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Everything posted by Lairg

  1. Vegetarianism

    It may depend on the individual. For example my genetics do not deal with with high levels of iron so not eating meat is better for me. My ex had low levels of iron and eventually started to eat meat again. Of course eating meat from terrified animals may generate a variety of health-related issues
  2. Self-healing is much superior as it requires that the causes of the problem have been dealt with. Healing others is usually temporary/partial unless the unwhole person has already dealt with the causes. Causes/mechanisms often include self-belief, guilt, relationships, family karma, taught behavior, adverse energies/location/activities...
  3. The Grades of Initiation

    Being a son of God I expect to inherit part of the family business. I am required to develop Will
  4. Intrusive Thoughts vs Qigong

    The intrusive thoughts come from somewhere. If the thoughts are in a regular pattern/direction (e.g. like/dislike some entity/practice/belief) then it is likely there is an intelligence directing them. Why would that intelligence target that human? What is the objective. How many other ways does that intelligence target the human? I once passed by a wedding group belonging to a church I thought dubious. All of the adult males had a dark entity sitting on their heads with lines into their brains. The women and children generally had an entity feeding off the front of their hearts
  5. Emotions are the path

    Better to love the part that is suffering
  6. The subconscious can be usefully separated into: - physical/etheric - emotional - mental. Each part of the subconscious has its own separate intelligence - but trauma can fragment that into several uncoordinated intelligences. There are also superconscious intelligences including heart and will/atma. Trauma can be resolved by the human giving love to the damaged parts. As the human lifts its life focus to more refined energy levels the energies that contain the traumas are progressively discarded. The refining human grows out of the trauma. Refinement progressively results in the discharging of adverse and parasitic entities. Developing right relationships, internally and externally, qualifies the human for the discharge of personal and group karma
  7. In my observation of various meditators, it is heart light that builds the DTs. Mental light may or may not be useful depending on the mental state.
  8. the spectrum of silence (& space/time)

    It may be that the English language lacks the word-concepts to reflect accurately the nature of Reality. As well, the denser levels of the mental plane are not sufficiently fluid to express more subtle constructs.
  9. The mental world has a limited reality that allows experimentation A simple method is to generate energy fields intending them to relate to particular suspected realities and do experiments. For example if there is a particular female of interest, visualize the female then visualize the words "likes me" and push the words close to the visualized figure. If the words resonate with the figure they will interact strongly. You can do that while a friend does the same and compare what is seen. A dream interpretation can be tested by going back into the dream scene and doing experiments. There are many types of experiment to test what is true to what
  10. the spectrum of silence (& space/time)

    Absolute meaning unchanging. That might be a human perspective - the human unable to see enough to distinguish change All is a more appropriate concept Why "holy"? Are there aspects of God that are not holy?
  11. the spectrum of silence (& space/time)

    My own perception is that as I extend my awareness up to new subplanes, initially they are silent but progressively I develop sense organs on those frequencies and start to see, hear, smell and feel
  12. Dealing with the dark side

    In my observation, the standard human is never separate from The Source of All, even if that presence is very slight. The Source of All is - regardless of whether any universes/humans have yet been manifested. In one account there is the distinction between being and becoming. The manifested human is becoming while the beingness is always present in the human even if not recognised. Not all human forms contain beingness. An obvious sign of that is the absence of the deva managing the higher mental body. Severe autism and dementia are common these days.
  13. Dealing with the dark side

    Is it more correct to say: never left it?
  14. Emotions are the path

    You may experiment on whomever you wish. Just be careful to be polite. Reversing energy flows is a standard defence - usually non-karmic.
  15. Emotions are the path

    Since most of the human is not physical there are many experiments possible to test beliefs
  16. Authentic golden body

    It may be worth considering that the "golden body" is the natural product of spiritual refinement. As the human uses more of the higher subplane energies, the denser lower subplane matter is discarded and the energy body becomes more radiant - on each of the planes on which the human is functional. The color indicates the nature of the dominant energies in the lightbody. Thus the diamond light of the Buddha has much more whiteness and brightness than the gold-white light of the Cosmic Christ.
  17. Emotions are the path

    It may be useful to develop experiments to test hypotheses.
  18. Emotions are the path

    You have understood - seen what stands under. There is a foreign intelligence that operates the personal/lower mind body. It has its own agenda: never to be wrong. Sound familiar?
  19. Emotions are the path

    The personal will forces the human to get its act together - to protect the self-esteem of the personal will. It hates to be wrong. As the human approaches first stage enlightenment the personal will is brought under control and moves from defense to creativity - in the cases I have observed
  20. Emotions are the path

    My observation is that there is an intelligence that does the contriving. Don Juan referred to the mind as a foreign installation. In Western traditions that is referenced as The Dweller on the Threshold. In my experience it operates as the will of the personality - to defend itself against both higher and lower energies
  21. Emotions are the path

    So God is in the human. Is the human purposeless? Perhaps made to use up left-overs?
  22. Emotions are the path

    "All" is a very big word. It seems to cover parallel universes and before any universes existed. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be: purposes within the unenlightened personality are usually not what they seem. I observed an obvious exception to my statement the other day. A 3 year old girl was carefully carrying her doll. The purpose seemed clear to me: she was practising to be a mother.
  23. Authentic golden body

    Often I see nature spirits (lesser devas) as having a golden light body - often egg-shaped
  24. Do women provide energy to men? I was in an informal group of neighbors last Friday, having drinks outside. I was speaking with a woman and her husband approached to top up her glass. While doing that he looked at me and spilt white wine on his wife's dress. She was a bit annoyed and was further annoyed when her husband received sympathy from the nearby people. She said: why did he get the sympathy and not me? I replied that women provide particular energies to men and when it is withdrawn, the men find it hard to find alternative sources. She understood.
  25. My own observation is that it is much more common that the sexual partner is carrying astral/etheric parasites that then spawn so that the new partner is also afflicted Spawning is standard in sexual abuse of children so that abused boys often grow up to be abusers also. Is child abuse the only infectious crime? A female friend approached me after sex with a somewhat strange man that I knew. She said she became possessed during sex. The entity would get her to steal (to buy cigarettes for target humans) and then delete her memory of the theft a few minutes later.