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Everything posted by SummerBreeze

  1. Hello

    Hello. I was initially drawn to energy work due to health issues that I have to manage on a daily basis. I’m sensitive to energy (including spirits), although I’m open-minded as to what that phenomena could be. I trained as a medium 15 years ago, but had to give it up because I had some unsettling experiences. By “give it up”, I mean that I just ignore it, let it be, and no longer engage. I try to treat it as my own thought projections and dismiss them as such, which they very well could be. I’m trained to Reiki Level 3, but I found it was draining my energy when I channelled healing into people. My teacher told me to visualise a white light around me, but that never worked. Nor did crystals, or anything, really. Shortly after my Reiki Attunements, I began getting sicker more often and picking up on bugs/viruses, as though my immune system had gotten weaker. I’m not sure if it was just coincidence, but a few years after my attunements and giving sessions that made me feel drained afterwards, I eventually gave it up completely. I spent a lot of time experimenting with different forms of protection, blaming myself, using intention to channel Reiki energy instead of using my own energy, but none of it worked. I found the best thing to do was to walk away and leave behind anything that wasn’t working for me after giving it a fair go. As a side note, I know some Reiki practitioners personally who swear by Reiki, so I’m still open to the fact that it could’ve been me doing something incorrect, or having a weak defence system, or something. I’m not knocking the system itself. It just wasn’t working for me personally. After lurking around these forums, I discovered Flying Phoenix Qigong, and how highly many of you speak of it. And wow! Since starting Flying Phoenix, it’s been a consistent daily practice for me. Absolutely beautiful. I always look forward to my practice, and enjoy the rewards it brings. My energy feels “clearer”, clean, light. I see blue or purple flashes of light occasionally, which is interesting. But most importantly, I feel healthier. It’s also removed some physical pains from my neck and my spine feels in better alignment. Over the years I’ve tried a lot, and it would be impossible to describe my entire journey in one post. I’ve also had to let go of a lot. My daily practice is now, simply, Formless Meditation, and Flying Phoenix Qigong. It’s brought me a beautiful amount of peace and I’m cultivating better health, on a gradual basis. In general, I love nature, gardening, growing my own veggies, and I’m a total introvert. I love sitting with a good book and the taste of smooth coffee. I love my solitude, am crap at sports, and much prefer online forums to real life socialising. There’s my little introduction. Looking forward to being a Bum.
  2. Hello

    Thank you ilumairen and Cobie for the warm welcome