
Junior Bum
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About Woodlander

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Walking my path, often alone

    Thank you for this, Earl!
  2. Walking my path, often alone

    Thank you, ilumairen!
  3. Walking my path, often alone

    Hi folks! Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been a long time lurker of various topics here, the most common being ZZ and internal alchemy. I would like to thank so many of you for sharing your thoughts so freely over the years. I can see there are a number of truly developed masters amongst this crowd. At this stage in the game, I do not have a master. I did once. High level tai chi master. The real deal. Rare. Authentic lineage. That path had it's baggage though- power, money, control, ego. (Kind of reminds me of the Sith a bit for those Star Wars fans). It turned me off to the master-student idea. I told myself I would roll solo, "go ronin" so to speak. I know that practice on my own- whether that be ZZ, alchemy, meditation- can only go so far with books, online resources, etc. There is just SO MUCH information out there and many teachers claiming that their way is THE way, that I often throw my hands in the air and tell myself to keep it simple: sit, stand, walk, run, lift, love, share... all with attention, intention, and heart and it will all fall into the place. Not sure if I'm deluding myself. Not sure if I am actually following my formula. Here I am, still searching, or at least looking for help. I guess I would like to find a teacher but it's hard to trust again. So here I am with the lofty yet simple goal of "health, wealth, and longevity" however the details of that go deep. I hope my time here can help me walk the path a bit better than I've been... Thanks for reading!