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About GreatAutumn
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Very convenient and not at all suspect.
You payed that to a different electric teacher, did you not? We are debating specifically Rudis Authentic neigong here. And disregarding the fact that guy openly admits to charging from a socket, do you have any evidence that it's not faked except for you getting electrocuted? Did you take any measurement, any infrared videos, anything at all? Did the master strip to show he has nothing on him? Why does one electric qi master charge so little while another charges 100 times more? Doesn't that raise any red flags to you? Did this electric master detect your training with the other electric master? Why doesn't everyone from Rudi's school just go to this other dude that's so much more cheaper? It just raises more red flags and questions as far as I'm concerned You guys keep saying come and see, but it's never shown that going to these guys proves anything at all, you just get a great show, some tcm done on you and you get electrocuted . And less money in your wallet.
This is a false analogy. The dispute here is not whether electricity exists, it's whether the fence can generate electricity on it's own, without being plugged into a generator. And if someone touching the fence can differentiate between a self generating fence and a fence that's plugged into a socket. I know for a fact that a group of users here have asked one of these electrical qi masters for a remunerated private demonstration that would be recorded and measured with scientific equipment and they declined. As far as I understand it the guy is the successor of the first master of this Rudi guy that we're debating here. So things aren't just as straight forward as you make it out to be. But go ahead and prove everybody wrong. Next time you pay to meet them, buy a infrared camera and handheld metal detector and see how that goes, maybe post it on the internet for everyone to see. I even find it quite incredible that out of all these people that appear in the videos and payed so much money for this experience no one even attempted something like this, unless of course it's not really allowed
Maybe you are overly sensitive to a silly joke and are a bit overly defensive about the whole thing. I'm guessing some cognitive dissonance might rear it's ugly head every hear and there. I'm wondering, it's clear these guys make a lot of money with this stuff, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars here. How expensive is a good metal detector and an infrared camera to detect any electronic equipment? Why isn't it standard with these demonstrations since people pay some much money to meet them? Meet the students, pass a metal detector and perform while being recorded by a infrared camera, seems pretty non invasive and much more dignified than getting stripped. Is there a reason why none of the videos I see on that guys youtube has at least such a minimal setup except that they don't want to? Is there any protocol at all that these guys do to confirm this is real other than just electrocuting people?
Luckily enough these people ask for big enough sums of money to "feel their qi" that only people who already believe it's real would ever consider it. Luckily enough it works in their favor. How much did that guy said it cost to do a healing dance with them? 5k? I wonder if for that amount the guy that zapps people goes through at least a metal detector before each session to at least minimize foul play. Otherwise just going there, giving some money, getting a massage(hopefuly not with a happy ending) and maybe getting some electro therapy doesn't really prove anything at all
Well it makes sense to first prove the simple things and if these are indeed proven to be true, then maybe people will start actually looking for the big things. If you guys can't even proove such basic stuff, there is very little sense in talking about other more advanced accomplishments
If you guys link up in order to bring to the world qi disclosure or to debunk the debunkers, that would be a crossover that would make all those superhero movies pale in comparison
Electric eels have specialized organs that can store and release electricity. Humans do not. Literally have a bunch of unaffiliated scientists(lets say a medical doctor and an electrical engineer, with provable credentials) and perform in front of them, preferably while in your underwear(thats totally not gay btw, it's for science) to exclude hidden devices. Using a metal detector would also be advisable. Then take some measurements with an ammeter and voltmeter and call it a day. Yes, something like this can also be faked, but at least it shows a real effort to prove this is real and not just made up. You don't have to go full disclosure and it's really not such a hard feat, I'm sure most scientists would jump at the chance to see and study something like this. It's at most a few hours in an afternoon, it's not some herculean task.
