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Everything posted by Kojiro

  1. What is your favourite fruit?

    I see people like mangoes, indeed a delicious fruit! One of my favourites too, together with watermelons, sweet grapes, oranges, etc., etc., etc.,
  2. What is your favourite fruit?

    Interesting, it is good to read a different kind of opinion always, thanks for sharing. Some authors emphasize that fruits are the best food for healing and cleansing the body, that is why some highly toxemic individuals can't eat them. I like the theory that it is the original and natural food of human beings, but I admit it is very controversial and impossible to demonstrate. One strong argument fruitarians always have is that the highest apes, which are the mammals most closely related to us, eat largely fruits. I think it is an argument to bear in mind, as our teeth and digestive organs resembles theirs
  3. Vegetarianism

    From a moral standpoint I also feel vegetarianism is the best option, so as to not kill living beings in order to feed yourself. But from a nutritional point of view, I believe it is not the best option. Human beings can eat all kind of food: grains, veggies, fruits, meat, fish, etc. All this food can be nourishing if eaten properly and in moderation.
  4. A few personalities

    True, but I was talking about life in general
  5. A few personalities

    I want to quote a text from MD John Tilden that I found interesting and related to many things discussed in this forum. He talks about success in life, whatever it means for anyone: ""WHY do some people win and others lose in every game in life? With very few exceptions the winners are those who study, understand and then play the game. Losers are those who trust to luck, or depend on watching the winners and taking advice from them. Those so inclined should know and remember that every individual success is a law unto itself. An imitated success always lacks the personality of the successful. There is as much difference between the successful and their imitators as there is between the animate and the inanimate puppet. Therefore those who would win in making a personal application of the knowledge to be attained in a study of this book, must study it and then apply it." It is good to remember this lesson, because I see that in this forum some people blindly believe and follow this or that guru, whom they invest with some super knowledge, forgetting that a guru or a teacher is only a guide, a little help, and that true success and true knowledge can only come from within, after studying, understanding and practicing for oneself, developing a unique style according to each one.
  6. A few personalities

    The majority of people just follow rules blindlessly. They follow a guru, a doctrine, a practice, a theory, customs or whatever. Only a very small minority create the rules deep inside them.
  7. According to Kant time and space are part of our mental structure through which we perceive and understand the world. They are part of our psique, and it is impossible for us to perceive the external world without time and space.
  8. Awareness can only be a first and basic step towards the goal of self-knowledge and cultivation. The mere sensations that we feel are only brute signs that we need to interpret and understand. This requires knowledge and intelligence, something that goes well beyond all this awareness and mindfulness. Just being aware of our state of being is nothing, a correct interpretation of the way we feel and the proper management of this is still necessary, and this is probably much more difficult and important than just being aware.
  9. Awareness is not enough

    Good question. I guess the master is our rational part, which is conditioned too, while the slave is or should be our emotional part, also conditioned. Like father and son, just they are the same person here (By the way the same can be asked in "know yourself". Who or what knows and who or what is known? Interesting indeed)
  10. Awareness is not enough

    According to Gracian it is necessary to know yourself to master yourself. Knowledge is necessary. Mere empirical awareness without knowledge of yourself is not very useful, you can make mistakes easily...
  11. Awareness is not enough

    Thanks for your posts. I can't write much now, but the main reason I wrote this post was to emphasize the fact that we very often misunderstand our state of being. However it is true that for each of us awareness/consciousness is everything we can perceive, there is nothing for us outside of our awareness, that is correct. But again to understand what we feel can be very difficult, we are doomed to err constantly
  12. Greetings from an ill person

    I am sorry to hear you have this problem, and I hope you can find the way to fix it. But do you think that in this forum you will find the information and tools for that? I don't think so, this is probably not the right place for this kind of health issues.
  13. What are your favorite novels?

    Some of my favourites: 1984 by George Orwell The republic by Plato War and Piece by Tolstoy A confederacy of dunces by Toole
  14. SoTG lineage

    Taking less drugs (medications) can be a good idea too
  15. SoTG lineage

    Honestly I think ZYD resources are not helpful to say the least. Does he really think that chanting to a chinese supernatural being will help these women with their trauma? really? is that serious?
  16. SoTG lineage

    What a madman
  17. SoTG lineage

    Also we had someone here explaining how SOTG had passed away
  18. SoTG lineage

    thanks for posting this. If this is true he is a real madman, be careful with him. Can I ask you if during your time with him you learnt something worth? thanks @ASimpleLeaf
  19. is it like zhan zhuang?
  20. Are there some videos about the practice ?
  21. what is the name of this qi gong for those interested? is there any way to watch how it is and maybe learn it?
  22. SonOfTheGods Has Passed

    Maybe there will be more accessible videos made by him now
  23. SonOfTheGods Has Passed

    What stuff did he achieve? I didn't know him
  24. SonOfTheGods Has Passed

    and how did he die?
  25. SonOfTheGods Has Passed

    I didn't know. He was strong and athletic, I am surprised. How old was he?