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Everything posted by Lairg

  1. Chronic Pain

    Western medicine tends to managing symptoms rather than dealing with causes. Side effects are added to the problem. TCM is better at dealing with life force issues. Some causes come from outside the human - for example family karma
  2. Chronic Pain

    Check for astral entities feeding off your abdominal energies
  3. Qigong and astral travel

    Most accounts of "astral projection" that I read are of an etheric experience of the physical world. Astral means "of the stars". And there are parallel timelines.
  4. Qigong and astral travel

    Who can distinguish etheric travel from astral travel?
  5. Qigong and astral travel

    The astral plane, in the western esoteric tradition, is the plane of glamour - while the (lower) mental plane is the plane of illusion. Thus the magus wishes to rise above both
  6. The Kabbalah is a semi-religious construct derived from the Sumerian traditions of Abraham. Mystical experiences are combined with prehuman spiritual science and modified to suit the priests. The geometry of the Tree of Life fits on to the Ancient of Ancients as well as on to Earth humans. That geometry is arguably the most important aspect of the Kabbalah. The ToL also fits on to the energy structure of this planet and its land masses
  7. Very dry eyes

    I used to get dry eyes in wifi environments. These days I protect myself
  8. Healing the wounded child within

    Observation is useful
  9. Healing the wounded child within

    It looks primarily to be group karma
  10. Healing the wounded child within

    Arguably the various inner children are the intelligences - that when unhappy do not do well. Being accident-prone is an example. The relevant intelligences are those that manage the sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra and the lower mental chakra. These intelligences respond quickly to love - but our society rarely teaches how to love oneself
  11. When breathing in, draw Chi into the kidneys and leave it there on the out-breath. Also the Earth Mother can provide body warmth on request
  12. The Grades of Initiation

    I have read various OTO biographies. All those I read seemed to me to be tragedies
  13. Many years ago I used to do a Hindu breathing exercise - through alternate nostrils, timed by heart beats. I was pretty good at it until one day my body refused to do it. So I stopped trying. A couple of weeks later an old lady came over to me and told me that I had damaged my body. I never used that sort exercise again.
  14. The Grades of Initiation

    Are magicians exempt from personal and group karma? I have had personal experience of group karma - for example, I had a strange injury when with a group and the guy that invited me had an almost identical injury to the same foot 2 weeks later. These days I am careful about mixing with groups with heavy karma
  15. The Grades of Initiation

    Logic without experiment often seems to lead astray.
  16. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    What is the relationship between imagination, visualization, and clairvoyance? A simple test for imagination is: in your imagination were some things/beings not as you expected? For example, some humans when they look at themselves outside the galaxy are rather revolted by seeing themself as an insectoid
  17. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    "all" is a very strong word. Many entities may appear in human form. The test I gave is about freedom of access rather than the origin of the Divine Light that enters the heads of most humans
  18. Tapping the meridians of the body

    Be aware of your body feeling when tapping. The feeling will change when it is tapped out. And the tapping ought to provide a slight sense of uplift in the body. If not, tap elsewhere
  19. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    There is a simple test. Step outside yourself and look back at your light body. Now push the light body progressively out of the Earth's atmosphere, then out of the solar system, then out of the galaxy, then out of the universe. Genuine humans have trouble pushing their light body outside this planet
  20. If doctors cannot find a cause, perhaps the cause(s) are not physical
  21. It looks like strong flow of group/family karma. Chinese herbalist can help the organs cope. Increasing the flow of Light from the center of the Universe is probably best. Also, as she becomes more pure in heart, the flow of group karma can be diverted. Group karma follows lines of least resistance.
  22. It may be that the mind is a complex sense organ - that can be used for awareness of and interaction with entities operating on the mental plane. Mind can also transmit spiritual intent into mental and lower planes - in which mode, one pointedness is critical.
  23. The Grades of Initiation

    Quite so. It is more correct to say that emotional pain is experienced in the solar plexus and important pain in the heart, while grief is commonly stored as a blue-grey cloud in the lungs. I was at lunch with a group today and an older man was unable to smile for the photos. I could see that he was struggling with solar plexus difficulties and it seemed to be connected with his father. Later his friend told me that he had had a difficult relationship with his father. He has only modest grief energy in the lungs but seems still grieving emotionally every time I see him.
  24. The Grades of Initiation

    I have experienced two sorrows. Mostly they were felt in the solar plexus. But when I was caught between two women I felt the pain of one in my heart. Eventually I understood that solar plexus (emotional) sorrow is of the personality - while heart sorrow is because something is going wrong at soul level. These days I take little notice of emotional sorrow Light from the heart can heal both
  25. Ancient Masters

    They have some useful material posted in their library but: - genuine masters very rarely admit their status and then only to their most senior disciples. A classic response to a status question is: I am an initiate of a certain degree. - the "ethical" requirement for not re-teaching the material is questionable. Usually the junior initiate is cultivating others in his/her community and deciding what and when to teach. So I have question marks about the ultimate motivation of the course