Well, the facts are as follows: -the master used to sell the devices used to fake these "qi" demonstrations -the grandmaster can clearly be seen performing magic tricks in a lot of the videos -affiliated school uses electronic device to charge themselves up -master of the school admits there are ways to charge yourself up from a socket, it's exactly the same as a qi zapp but pinky swears he never did it tho - the name of the school and the lineage is ""secret"" -this is supposedly an ancient secret technique that very few in the world know but they sell it for $50 a month and advertise it on tik-tok. -I assume most of the students can't electrocute anyone, but a few very "special" ones do.(this is a classical one, get some of your guys to be part of the audience to make it look more believable, all the performers do this) -they ask for large sums of money from their students in order to receive "healing" or to "advance their progress" -they claim the most beneficial qi they can give is the one that doesn't give any sensations and keep the electric one just for special occasions -they claim they got qi electricity running through themselves and yet they say they get sick just like everybody else when electricity has been proven to kill viruses and bacteria, so someone actually supercharged should probably never or very rarely get sick https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.13.991067v1.full -You're telling me China has superhuman people that can kill with a touch and they just let them openly teach to anybody this secret knowledge? They were all up in the Falun dafa business but people that can set fire with their qi and electrocute with their bare hands are just allowed to roam the world free while posting their exploits on youtube and tik-tok? "EDuCaTe yOuRsElF sWeAtY" doesn't really cut it as a response, this sounds fishy af and you sound like you're experiencing cognitive dissonance full on as the inconsistencies and "coincidences" keep piling up. Maybe at some point you'll look at all this and stop coming up with excuses for them, because that's what has been happening so far. But that's enough for tonight, or I might get sued for wrong think or get accused of trolling
Oh please, there are thousands that swear by the miracle healers they visit. Personal experiences can easily be manipulated, especially when one really really wants something to be true and when an authority figure is involved. where has he proven himself exactly? Show us the studies, the videos of him under scrutiny, the medical tests done on patients before and after his qi healings.The only thing he has proven is that he outputs youtube videos and that he has a small army of believers around him. This sounds like one of the biggest copes I've read about these things, even bigger then the one written by that Pak guy from before. Humility would be to be open and frank about his limitations, not to add cheap tricks to make himself look better Clearly people do and people should as it's indicative of the general mindset he has. If he thinks a small deception is acceptable, especially when people pay thousands of dollars to meet him, then there's not such a leap in reason to assume he does the same for bigger deceptions. And btw, while we're at it, are you guys gonna sue these guys too, or nah? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq9ID1z_l2U
That option is ignored because it's not part of your school nor is it in any way indicative of whether this system is legit or just a scam. The head of the school asking for large sums of money to ""heal"" or to accelerate the energetic progress of his students is very relevant though. Also, the sufi guy you went to is open about charging himself from a socket if I read some threads here correctly.
Oh, that's just how they start, they degenerate as time passes and as the leader stars to believe his own bullshit. But to each its own I guess, if you guys want to pay that much money to get superpowers, than do it, I'm sure its all real, keep us updated and be sure to post videos of that scientific study that you guys intend to do down the line. Or even better, post it on tik-tok
Now it definitely makes more sense from a business perspective. Make a small community around a bunch stories of superhero powers, make the poor ones pay a monthly fee so you get a decent living doing nothing and make the rich ones fork up 5k for a healing session so they can shoot lightning from their fingertips(no guarantees tho, maybe they're just lazy or something). If 20 people show up at your healing circle you get 100k while if you have 100 students subscribed to your wisdom you get 5k a month. Shoot man, I should start my own cult, this stuffs pretty profitable.
So now you're just dancing around without actually answering, and I'm pretty sure I know why. I'll ask you again, this time without ambiguity: How much do the medical trips to master Zhou cost, like the ones from the videos posted earlier itt? I don't know why you're referencing other masters and not your own, to quote you And how long does it take for your average person of moderate health to be able to start zapping people? And please no vague answer, give me an approximate timeframe in years for how long it usually takes so we can actually calculate the subscription fee for all of it
So I can visit this Rudi guy or this master Zhou, pay 50 euros and I get an electric qi demo? Is that what you're saying, because in that case without any irony, sign me up. I can go get the demo and report back here if I've been swayed by the evidence