  14. Transmission Outside of Scripture

    Explanations without confirmatory experiments are explaining away. Explaining away is very popular but does not develop the human race If the human race is purely decorative then explaining away is probably an efficient process