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Everything posted by Lairg

  1. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    I usually see moderate karmic energy as an arc of grey to dark energy that extends from the left shoulder outwards and connecting near the left hip. If the karma is strong then it is more extensive even to a sphere covering the body Group and personal karma seem to take the same energy forms. So far I have not been aware of observing good karma - but as I type this I am shown a ball of golden light in the abdomen, and another around the head. Adverse karmic energy fields often attract/contain parasitic entities. Those probably should be seen as secondary.
  2. Deal with parasitic predators early in your process
  3. Decrease sexual energy

    If you want to go in the deep end, every year read "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire". There is always more to learn there as you unfold your functionality.
  4. Emotions are the path

    The other day I was remotely looking at a woman I know well who is struggling with her husband's severe dementia. Her property backs on to a nature reserve and I could see a large cube of light just across from her place - that was probably there for her. So I sent her an email to visualize it, test it for quality and take it if she wanted - with some in-out cycling to be sure it was actually good for her. She had never done that stuff. A couple of days later I noticed the cube was gone. The next time I met her she said she felt much better having absorbed the light and wanted another cube. I noticed that she was bit brighter in her aura. So I asked her local tree spirits for another cube. They took about a week to accumulate the substance: higher emotional, mid-mental, mid-heart - all donations to help her function above her troubles. When the cube was full, I thought of sending her an email, but some part of her picked up my thought and she absorbed the new cube immediately. Next time I saw her, her spiritual authority was manifesting more clearly.
  5. Decrease sexual energy

    The human as you may know is properly made up of a myriad of intelligences including atomic, cellular, organic, elemental, lesser devas, greater devas, and usually includes a variety of predatory intelligences such as succubi. The very substances used by manifested humans are borrowed from greater entities. For example the oxygen being used in the human body is repeatedly cycled through the rest of the planet and its organic structures. There are also the Lords of Karma on various scales including trans-universal. So there are a trillion trillion intelligences within or influencing/claiming aspects of the human system. Even so the typical Earth human likes to think that it is a singular intelligence - and as it happens the non-enlightened human contains a lower mental intelligence that hates to be wrong. It is seen as the personal will. That intelligence does have value as it forces the human persona (mask) to unify/integrate in order to protect the self-esteem of that intelligence. That integration is a precondition for enlightenment. A wide variety of intelligences can trigger sexual activity in humans. Most have non-human agendas. Personal karma is also central to most human sexuality.
  6. Decrease sexual energy

    I suspect that sexual processes are more complicated than that
  7. Emotions are the path

    Technically, enlightenment occurs when bright energy flows easily through the human or other soul-bearing entity. Is that bright energy (light) actually an intelligent entity itself? It certainly appears so to me. Is the light a delusion? Perhaps it is time for a top-down view
  8. Decrease sexual energy

    There are many types of entity that oppress humans. Ignorance is not strength
  9. Decrease sexual energy

    So the obvious alternate hypothesis is the one I suggested that you have one of your succubi back again. How do you discover the presence of a succubus? Do you see/feel it? If you detect one now, push light from your heart to it and require it to depart. If you are not sure it is a succubus, visualize stepping outside your lightbody/aura and look back at your lightbody. Then visualize the word "succubus" and put that word next to your lightbody. What happens to the word?
  10. Location of the middle dantian

    Some people when they close their eyes can inwardly see their dantiens. Perhaps it is worth looking to see where they are.
  11. Decrease sexual energy

    Long ago I went on a course that taught me: Assume means make an ass of u and me How do you test alternate hypotheses?
  12. Decrease sexual energy

    There are non-physical entities that like to feed off human sexual energies. They learn to manage their food sources
  13. Emotions are the path

    I suspect that being happy may occur physically, emotionally and mentally. For example a happy baby is necessarily physically as well as emotionally content. Joy, however, seems to be at soul level (higher mental) and above
  14. Emotions are the path

