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Everything posted by Kojiro

  1. Pangu Shengong

    I don't know about this qigong, but there are several old threads talking about it, I suggest you to use the search option and look it up
  2. Your all time favorite books

    I will let you know if I finally decide to read it By the way, if you are a true ponerologist then I guess you love Dostoievski
  3. Your all time favorite books

    and what about moby dick? nobody has listed it as one of his favourites. Yet some people claim is one of the best books ever written in English, so I am thinking if I should read after finishing Blood Meridian (my current reading). Some opinions on this book? thanks
  4. Your all time favorite books

    @silent thunder come on, it is your turn, give us your list
  5. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    you seem well acquainted with literature and philosophy. May I ask you (i know i repeat myself! he was an important figure in my early 20s) your opinion about Dostoievski? what do you think about him? what are your favourite books? thanks!
  6. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    crime and punishment is considered one of the best novels ever written
  7. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    it is a very good book. russian writers were among my favourites. Dostoievski was my absolute favourite in my 20s, I should read his masterpieces again, I hope I will some day. Have you ever read something from him?
  8. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    did you like war and peace by Tolstoi? i read it years ago and it still is one of my favourite books ever
  9. Your all time favorite books

    do you think it is his best book? people also like the road and no country for old men, among others
  10. Your all time favorite books

    this weekend I am planning to read Cormac for the very first time, I already have Blood meridian ready to be open let's see how it goes, people talk very well of this book. It has been on my wishlist for a long time
  11. Your all time favorite books

    this kind of topic repeats itself again and again. Here comes my list: war and piece, Tolstoy brothers karamazov, Dostoievski a confederecy of dunes, Toole Meditations, Marcus Aurelius Solaris, Lem Republic, Plato Enchiridion, Epictetus Art of war, Sun Tzu Book of five rings, musashi
  12. The Weigh

    why? i don't think so. it can be a light meal if you are ready and strong enough. but of course this needs a lot of time and preparation. it won't happen in two days
  13. The Weigh

    yes, in my case i have transitioned to one meal a day. I have been eating OMAD for the last weeks now, i think it has been more than a month already. It has become a habit, so I am not planning to change it for now. It just that sometimes maybe I am eating too much in this one daily meal, as my body-mind still has a lot of cravings for food. Now my goal is to control these a little bit more and be able to eat a little bit less, as it is not good to eat too much in one go. It won't be easy
  14. that would be very interesting!
  15. One meal a day

    so buddhist monks eat one meal a day, i didn't know this. for lunch at noon i guess, right? around what time? mostly rice?
  16. One meal a day

  17. Fasting

    Feel free to read my thread about fasting: Regarding your specific question about cravings, it must be said that there is no easy way nor shortcut to overcome food cravings or addictions, but fasting can help to strengthen the will, that is for sure. Anyway, it is no magic, and you will need self-discipline and will. Good luck!
  18. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Currently reading Narcissus and Goldmund, by Herman Hesse. A good novel definitely.
  19. and how do you think we can use pain or suffering, which is generally unconscious and involuntary, in a conscious way to improve ourselves and overcome these sufferings and challenges?
  20. Stages of Self Identification

    We are the body, and we are the mind as well, and also this awareness/consciousness if you want. We are very complex beings
  21. Intra ocular pressure

    what can a medical doctor do to fix my eye? absolutely nothing, that would be an utter waste of time. And i don't like to lose my time!
  22. Intra ocular pressure

    I don't know if it is the same, but my right eye is very red as of lately, specially on days when i wake up early. It is quite red to say the truth. Any idea of how to improve this?
  23. How do you stop the leakage?

    my suggestion is that he focuses on trying to stop negative emotions at first, this alone can save a lot of energy for himself and improve the situation.
  24. How do you stop the leakage?

    interesting topic. We have many energy leakeages, surely one important is the overthinking 24/7 from one random thought to another random thought. Things got worse if there are also many negative emotions involved, worries, fears, anger, and the like, as those are even worse and increase the amount of energy wasted for nothing. So at first try maybe to stop these negative emotions and thoughts, it can be a good beginning. Also try not to do useless repetitive movements like when fidgeting or not tensing muscles when not using them