    That may be a bottom-up view. A top-down view might be that Spirit (like electricity) flows where it can. The task of the human then is refining the personality so that it is transparent and properly aligned to receive as much flow of Spirit as the humanness can survive. I recall a friend telling me he was having a shower when a very strong spiritual energy came upon him. It grew so intense he was afraid it would kill him. So he shouted: Knock it off, guys! And they did.
  15. Emotions are the path

    Can enlightened humans be motivated/guided by thoughts/emotions provided by more profound beings? Perhaps nothing is wasted in this Creation
  16. The Cosmos moves on regardless
  17. Large trees often anchor star light
  18. Different systems have different objectives. And as the planet moves into new astrological signs there are new processes available for soul-bearing species Some lines of teaching focus on intelligence and energy. Others focus on right relationship. There are early signs of teachings that focus on intent but there are few that can cope with such. Thus soul-bearing entities may choose between teachings that are familiar or are relevant to their tasks or seem glamorous.
  20. Each chooses their own path. I wish you well
  21. It is the nature of Reality. For example the 7 subplanes of the physical plane (solids, liquids, gases, 4 etheric ) are actually elemental substances that are naturally intelligent. These elemental substances can cooperate with humans. I used to work as an electrical mechanic and would have trouble with work-hardened copper (pyrotenax). Eventually I discovered that if I altered my consciousness the copper would behave properly for me. Of course it is better lesser intelligences manage such substances for me - thereby releasing my consciousness for higher level functions, such as planning. I used to be a delivery driver at one time with a regular highway segment. I would regularly reach the highway exit with no memory at all of having driven that distance. I was alarmed and started to drive a winding secondary road instead. I never lost awareness on that road. On the highway, being a simple drive, the intelligence of my sacral chakra (LDT) took over, while my mind wandered.
  22. This is a complex topic, as not all those incarnated as humans on/in this planet are from the same stellar source. Thus humans from outside this solar system are usually part of various complexes of lines of Light anchoring in a number of kingdoms of Existence/Creation for particular purposes and following lines of least resistance. For example it is common that tree spirits incarnating as humans to learn voice and intent, will naturally gravitate to landscape-related careers such as forestry. For such recent humans, couple relationships are typically related to origin as well as current learning requirements. Karmic issues are relevant too, particularly concerning kingdom to kingdom karma. It is only recently that the Earth's mineral kingdom has let go of 1.5 billion years of angst. things are divided into,%2C fungi%2C protist and monera. For Earth humans (and some posted to this planet) there is much karma to work through. Typically an Earth human will incarnate as father, husband, son, brother etc to a "soul" that commonly incarnates as female (mother, daughter, wife, etc). By taking as many roles as convenient the pair learn to cohere and eventually to attune to Cosmic Intent as it takes lines of least resistance for which they may qualify. Some pairs are drawn to sites where cosmic meridians anchor on this planet. Volcanic plugs are commonly used as such. Male-female pairing can provide circuits for cosmic energy. This is not necessarily sexual but rather that each can anchor complementary cosmic patterns. In my own case, with my girl friend I visited a site in Glastonbury, UK. On the second visit a strong energy entered, calling itself "the revelation of the word". Afterwards I said to my girl friend: I think we are now married. She agreed. We lasted another 10+ years. It is too early to say if it was a failure. On occasion during sex, a great flow of energy may occur, using the couple to allow star systems to anchor on this planet. This seems rare - at least in my observation. This is a very incomplete account, but dinner is getting cold and I have run out of inspiration;
  23. It is not for me to proclaim status. Those with inner eyes can see me. Those that have learned inner measures can measure me. The five electricities can be useful.
  24. As far as I have seen manifested Existence operates in three phases: - learning to manage energy and intelligence - learning relationships so that the aspects of Existence can fit together to form greater entities/systems - using those greater entities/systems to achieve higher purpose. It seems that this solar system is in the second stage so that right relationship is the primary task. When sufficient species are in right relationship (internally and externally), the collective (solar system) may be strong enough to withstand being used by Divine Intent.